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*** Your net Index *** Directório de Sites * TED. Games. Circles. Books. 51 Percent Of Total Online Traffic is Non-Human. 51 Percent Of Total Online Traffic is Non-Human Incapsula's report finds that 51 percent of traffic to their customers' websites is generated by software, most of which is harmful.

51 Percent Of Total Online Traffic is Non-Human

It probably is no surprise to most that much of online traffic isn't human. Hacker software, spam, or innocuous data collection from search engines all get their slice of the bandwidth pie. But what might surprise you is exactly how much bandwidth is consumed by humans versus non-humans. It's pretty much an even split. Actually, a slight lead goes to the non-human, web-surfing robots.

According to a report by Internet security company Incapsula, 51 percent of total online traffic is non-human. Here’s the breakdown: - 49 percent human traffic, 51 percent non-human traffic The report was based on data compiled from 1,000 of Incapsula customer websites. We always knew it was us against the machines. PORTAL EDUCATIVO REDEM: LA RED EDUCATIVA MUNDIAL.


Ebook. Digitalliteracy. ICT. Aprender. Leitura. Innovation. LearningPlay. Redes. Studies. Curators. Otherpearltrees. Web 2.0. Mundos virtuais. Gurus. Tools. The Gamified Classroom (4) Andrew Proto publicou parte IV (Looking at Busy Work) da sua série de posts The Gamified Classroom.

The Gamified Classroom (4)

Neste post, é apresentada uma estratégia simples de aplicação de Gamification na sala aula, sem recorrer necessariamente a um forte envolvimento tecnológico. A ideia é simples e consiste em associar alguns elementos dos jogos, habitualmente designados por mecânicas de jogos, a tarefas a realizar na sala de aula. As mecânicas usadas são essencialmente pontos e troféus. Estes são representados aqui através de autocolantes (stickers) que o aluno pode obter.

Proto destaca que este tipo de troféus são um motivador extrínseco, logo devem ser usados com cautela. Quanto aos pontos, pretende-se que sejam mais um motivador intrínseco, associando-os a outro tipo de compensações (é dado como exemplo, a troca de pontos por mais tempo de acesso aos computadores da escola ou ser nomeado o estudante da semana). Ver também os outros posts desta série publicados aqui: The Gamified Classroom. CHISPAS TIC Y EDUCACIÓN. Blog Pere Marquès. Sandra Fisher-Martins: The right to understand.


MOBILE LEARNING 21. Books. mLearning Sync - Starting a mLearning Sync Course. Mobile learning: potenciar a aprendizagem de línguas. Ideas. iTunes U and iAuthor may impact mLearning – sooner than you think? iBook, iAuthors and the iTunesU from Apple, a great step towards changing the education system.

iTunes U and iAuthor may impact mLearning – sooner than you think?

For those who underestimated the announcement, this was a huge wake up call! Apple have been busy doing what they do best and that is innovating! Though targeted at schools and colleges and students right now, the impact that this could have on higher education companies, publishers, universities and colleges is mind boggling! In one go, Apple has entered the eBook marketplace (taking on Amazon) in a big way, authoring tool space (Adobe must be really scratching their head with the free iAuthor) and into the realm of online education and learning (traditional companies that service the online colleges and universities and educational institutions as well). It would be interesting to track the share prices of some of the companies that are going to be impacted by the iBook, iAuthor and the iTunes. So, are iBook, iAuthors and the iTunesU all set to make that impact?


Conferences. Mobile learning. My videos.