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1043.type1.30042013.pdf. Adverbs of Manner Exercise. Exercises on English Word Order - 08 :: 08. Adverbs of Manner. Adverbs of Manner. Adverbs. What2learn » "Adverbs of manner" Track Star Anagram. The game below is just one of the thousands of games at What2Learn. Sign up for free access! Interactive game 80746: Questions include: Sam passed the test _____.Joe ate his dinner _____.Answers include: Bravely, Carefully, Correctly, Easily, Kindly, LoudlyLoudlyLoudly If you can see this text, then either you have JavaScript turned off, or Flash Player is not installed, or both. What2Learn resources require both of these to be installed and enabled.

Please check the help page for more detail. Author's introduction This game was developed to help KS2 and KS3 students in literacy lessons. Recent English games created by W2L users: What2Learn contains thousands of interactive games. Adverbs of Manner - spellings. Adverbs of manners part 2 quiz. Adverbs - desbribe the verb - nicely, softly, loudly. Adverbs of Manner. Watch?v=ZIA_Gp1RFWU&feature=youtu.

English Grammar - Adjectives & Adverbs.