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Howto. Stores. Patterns. Company. Mn, Counterpane. Badge. Fingerlakes Yarns Home Page. Home. Just call me the. I decided to give my mom membership to a sock yarn club for her birthday this weekend. Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Well. Fishing around for where to join pulled up so many choices that, in the spirit of not wanting anyone else to kill half a day the season, I'll share my catch.In case you want to dip your toes, kitchener'd or otherwise, into the same waters. Options? We got'em. Clubs that close, clubs that have rolling enrollment, clubs with patterns, clubs that include cool indie craft items, clubs that send only handpainted, clubs that are only commercially produced yarn, clubs that let you choose the projects, clubs that offer mixed drinks....oh ,sorry, no margaritas and chips.

Over ThereThanks to Emma for gettng me to think transatlantically! HipKnits in England is the membership my mom received. Its a good thing the Posh Yarn Socks Club is closed for the moment, because six months of a cashmere merino sock project arriving at the door is tempting me out beyond the budget buoys. "Everyone's wearing their scarves like this in France! says my friend...Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but I thought it would be nice to show those of you who aren't familiar with this method, how to tie this 'scarf knot'. (Just for kicks, I thought it worth mentioning that one of my co-workers said she watches international poker and that this one champion from France who is always on the broadcasting, always wears a scarf and has it tied just like this. See? Perhaps it IS true?!) I'm going to attempt to walk you through this; I wish I were better at drawing arrows onto pics and all that, but I'm not.

This looks best with a plain, solid scarf, but you have to admit that Nartian's Chevron looks pretty good like this! 1) Take your long scarf and put it around your neck, leaving a short end ("end A"). 2) Taking the long end ("end B"), wrap the scarf once (completely) around your neck. 3) Take this end ("end B") and bring it (crossing) under the first short end ("end A") and up through the loop (second scarf layer). 4)Voila! Phew! FRICKE ENTERPRISES. Discussion topic - Charging for my knitterly services. Stitchionary: Stitchionary Home. A knit and crochet community.