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Real Estate Productivity

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How Exactly Does DIY Work When Renting Properties? Being your own boss when renting properties and having tenants can be overwhelming at times. As soon as you go down the DIY road of being a landlord, numerous issues and situations pose their head. You are in charge of keeping tabs on everything related to your properties, whether it’s maintenance, inspections, being there for your tenants 24/7. It’s not easy, but if you wish to make an extra profit, it’s the road-less-taken, and it does pay off.

So how exactly does DIY work when renting properties? No external property management No external property management means a lesser loss of income on a monthly basis. Being professional Ask yourself what kind of a landlord do you want to be perceived as? The marketing Every now and then your property will become vacant – unless of course you want to buy villas in Turkey and have permanent residents – and it’s up to you to let the potential new tenants that it’s up for rental. Inspections Follow the trends Keep records.

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