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Planetarium - American Indian Starlore. The Sun and Her Daughter Sun Moon Cherokee Tribe Tennesee, Carolinas As the Sun traveled across the sky she would stop in the middle each day to have dinner at her daughter's house. Now the Sun hated people because they would always squint when they looked at her. "They screw up their faces at me! " she told her brother the Moon. 18 Ways to Make a Baby | The 18 Ways (And Then Some)

The 18 Ways (And Then Some)by Sarah Holt When I first heard there were 18 ways to make a baby, I was flabbergasted. Dr. Jamie Grifo, a specialist in reproductive endocrinology at New York University Medical Center, casually mentioned the fact in an interview that I taped with him for this NOVA program. Imagine my amazement when I learned that there were actually many more than 18. Before producing the film, I probably would have been surprised to hear there were more than three or four. Like most people, I was familiar with artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization and frozen embryos, but not much more. Eventually I did, and I ran the list past Dr. **The U.S. Now, since we had decided to use "18 Ways" in the title, I wanted to make absolutely sure this was an accepted list.

To be safe, I emailed the list to other specialists, and they came up with yet more ways to make a baby. Dr. Clearly, 18 is an arbitrary figure. Sarah Holt produced the NOVA program "18 Ways to Make a Baby. " Home | Canadiana. LTS:metacognition. Prof Stephen Heppell. VSB webcat. About CISS - The Canadian ISBN Service System (CISS) The Canadian ISBN Service System (CISS - pronounced "kiss") provides Canadian publishers with a number of free key benefits: A convenient, easy to use online ISBN logbook;Continuous 24-hour access to their ISBNs;Increased options to send their ONIX bibliographic data to their supply chain partners in XML or Excel formats; Improved management of their present and future titles and ISBN assignments;Faster ISBN transaction times; Access to a technical support line; andFuture potential to accept batch submission of bibliographic data.

Instructions on using CISS effectively are provided in the Help section of this website. The Help section outlines the steps required to: register;obtain a user ID and user password;access and use CISS;request an ISBN block;assign an ISBN;update your Publisher Profile; and enter your title and bibliographic information. The latest improvements allow publishers to upload bibliographic data utilizing the canadian bibliographic standards or ONIX records. The SFU Library Editorial Cartoons Collection Search. About the Collection The Simon Fraser University Library Editorial Cartoons Collection contains over 9800 original drawings published in Canadian newspapers between 1952 and the present. Using the Database You can use the quick search form at the top of the page, or click on the advanced search if you want to limit your searches by date and or by cartoonist.

The quick search finds words in the following fields: publication information, cartoonist's name, cartoon text, subjects, and display notes. Images in the database are made available under specific terms of use. Most records in the database indicate the "SFU MsC Code" for the cartoon; this is the call number to request the drawing in the Library's Special Collections. Additional Information Acknowledgements On this day (April 14th) Daily Cartoons. MediaSmarts. Download & Streaming : Moving Image Archive : Internet Archive. Programs in  TV News Archive for research and educational purposes. The programs allow users to search across a collection of television news programs dating back to 2009 for research and educational purposes such as fact checking.

Users may view short clips, share links to customized short quotes, embed customized short quotes, or borrow a copy of the full program. ( 1 reviews ) Watch full-length feature films, classic shorts, world culture documentaries, World War II propaganda, movie trailers, and films created in just ten hours: These options are all featured in this diverse library! Many of these videos are available for free download. by Internet Archive Feature films, shorts , silent films and trailers are available for viewing and downloading. An analysis of news and public affairs independent from traditional corporate media is available from this diverse video library.

Items included in the Television News search service. Miscellaneous collections of movies and videos. Evaluating Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine. GUYS READ.

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