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Clickable. How to Set Up a Virtual Private Network. PC World - If you work on the go fairly often, you've probably hopped on a public wireless network at least once or twice. You should have also figured out how to keep your data safe when you're on such a network, by taking precautions such as using your company's virtual private network--if available--or an encrypted Web tunnel such as Hotspot Shield. If you don't have a company VPN and you don't want to deal with Hotspot Shield's banner ads, however, you can still secure your wireless traffic without breaking the bank by setting up your own VPN and gaining a private, encrypted Internet connection free from eavesdroppers.

Tunneling Your Traffic Whether the public wireless network you use is password-protected or pay-per-minute, anyone who connects to the network could spy on your HTTP traffic--restaurant patrons, other people in your airport concourse, or other paying subscribers of a commercial hotspot provider. Easy, Cheap Security via SSH. Shape Collage - Download for Windows. Knife Skills: How to Cut an Onion | Recipes for Everyone. Installation and Eradication. Please read the section below on how to set your browser up to use Proxomitron. Unless you do this, Proxomitron will not be able to filter web pages. System Requirements The Proxomitron was originally developed on a Pentium 120, and will work fine on such a system depending on your connection speed and the number and types of filters you use.

Faster connections (like DSL and Cable) may require more CPU horsepower to filter. Upgrading from a previous versions If you don't want to keep the previous version around, it's safe to simply copy the new files over top of the old (be sure to include the subfolders) . Installation and Eradication None needed really. Unlike many Windows programs which seem to insinuate their way into your system like some parasitic organism, the Proxomitron... copies no files to any folders outside its own,makes no changes to your system registry,and modifies no .ini files. For the plain version just unzip the files wherever you wish. Anyway, here's the deal...

How to get ReTweeted - The Formula. In this post Louise Doherty (@louisedoherty) shares a formula to help you increase the chances of being ReTweeted. Being ‘retweeted’, the word to describe when one of your followers re-post one of your tweets, is a useful way of reaching a greater portion of the Twittersphere than you might otherwise be capable of reaching on your own. Retweeted posts are generally indicated by adding ‘RT @username’ in front of the original tweet. You might want to reach a wider audience for a number of reasons: To ask a question, perhaps for help or opinion (crowdsourcing)To share something prolific, amusing or newsworthyTo promote something (an event, blog post or product)To interact with new people on Twitter (many of my new followers are as a result of being retweeted) Unfortunately, without explicitly asking to be retweeted (which in my opinion always looks a bit desperate) you can’t physically make people retweet you.

I’ve condensed my observations into a formula: