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25 Ways To Cuten Up a Box With a Cat. Cats are cute. Cats in boxes are even cuter. Cats are aware of this fact, and they make the most of it. Here are some notes from an unknown cat on 'cute sleeping in boxes' to make the owner "awwh". Pictures included. Complicate your positions little by little.Author: Julie1009 Your coat and tail must be used wisely.Author: oskay Try S-like positions...Author: ClausM ...or C-like ones.Author: PunkyBrewster Box-sleeping is always kind of an art.Author: Julie1009 But don't reveal your presence unless you really mean to.Author: Robert M.

Or make humans provide another box for him.Author: lake.sider Humans may wonder how you can sleep like that...Author: taurussun Perhaps they will not even notice you.Author: vaneea You can hide in an absolutely unexpected box.Author: simplybecka well as this one.Author: Smeebot ...even if your idea seems impossible.Author: taelcat Practice makes perfect. Heard You Like Awesomeness. Schrödinger Cat Is Alive And Angry. 2b88123cdf3d73264668889d2f7_prev.jpg (JPEG Image, 590x371 pixels) Flake_by_silverbracelets13.jpg (JPEG Image, 549x473 pixels) 3761_aa98229439307e962bbc8c1f153c404a_2.jpg (JPEG Image, 433x650 pixels) - Scaled (99%)

Scottish wildcat, Felis silvestris grampia, Animal photos, animal pictures. 'Oskar' the Blind Kitten Plays With His First. Oskar the blind kitten may be handicapped, but it doesn't seem to stop him from doing most of the things cats with sight can do. Maybe even better, according to his humans!

In the video below, Oskar is minding his own business, lolling in a warm spot by the wall. The camera can't help but reveal there's obviously something wrong with his eyes. And, as his owner posts, he was indeed born without fully developed eyeballs. Suddenly, one of those cute toys is rolled in front of the blind kitten, and he sparks into action. As the video plays out, it's plain that Oskar is capable of following the errant toy all around the familiar space.

It's nice to know that Oskar the blind kitten is so well cared for. In the meantime, here's a real heartwarmer to enjoy... 17 Fun Cat Facts.