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Learning Analytics

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Tools for automated rhetorical analysis of academic writing – Shibani's blog. Alert – Long post! In this post, I’m presenting a summary of my review on tools for automatically analyzing rhetorical structures from academic writing. The tools considered are designed to cater to different users and purposes. AWA and RWT aim to provide feedback for improving students’ academic writing. Mover and SAPIENTA on the other hand, are to help researchers identify the structure of research articles. They look at scientific text – Full research articles, abstracts or introductions. Tools (in alphabetical order): Academic Writing Analytics (AWA) – Summary notes here AWA also has a reflective parser to give feedback on students’ reflective writing, but the focus of this post is on the analytical parser.

Mover – Summary notes here Available for download as a stand alone application. Research Writing Tutor (RWT) – Summary notes here RWT demo, video courtesy of Dr. SAPIENTA – Summary notes here. Annotation Scheme: Method: Others: 2016: Writing Analytics to Improve Formative Feedback | Transforming Assessment. Presenters: Simon Buckingham Shum, Simon Knight, Andrew Gibson, Philippa Ryan and Adam Aitken (University of Technology Sydney). The education sector should be interested in the potential of “the data revolution” since it promises better feedback loops within complex systems. In the field known as Learning Analytics, there is significant effort being invested in the potential of new forms of digital data for improving learning, teaching and research. For educators, critical questions turn on issues such as what data is being logged, for whom, for what purpose, and how this relates to sound pedagogy, learning design and assessment regimes.

Student writing is one type of educational data of particular interest to the Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) at the University of Technology of Sydney (UTS). For a computer, writing is unstructured, messy, and difficult to analyse precisely because it is such a rich expressive medium. Presenter BIOs. Learning design meets learning analytics: Dr Bart Rienties, Open Univ… A-LASI Getting started in learning analytics (Lockyer, Rogers and Daw… The future of learning analytics: LASI16 Bilbao. Social Learning Analytics. Open Learning Analytics.

When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs.