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PULSIONES A CONSUMIR Y SUS DAÑOS. 23 Signs You're Secretly An Introvert. Think you can spot an introvert in a crowd? Think again. Although the stereotypical introvert may be the one at the party who’s hanging out alone by the food table fiddling with an iPhone, the “social butterfly” can just as easily have an introverted personality. “Spotting the introvert can be harder than finding Waldo,” Sophia Dembling, author of “The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World,” tells The Huffington Post.

“A lot of introverts can pass as extroverts.” People are frequently unaware that they’re introverts -– especially if they’re not shy — because they may not realize that being an introvert is about more than just cultivating time alone. Instead, it can be more instructive to pay attention to whether they’re losing or gaining energy from being around others, even if the company of friends gives them pleasure. “Introversion is a basic temperament, so the social aspect — which is what people focus on — is really a small part of being an introvert,” Dr. 1. 2. 3. Psicología para América Latina. Revista de la Unión Latinoamericana de Entidades de Psicología.

La psicología en América Latina: algunos momentos críticos de su desarrollo Fernando Luis González Rey Centro Universitario de Brasilia Summary Frequently the History of the Psychology is presented through an extensive – descriptive approach centers on facts, persons and concrete moments which characterize the evolution of psychology in nations, regions or in the word as a whole. In this paper I attempt to approach to the history of psychology in Latin America following a different way: to made a study in deep of two of the main movements of Latin American psychology, one, the theoretical methodological approach developed by Pichon Riviere and Bleger in Argentina and other, the critical movement in social psychology that took place from the end of the seventies and the eighties of the XX century integrating psychologists from different Latin American countries.

Key words: history of psychology, critical analysis, Latin American psychology Resumen Resumo Introducción. Redes 78: El cerebro no busca la verdad sino sobrevivir. Redes 78: “El cerebro no busca la verdad sino sobrevivir”. Fecha de emisión: 26/12/10. Vanidoso y ególatra, nuestro cerebro trata de convencerse siempre de la opción más cómoda, de la que concuerda mejor con su propia realidad.

Por eso memoria e inconsciente se encargan de ajustar lo que no encaja, de cambiar lo que no gusta, de eliminar lo que duele y de ensalzar lo que agrada. De esos mismos mecanismos surge en los humanos la habilidad para caer fácilmente en estereotipos y prejuicios que, llevados al extremo, pueden conducir a tensiones y conflictos.

El próximo domingo en Redes, de la mano de la psicóloga Cordelia Fine conoceremos las artimañas que utiliza el cerebro humano para construirse un mundo más agradable y benévolo. Veremos además lo mal que lleva la fuerza de voluntad y hasta dónde le pueden llevar los miedos y prejuicios. Descarga la transcripción de la entrevista. Compártelo. Stephen Joseph: What Doesn't Kill Us: Post-traumatic Growth. Click here to read an original op-ed from the TED speaker who inspired this post and watch the TEDTalk below. Stacey Kramer's poignant talk "The Best Gift I Ever Survived" in which she describes her experiences with a brain tumor provides a testimony to one of the most important topics in modern clinical psychology -- post-traumatic growth.

Post-traumatic growth refers to how adversity can often be a springboard to a new and more meaningful life in which people re-evaluate their priorities, deepen their relationships, and find new understandings of who they are. Post-traumatic growth is not simply about coping; it refers to changes that cut to the very core of our way of being in the world. Post-traumatic growth has to do with the way we greet the day as we wake in the morning.

The way we brush our teeth and put on our shoes -- it reflects our attitude about life itself and our place in the world. We can learn to cultivate growth in ourselves. As growth takes root we need to notice it. The Stress Map: Who, Where, When,Why and What. In America, where happiness is a pursuit protected by the Constitution, something few nations have, does stress mess with that pursuit and other features of our life and leave some of us miserable and stressed-out? Who is getting stressed out? Where do they live? Is stress going up or down in recent years in America? Why are we stressed and what kind of stress are we talking about? These are significant questions and no one source has all the answers, but an annual national survey of "Stress in America" ( ) by the American Psychological Association (APA) is very helpful.

