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WordPress Plugin: Floatbox Plus > Floatbox, Image, JavaScript. So, es ist soweit. Meine vor kurzem schon angekündigte, angepasste Version von Lightview Plus für den Einsatz mit Floatbox anstelle von Lightview ist fertig. Sie basiert auf der aktuellen Version 2.1.0 von Lightview Plus und bringt ausser dem Austausch von Lightview/Floatbox keine wirklichen Änderungen mit sich (sieht man einmal von den weggelassenen Übersetzungen ab).

Aufgrund der Lizenz von Floatbox (inkompatibel zur GPL), muss auch bei meinem Plugin Floatbox zusätzlich installiert werden (auf meiner ToDo-Liste steht schon der Einbau einer Funktion zum Download/Einbinden von Floatbox direkt im Adminbereich von WordPress). Durch den Einsatz von Floatbox entfällt die Notwendigkeit des Einbindens weiterer JavaScript-Bibliotheken (Prototype + Scriptaculous) im Frontendbereich, was zu weniger Inkompatibilitäten mit anderen Plugins führt (der Grund weshalb ich mir überhaupt die Arbeit mit der Anpassung gemacht habe). Translationsgerman by mebelarusian by Fat Cow. Lolly Knitting Around » Weekend Photography Workshop. It is funny how one hobby can lead to another… and then another. Knitting still reigns supreme, but I have to say that photography and blogging are not far behind.

I so enjoy working with the fibers and the patterns, capturing the textures and rich colors, and then portraying them in this online environment. Each process leads so seamlessly into the next. As an archivist, I get to dabble in museum studies, the theory of space, and object portrayal. At work, we are working on a large scale photography/digitization project, and I was shopping around for some supplies. I came across this great professional photography stand, that is great for object/artifact photography. Looking at this equipment, I realized what an asset this would be for my own personal knitting photography and blogging – but with a $255 price tag, it was a little steep. The Strobist site gives a photographic display of actually cutting your box, so I will not post pictures of that process here. The Importance of Backdrop. FancyBox for WordPress en Moskis. Ver esta página en español Description FancyBox for WordPress is a WP plugin that uses jQuery to display images when clicked, without reloading the page.

It uses FancyBox by Janis Skarnelis. Installation Decompress to your desktop.Upload fancybox-for-wordpressfolder to the plugins directory in your blog’s FTP, like this: the plugin. How to use the plugin Actually you’re done! More info For a changelog, todo list, and more information, go to the plugin page in Images Demo Here’s simple WordPress gallery, no code has been edited, the FancyBox for WordPress looks the code generated by WordPress and figures the rest out based on the options you set in the plugin’s admin page.

Content Demos And here there are a few links featuring other FancyBox uses: Iframe content, Inline content and Ajax calls. This link displays some Ajax data <a class="fancybox" href="../../.. Download. Shutter Reloaded WordPress plugin » LaptopTips. Shutter Reloaded is an image viewer for your website that works similarly to Lightbox, Thickbox, etc. but is lean and mean at only 10KB size. It does not require any external libraries. It has all standard features: resizing large images if the window is too small to display them with option to show the image in full size, unlimited number of image sets, pre-loading of neighbour images for faster display and very good browser compatibility. This plugin also offers customization of colour and opacity settings for the background and colour for the caption, text links (if used) and the image count.

There are options to enable Shutter Reloaded for all links pointing to an image on your site (with option to exclude some pages), or just on selected pages. It can be enabled only for image links with a specific CSS class or by using Lightbox style activation (rell=”lightbox[...]“). It also can “auto-make” sets for each post/page. Demo: Usage: Screenshots: Download: Shutter Reloaded version 2.4.