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Testing for Joy and Grit? Schools Nationwide Push to Measure Students’ Emotional Skills. Argument still rages about whether schools can or should emphasize these skills.

Testing for Joy and Grit? Schools Nationwide Push to Measure Students’ Emotional Skills

Critics say the approach risks blaming the victim — if only students had more resilience, they could rise above generational poverty and neglected schools — and excuses uninspired teaching by telling students it is on them to develop “zest,” or enthusiasm. Groups that spent decades urging the country toward higher academic standards worry about returning to empty talk of self-esteem, accepting low achievement as long as students feel good. But teaching social-emotional skills is often seen as a way to move away from a narrow focus on test scores, and to consider instead the whole child. It may seem contradictory, then, to test for those skills. In education, however, the adage is “what’s measured gets treasured”; states give schools money to teach the subjects on which they will be judged. OPEN Interactive Feature “You think test scores are easy to game?” Ms. Continue reading the main story. Coaching to Develop Players vs Coaching to Win: Some Examples.

For a coach, the goal, unless you coach both at the elite level and with kids, say, 17 years old or older (e.g. college program or just maybe a HS varsity team) should be to develop players.

Coaching to Develop Players vs Coaching to Win: Some Examples

We want them to be the best player they can be somewhere down the road–when they are 17 or 19, say. Sometimes you can do that and also win a lot of games–but not always. Sometimes there are choices. Sometimes the conflicts between short- and long-term goals might not even be apparent to all coaches, but as an educator and a parent of three soccer players, I see the conflicts emerging all the time, and I think there’s a fair amount choosing to win when they do.

Generally, this is bad for soccer, and if you think I am just talking about recreational players, I beg to differ. Let’s start with this very basic challenge: it’s often hard to do what’s right for kids long term development because of pressure from the one group who should be most supportive of it: parents. Coaching to Develop Players Means:

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Forum. US Handbook. Tower Hill School. Kelly's Sports. Tower Hill School. Today's Events - Tower Hill - HillersSports. Weathervane 4.17.15. It's time to finalize preparations for the annual celebration of our amazing teachers and staff.

Weathervane 4.17.15

During this special week, teachers, coaches, administration, the cafeteria team and all support staff are treated to a dazzling array of baked goods, chair massages, entertainment, a five-star luncheon, exciting raffle prizes and messages of gratitude. We would love for you to take part! You can help by: 1) Volunteering to bake or supply a treat and/or serve our guests on Monday, May 4 at our Confections and Cafe event in the 1919 Auditorium; 2) Volunteering to set-up, clean-up, donate food items, cook, bake, serve and/or staff the luncheon on Wednesday, May 6 in the Music Building; or 3) Donating a gift item or making a monetary donation for our Raffle Gallery.

Please click here to download the donation form. For more information or to volunteer, please click on the links below: We hope you will join in this wonderful Tower Hill community event. Proceeds go to the Class of 2019. 9:05 a.m. Twitter... Instagram. The Rubble. Atlas - System Login. Naviance. The Lit Page March 2015.
