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Artist Isaac Cordal’s Incredible Tiny Sculptures Offer a Chilling View of Climate Change Isaac Cordal climate change - Gallery Page 10. Climate change and the ills of capitalism are often harped on as two of the biggest threats to society, but many of us have trouble picturing such far-off threats.

Artist Isaac Cordal’s Incredible Tiny Sculptures Offer a Chilling View of Climate Change Isaac Cordal climate change - Gallery Page 10

Artist Issac Cordal offers us a new perspective on these issues through his provocative series of tiny cement sculptures that challenge our views of society. Thoughtfully arranged without the need for exposition, these miniaturized scenes are often arranged as site-specific street art interventions. Isaac Cordal is famous for tackling big political issues through a tiny medium. In his series “Waiting for Climate Change,” Cordal created a set of ephemeral and partially submerged installations to draw attention to rising sea level change. Laced with black humor, these grim and apocalyptic scenes show the consequences of inaction and apathy to environmental issues. Related: Senate Democrats Stay Up All Night to Fight Climate Change.

Creative Mom Turns Her Baby’s Naptime Into Dream Adventures (Updated) Do babies dream when they sleep, or they simply rest peacefully?

Creative Mom Turns Her Baby’s Naptime Into Dream Adventures (Updated)

Queenie Liao, a freelance photographer, and mother of three baby boys living in California have tried to answer this question by sharing the adventurous dramas that her child Wengenn dreams of during his sleep. Combining artistry and imagination with photography, Queenie has created these cute photos using plain cloths, stuffed animals, and other common household materials to create the background setting.

40 Maps They Didn’t Teach You In School. By the time we graduate high school, we learn that they never taught us the most interesting things in there.

40 Maps They Didn’t Teach You In School

Sure, you might be able to name the European countries or point New York on the map, but does that give a you real understanding of how the world functions? To fill this gap, we have gathered a great and informative selection of infographical maps that they should’ve shown us at school: every single one of these maps reveals different fun and interesting facts, which can actually help you draw some pretty interesting conclusions. Show Full Text What makes infographical maps so engaging is how easy it becomes to conceive graphically presented information. The best part, there are brilliant services like Target Map that “allow everyone (from individuals to large organizations) to represent their data on maps of any country in the world and to share their knowledge with the whole Internet Community.”

Trust us, these are way better than the ones they taught you at school! The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever. By Internet standards, a perfectly timed photo occurs when two of the following three conditions are met:

The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever

Signs of the Zodiac. 106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos. Click on a photo and you make it bigger and can post a comment on it.

106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos

And thats some of the most beloved Street Art Photos posted in 2012 on Street Art Utopia! A member of Street Art Utopia on Facebook wrote two year ago this nice piece about the future: – My son, do you want to hear something strange? – Yes! What? – You know the new tree painting we did on the garage last week. . . – What? – Well, yes, many were. Watch "Phil Hansen: The art of the imperfect" Video at TED2013 #TEDTalentSearch. Home - Style has No size.

Retronaut - See the past like you wouldn't believe. SPENCER TUNICK.


The Book Surgeon (15 pieces) Using knives, tweezers and surgical tools, Brian Dettmer carves one page at a time.

The Book Surgeon (15 pieces)

Nothing inside the out-of-date encyclopedias, medical journals, illustration books, or dictionaries is relocated or implanted, only removed. Dettmer manipulates the pages and spines to form the shape of his sculptures. He also folds, bends, rolls, and stacks multiple books to create completely original sculptural forms. "My work is a collaboration with the existing material and its past creators and the completed pieces expose new relationships of the book’s internal elements exactly where they have been since their original conception," he says.

"The richness and depth of the book is universally respected yet often undiscovered as the monopoly of the form and relevance of the information fades over time. Dettmer is originally from Chicago, where he studied at Columbia College. Vertical Horizon. La série de l’artiste français Romain Jacquet-Lagreze « Horizon vertical » est un voyage photographique entre les bâtiments d’une ville sans cesse croissante.

Vertical Horizon

Utilisant la nature première de Hong Kong et ses horizons verticaux, le résultat qui a été réuni dans un livre, est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Open Cultuur Data » Rijksmuseum. Datablog van het Rijksmuseum Het doel van ons museum is om de collectie te delen en dichter bij het publiek te brengen, want de Rijkscollectie is van iedereen.

Open Cultuur Data » Rijksmuseum

Kernwaarden zijn: Authenticiteit, Kwaliteit, Persoonlijk, Innovatief en Eenvoud. Staat van de markt: Vestzak-broekzak rond het Rijksmuseum. Ruim een eeuw later, in een periode van groei en voorspoed, trok het kabinet-Kok opnieuw de portemonnee voor een ingrijpende verbouwing, die uiteindelijk twee keer zo lang zou duren en veel meer kostte dan gepland: 375 miljoen euro.

Staat van de markt: Vestzak-broekzak rond het Rijksmuseum

Net als de oorspronkelijke nieuwbouw tussen 1876 en 1885, overigens. Swinton to Sometimes Sleep in Glass Box at MoMA. Marc Allante. Kritiek op kunstkritiek - Schrijf.