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TED Reveals Top 20 Most-Watched Talks, Sir Ken Robinson Tops The List. India: Hole-in-the-Wall. An Indian physicist puts a PC with a high speed internet connection in a wall in the slums and watches what happens.

India: Hole-in-the-Wall

Based on the results, he talks about issues of digital divide, computer education and kids, the dynamics of the third world getting online. New Delhi physicist Sugata Mitra has a radical proposal for bringing his country's next generation into the Info Age from a Businessweek Online Daily Briefing, March 2, 2000. Edited by Paul Judge Sugata Mitra has a PhD in physics and heads research efforts at New Delhi's NIIT, a fast-growing software and education company with sales of more than $200 million and a market cap over $2 billion.

To test his ideas, Mitra 13 months ago launched something he calls "the hole in the wall experiment. " What he discovered was that the most avid users of the machine were ghetto kids aged 6 to 12, most of whom have only the most rudimentary education and little knowledge of English. Flipping the lecture hall: first thoughts. Inspired by Khan, reading more at Steve Wheeler’s blog and many other links, I am thinking more about how we can use technology at universities to give the students what they want: meaningful contact time with their lecturers, professors and the leading academics.

Flipping the lecture hall: first thoughts

Gever Tulley teaches life lessons through tinkering. Teaching Creativity - Professional Development for Teachers. A few weeks ago fellow Voices blogger Shelley Wright wrote a provocative blog on flipping Bloom’s Taxonomy and beginning the learning experience with Creativity.

Teaching Creativity - Professional Development for Teachers

As the person most directly responsible for our school’s Professional Development I have been wondering what professional development looks like when you turn Bloom’s on its head. Teachers young and old are comfortable with the old model and path. Even if they have never heard of Bloom’s Taxonomy (it happens in independent schools where some young teachers have never taken an education course), teachers are inherently comfortable with the approach the taxonomy lays out. Remembering and Understanding are sooo easy to assess—give a quiz; find out what you student doesn’t know.

Applying and Analyzing are practiced at each level of a teacher’s own education and eventually applied as an educator—analyzing new texts, applying new techniques. Encouraging teachers to teach creativity requires a different approach. Image: Creative Commons. Make the next school year amazing for your students! “If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.”

Make the next school year amazing for your students!

-Frank Zappa Inside of every student I’ve ever taught lives a passionate, curious mind that can either flourish or stagnate, both inside and outside the classroom. The teachers that get it — that get you – are the ones that help bring you there, but that is not all teachers, not by any means. I think everyone, by this point in their life, has had experience with at least one teacher that stands out in their minds as inspirational: a teacher that’s helped you become a greater person in this world. Image credit: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, via What makes matters even worse is that this isn’t what the system values. Image credit: Endeavor Tutoring and Test Preparation. 1.) 2.) Image credit: The Art of Teaching Science / Jack Hassard. Image credit: Jimmy Walker-Pearson. Image credit: Mooresville School District, a Laptop Success Story. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. Just What Does it Mean to Integrate Technology.

Here we are in 2012 and technology is a booming industry in education.

Just What Does it Mean to Integrate Technology

SMARTBoards, Projectors, Document Cameras, Airliners, Clicker Systems, Video and Photo devices, iPods and iPads are invading classrooms all over the world. Teachers and students are being asked to use these new tools, with some having training and others being thrown to the wolves. But just what does it mean to integrate technology? Does using a projector each day count as a teacher using technology? The pressure is on for teachers to focus on "student use of technology. " How the Finnish school system outshines U.S. education. The Finnish school system might sound like a restless American schoolchild's daydream: school hours cut in half, little homework, no standardized tests, 50-minute recess and free lunch.

How the Finnish school system outshines U.S. education

But the Finns' unconventional approach to education has vaulted Finland to the upper echelon of countries in overall academic performance, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Finnish students have ranked at or near the top of the Program for International Student Assessment ever since testing started in 2000. In the most recent assessment in 2009, they ranked sixth in math, second in science and third in reading. Isaac Asimov previendo el impacto de Internet. RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. The Public Library Manifesto: Why Libraries Matter, and How We Can Save Them by David Morris. Why libraries matter, and how we can save them. posted May 06, 2011 "The word 'public' has been removed from the name of the Fort Worth Library.

The Public Library Manifesto: Why Libraries Matter, and How We Can Save Them by David Morris

Why? Simply put, to keep up with the times. " -Press release regarding the rebranding of the Fort Worth Library. What Teachers Make Final Moviebk2 0001.