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Internet. Garter. Ping. Checklist For New WordPress Installation | Weblog Tools Collecti. Moving to WordPress is a really good decision you have already made, however have you made sure to change all the settings for your installation? The WordPress Codex document on Installing WordPress is something you should refer to prior to installation, but there are things you need to do after installing WordPress. Here is a checklist that you can fallback on whenever you install WordPress for the first time or for that matter on a newer blog, the list is not exhaustive, so please feel free to contribute and add things that I may have missed out on.

These are just a few links, however they will go a long way to help you optimize your WordPress setup from day 1, you can also test out these changes on a local installation before you move out to a real blog, here is some help to get WordPress setup on a local environment before you decide to move it to your blog. What else Help? You can find appropriate help when you face problems or require help with getting started with WordPress. 10 awesome .htaccess hacks for WordPress. Warning When editing or modifying the .htaccess file of your WordPress blog, make sure to always have a backup that you can restore in case of something went wrong. 1 – Redirect WordPress RSS feeds to feedburner with .htaccess Which blogger doesn’t use feedburner? Sure, feedburner is a very nice service, allowing you to know how many people suscribed to your rss feeds. . # temp redirect wordpress content feeds to feedburner <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !

Source: How to redirect WordPress rss feeds to feedburner 2 – Remove /category/ from your WordPress url By default, WordPress category permalinks are displayed that way: As you can see, the category in the url is pretty useless. RewriteRule ^category/(.+)$ [R=301,L] Once saved, your categories pages will be displayed like this: Source: How to remove category from your WordPress url. MommyCoddle: how to save money on groceries {acc&#039;d to you} Determine a food budget for each week/month, so you know exactly how much you have to spend. Taking a cue from many of our grandmothers, come up with a meal plan--like Pizza Friday (homemade), eat out Saturday, Grill Sunday (and grill some extras), Monday Soup and Salads (use some of the grill extras), Tuesday Fancy Sandwiches (like clubs and panini), Wednesday Pasta, Thursday Meat and Potatoes. Avoid the processed stuff that we all fall back on (like cereal bars, and packaged snacks) because they cost more money.

Shop when you aren't hungry. Budget for white wine. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::phew! If I've missed a good link, or piece of advice please let me know and I'll add it to this space. Thank you again for the outpouring of long, detailed comments on the original post. I wanted to link to the blogs of each of you that left a comment. Sarah lesley kristin ali courtney bigbucketgirl beth claire amandajean beth rohanknitter amy erika lla mandy paula amy h. jen. Google Chrome: The Power User&#039;s Guide to Google Chrome. SExpand We've got a newer, always up-to-date version here.P Click to view Now that you've been enjoying Google Chrome's headliner features and speed for almost a week now, it's time to dig into the less obvious functionality and options you don't already know about.

Become a keyboard shortcut master, take a peek under the hood, and customize its behavior and skin with some of the best shortcuts, bookmarklets, themes, add-ons, and subtle functionality in Google Chrome.P What, you don't like Google Chrome? Here, have the power user's guide to Firefox 3.P Mousing Around ChromeP Despite its marketing as a minimalistic browser that forgoes all the extras, Chrome's interface actually sports quite a few useful features. Chrome's Keyboard ShortcutsP If you're not much for the mouse, you're in luck: Google Chrome has lots of built-in keyboard shortcuts, many of which mirror Firefox's—so you don't have to retrain your fingers.

Tweak Your OptionsP Set multiple tab as your home page. ThemesP. Windows Tip: How to Declutter Your Windows Context Menu.