WHO? AGE: Millennials (18-33) and Gen Xers (34-47) report the highest average level of stress, with the Matures (67+) showing the lowest level.This makes a lot of sense, as youth through middle-age have all those major decisions to make and actions to take (e.g., education, employment, marriage and family, etc.) that to some extent are past for many seniors. WHERE? WHEN? WHY and WHAT? Estamos ansiosos perdidos. Elena se despierta sobresaltada. No ha tenido pesadillas, o no las recuerda. Mira el reloj: las cuatro y cuarenta y cinco de la madrugada.

La misma hora que ayer, y antes de ayer, y todas las noches desde hace una semana. El corazón acelerado, un sudor frío brotándole de súbito, el estómago en la boca. Desde entonces, Elena, de 42 años, casada y madre de dos hijos, está aprendiendo a vivir con su angustia. La ansiedad prepara al organismo para atacar, esconderse o huir de un depredador. Momentos en los que siente que no llega, que algo malo va a suceder, que no puede con su vida. Al borde del abismo. Estamos asustados. “Son trastornos comunes por lo frecuentes, pero no siempre leves”, dice un psiquiatra. La ansiedad es un mecanismo de defensa de los seres humanos frente al peligro. “El problema es cuando no hay tigre”, explica el psiquiatra Alberto Fernández-Liria, jefe del servicio de salud mental del hospital de Alcalá de Henares. Hay quien necesita presión para rendiral máximo.


Documentales de Psicologia - Home. The Disadvantages of Having Career Goals. The satisfactions of work are not usually tied to achieving specific goals Not uncommonly I see young people who have had very successful academic careers. They have gone to the best colleges and graduate schools. They are on what may be described reasonably as a fast track. Sometimes when I see them they are just a year or two out of law school and they are working at a prestigious law firm. They are working very hard. I ask them what their career goals are. “I want to make enough money so that I don’t have to worry about money.” or “I want to be recognized as a success. “I want to rise so high in my work that I can do what I want without there being someone over me to tell me I can’t do that.” These goals, which seem reasonable, are unfortunately out of reach. I knew before becoming a psychiatrist that money didn’t buy happiness . “No kidding,” he said. So, someone whose goal is to make enough money to feel secure is going to be disappointed.

So, is everyone doomed to be unhappy? What Is Boredom? We have all experienced boredom. Sitting in a class where the teacher is droning on about a topic you don’t care about, you may find yourself daydreaming or staring at a clock that doesn’t seem to be moving. Waiting for a delayed flight to take off at the airport, you may search in vain for something to distract you. Boredom is unpleasant and physically painful. It can make you angry and frustrated. So how does boredom work? An interesting paper by John Eastwood, Alexandra Frischen, Mark Fenske, and Daniel Smilek in the September, 2012 issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science .

These authors suggest that attention plays an important role in creating boredom. Second, boredom typically occurs when people have trouble focusing their attention and they believe the reason for this difficulty is in the environment . The authors of this paper point to an interesting study by Robin Damrad-Frye and James Laird in the August, 1989 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . Antipsiquiatría. El debate sobre las bases teóricas de la psiquiatría se discute en Controversia de la biopsiquiatría Antipsiquiatría es un concepto acuñado originalmente por David Cooper y que se usa para desiganar a diferentes enfoques y doctrinas políticosociales en el área de la salud mental que tienen en común ser detractoras de la psiquiatría. El amplio espectro de enfoques que hoy engloba va desde la crítica en diferentes grados y dirigida a aspectos específicos, hasta el abierto y completo rechazo del modelo, la teoría y la práctica psiquiátrica convencional. La crítica apunta a la psiquiatría como ciencia, como área de la medicina y como sistema asistencial para las personas que sufren dolencias mentales. [1] De todas las especialidades de la medicina, la psiquiatría es la única que ha concitado la formación de un movimiento crítico muy estable.

Principales críticas a la psiquiatría[editar] Psiquiatría, antipsiquiatría y psicología[editar] Reconocimiento académico[editar] Beyond Meds. Living with Your Introvert. Yup, I'm one of those weird people who appreciate driving with long periods of silence while others are in the car with me. Love it, actually. I like music, but I don't get why people play the radio in the car when they are sitting in a rare silence bubble. Introverts feed on silence like extroverts feed on words. Silence is necessary to sustain us, just like food, and without enough of it, we get weak. Here's my playbook. 1. 2. 3. And now one little plea: can we have some quiet time?