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Organize Address and Phone Numbers--The Idea Room Organization Tips with Clean Mama. I am so excited to kick off our new Idea Room Organizational Tips series with Clean Mama! I always feel the need to clean, organize and de-junk my home during the month of January and Clean Mama is just the person to with the skills and know how to get me headed in the right direction. If you don’t follow her blog get on over there…you don’t know what you are missing. And lucky for you…she is going to be posting here every other Thursday for several weeks helping us get our homes and clutter in tip top shape. But enough from me…here’s Becky aka Clean mama! Hello Idea Room Readers – I’m Becky from the Clean Mama blog and I’m so excited to be here today!

For the first installment of “Organizing Tips”, I’m going to show you how I made my own address and telephone number box – to replace my beloved Rolodex. I love to have numbers and addresses handy in the kitchen by the phone – but I wanted to come up with a cuter way to keep those contacts handy. say goodbye to this little guy folders ★Amy.