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- BLOG - COLLABORATION // MEANT TO BE CALLIGRAPHY. Our Tree is Up. We are going with 2D trees this year. For one we don't own a big artificial tree, two we don't have room for a big tree, three Castle will just topple/eat the tree, four we've never had a 2D tree so it would be interesting to give it a try. And where better to put a 2D tree than on our chalkboard wall! There it is, my shamelessly copied Scandinavian Christmas tree. I got the 'idea' when I searched around for inspirations of a good tree to draw, and found this: It's a wall hanging painted on fabric from here.

See, total copy, didn't even try to be different because I love it so much just the way it is. There's also a couple of 2D trees on our wall unit as well. The glossy doors turned out to be a great upgrade decision, because I can use little suction cups on it to hang things. Here's the other little one. I'm pretty happy with the decorating progress so far. Happy Holidays « sundaysuppers. HANDMADE HOLIDAY | WOODLAND WRAPPING NO. 2. I'm back on this Tuesday to share part two of our wrapping afternoon. The first is super easy by using a white pen, marker, pencil, ect. on brown kraft/butcher paper.

Draw whatever you fancy. Use stencils, free-hand or even let the children have a go at it. The second is a bit more advanced but I simply adore the outcome. Early last week I noticed THIS WRAPPING PAPER from Anthro but sadly, it's sold out. Time to improvise! I thought I'd try to make my own with the same kraft/butcher paper I've been using all along. Below is a detailed shot of the ruffles. Enjoy! HANDMADE HOLIDAY | WOODLAND WRAPPING. Last Friday afternoon my sister, mom and I took advantage of a gloomy afternoon to start wrapping the pile of gifts accumulating in my mom's spare bedroom. The wrapping is simple and we used only a small number of materials but I love, love, love concept. My mom has a beautiful collection of old black and white photos from both sets of grandparents that my sister and I drool over every so often.

When is a better time to display them other than Christmas? This Christmas, our gifts will be adorned with a few special photos from the collection to act as part of the gift as well. Because the photos show themselves off, the wrapping is simple. Butcher's paper, twine, a roll of ribbon and evergreens do the trick. Usually this time of year NY is blanketed with snow, but for some reason we have not a drop this season. I snipped a few sprigs from an arborvitae bush, made a paper ring, and hot glued the tine branches to make a mini wreath. *On a side note, sister and I do not wrap our own gifts.