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C++ Template Classes and Friend Function Details. Introduction When writing C++, there are a couple common situations where you may want to create a friend function, such as implementing operator<<.

C++ Template Classes and Friend Function Details

These are straightforward to write for non-template classes, but templates throw a real wrench in the works here. In C++, there are a few different ways to set up template classes with friend functions. Each behaves in a subtly different way, which causes all sorts of confusion when trying to finish your homework the night before it's due. We will examine the possible approaches to this, but first...


C++ faq - The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List. C++ Tutorial: Multi-Threaded Programming - Terminology 2016. Multi-Threaded Programming Terminology - 2017 site search: Multi-Threaded Programming - Terminology Thread More exactly it is Thread of Execution which is the smallest unit of processing.

C++ Tutorial: Multi-Threaded Programming - Terminology 2016

It is scheduled by an OS.In general, it is contained in a process. Why it's so hard? CS106L: Standard C++ Programming Laboratory. CS106L is a companion class to CS106B and CS106X that offers a more complete exploration of the C++ language.

CS106L: Standard C++ Programming Laboratory

We have an exciting quarter ahead of us! Over the next 10 weeks we will touch on some fundamentals of the C++ programming language before quickly progressing on to cover more advanced concepts. Our focus will be on developing practices coherent with the philosophy and style of the C++ ecosystem. By the end of the quarter, you will be equipped to use this powerful language and its surrounding community as a tool to solve any meaningful problems you decide to tackle in the future! Lectures meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30-2:20pm in STLC-111. CS106L will be using an IDE called QT creator for lecture examples as well as assignments. If you have any questions about the class, feel free to email me at


Scott Meyers: An Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14) Click for commercial licensing information.

Scott Meyers: An Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14)

Click for personal purchase information. Scott Meyers Training Courses An Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14) Specification of the latest version of C++ (“C++11”) was completed in 2011, and many compilers now offer a wealth of features from the revised language. And such features! That's not all. Course Highlights. Effective Standard C++ Library: Unary Predicates in the STL. Several algorithms in the standard library use a unary predicate to accomplish their tasks.

Effective Standard C++ Library: Unary Predicates in the STL

Examples are the _if algorithms like count_if, find_if, remove_if, or replace_if, but also algorithms like partition. In this installment of the column, we take a closer look at unary predicates and what they may and must not do. Let us see how the Standard defines a unary predicate. It is simply called predicate in the Standard [1]. The Predicate parameter is used whenever an algorithm expects a function object that when applied to the result of dereferencing the corresponding iterator returns a value testable as true.

The function object pred shall not apply any non-constant function through the dereferenced iterator. This function object may be a pointer to function, or an object of a type with an appropriate function call operator. Basic Properties A unary predicate must be callable. Side-Effect Properties Other Properties Let us see why it makes sense that a predicate has exactly these properties. Version 3: iterator adaptors. Go backward to Version 2: containers, iterators, algorithms Go up to A first example Go forward to Discussion Version 3: iterator adaptors In addition to iterating through containers, iterators can iterate over streams, either to read elements or to write them.

Version 3: iterator adaptors

An input stream like cin has the right functionality for an input iterator: it provides access to a sequence of elements. The trouble is, it has the wrong interface for an iterator: operations that use iterators expect to be able to increment them and dereference them. STL provides adaptors, types that transform the interface of other types. The Biggest Changes in C++11 (and Why You Should Care) CptS122: Data Structures. Free ACM Tutoring Session Every Saturday, 12:00 - 3:00 pm, in Sloan 353; Free Pizza!!!

CptS122: Data Structures

Drexel University: CS 172. MCS 494 Home Page. Here are my transparencies for Section 5.4.

MCS 494 Home Page

The midterm will be on Monday (Oct 22). I have posted copies of the midterm exams from Fall 1999 and Fall 2000. (See "Sample Exams" section below), together with solutions to the Fall 1999 exam. Please note that the topics vary somewhat from year to year, so some questions on these exams deal with material not covered this semester (at least, not to date). In particular, the following questions on the sample exams deal with topics not covered this semester to date: Fall 99 -- Term friend in Question 1; Question2; second of the three cases on Question 3 Fall 2000 -- Terms static_cast, dynamic_cast, new handler, bad_alloc, try block, and Unicode in Question 1; Question 3.

The midterm exam will cover all sections through 5.4 on the syllabus, but the following sections will be emphasized: Please note that on the first tranparency for Section 1.5 (Hybrid languages), I mistakenly numbered the section as 1.3. Quora.