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Digital Storytelling

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8 easy steps to better student writing with digital storytelling. Digital Storytelling. Digital Writing, Digital Teaching – Integrating New Literacies into the Teaching of Writing. Kelly Gallagher. AoW 1920 04 de la Pena Essay. Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling. 8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling – Transform Learning ~ written by Samantha Morra.

First appeared on Edudemic. (Updated 3/14/2014) Stories bring us together, encourage us to understand and empathize, and help us to communicate. Long before paper and books were common and affordable, information passed from generation to generation through this oral tradition of storytelling. Consider Digital Storytelling as the 21st Century version of the age-old art of storytelling with a twist: digital tools now make it possible for anyone to create a story and share it with the world. WHY Digital Storytelling? Digital stories push students to become creators of content, rather than just consumers. Movies, created over a century ago, represent the beginning of digital storytelling. 8 Steps to Great Digital Stories Great digital stories: Are personalBegin with the story/scriptAre conciseUse readily-available source materialsInclude universal story elementsInvolve collaboration at a variety of levels 1.

All stories begin with an idea, and digital stories are no different. Resources 2. 3. Digital Storytelling. Jason Ohler : Education and Technology :: Beyond Words and Essays. Part II. Emergence of new media literacies Every day media create every day literacy and fluency needs Students need to be able to write new media, and teachers need to be able to assess it. Until recently, every day media forms were text-based.

No longer. The new media situation. New media forms are evolving faster than our understanding of the literacy skills and standards needed to support them. Once again, our learning institutions are not keeping up with the education our students are getting outside of school. From read-only to write-possible in record time The lag time between new media evolving from read-only to write-possible is shrinking dramatically. Historically, new media first appear to the vast majority of us in read-only form because it is controlled by a relatively few technicians, developers and distributors who can understand and afford them.

However, the lag time between reading and writing media is shrinking dramatically. A history of read-write lag Compare this with TV. DS MOOC 2015 - Week 5: video#5 Evaluation and Assessment of Digital Stories.