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How to Talk to a Loved One About Their Weight. The 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People. Photo Credit: November 18, 2013 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Most of us claim we want to be happy—to have meaningful lives, enjoy ourselves, experience fulfillment, and share love and friendship with other people and maybe other species, like dogs, cats, birds, and whatnot.

Strangely enough, however, some people act as if they just want to be miserable, and they succeed remarkably at inviting misery into their lives, even though they get little apparent benefit from it, since being miserable doesn’t help them find lovers and friends, get better jobs, make more money, or go on more interesting vacations. So if you aspire to make yourself miserable, what are the best, most proven techniques for doing it? Here, I cover most areas of life, such as family, work, friends, and romantic partners. . • When you’re miserable, people feel sorry for you. Honing Your Misery Skills 1.


Billion-Dollar Scam In a Bottle: Why Vitamins Could Be Useless—or Even Shorten Your Lifespan. Photo Credit: If you're like roughly half of your fellow Americans, you probably popped a multi this morning. As the slightly acrid taste lingered on your tongue, you felt good knowing that something so quick and easy would help safeguard your health. Multivitamins are the most popular dietary supplement on Earth. But here’s the sobering reality: They may be simply useless—or worse.

For the last several years, a Mount Fuji of evidence has piled up to show that multivitamins don’t do much of anything for the health of the average person. Yet Americans aren’t getting the message. The victim is not just your wallet. A look at the science As recently as 2002, the Journal of the American Medical Association recommended that "all adults take one multivitamin daily. " But for the last several years, many doctors have begun to reverse their previous recommendations. Useless is one thing.

So what’s the problem? Well, yes. It’s also possible to overdose on vitamins. Paul A.


El ego existe - 02.06.2013 - Señor Sinay: ¿Cómo definiría el ego, tan importante en nuestros pensamientos? Mariana Dreyfus Re: Se suele hablar de grandes egos, que ocupan todos los espacios. Hay propuestas de desprenderse del ego para alcanzar una vida más armónica. ¿Pero, qué es el ego? El doctor en psicología Michael Daniels, que dirige el departamento de conciencia y psicología transpersonal en la Universidad John Moores, de Liverpool, lo define, en Sombra, Yo y Espíritu, como el yo consciente y racional que se dirige hacia el mundo de la experiencia ordinaria. El ego sería la identidad "oficial". Lo construimos a lo largo de la vida con las características que adoptamos y aceptamos como propias. El ego no es el yo, sino una parte de él. Así como no nos sacamos el hígado por una hepatitis, sino que aprendemos a cuidarlo, tampoco vale abjurar del ego por su inmadurez.

Regulación de la industria de alimentos artificiales o procesados - Cuida tu salud. En el Perú se está desarrollando en este momento un nuevo capítulo de la eterna lucha entre la salud pública y los intereses económicos. Por un lado está la Ley de Salud y Alimentación de Ninos.pdf que pretende regular (no prohibir) los mensajes publicitarios de alimentos artificiales o procesados que reciben los niños y adolescentes y por otro lado la airada reacción de tres industrias: fabricantes de alimentos artificiales o procesados, medios de comunicación y agencias de publicidad. Esta nota tiene tres intenciones... Primero, describir brevemente lo que son alimentos artificiales o procesados; segundo, exponer por qué debe regularse ( pero de ninguna manera prohibirse ) la publicidad de alimentos artificiales o procesados dirigida a la niñez; y tercero, dar algunos ejemplos de otras viejas y nuevas luchas entre la salud pública y los intereses económicos. 1. . • Algunos han sido procesados para mantener frescura (atún en lata, frutas picadas en miel, papillas para bebes.

Niacina Azúcar. ¿Padres culpables? La Capital de Rosario. En el 40 % de los casos los padres han tenido incidencia en los desórdenes alimentarios de sus hijos. Leé atentamente este informe. Un paso previo a la bulimia y la anorexia. Según los datos relevados por ALUBA, únicas cifras existentes en el país. ALUBA (, Asociación de Lucha contra la Bulimia y la Anorexia, emitió un nuevo informe que revela que en el 40 % de los casos los padres han tenido incidencia en las patologías alimentarias entre las adolescentes, según su relevamiento de algo más de 100.000 casos. Estos datos son los únicos existentes sobre la temática en el país. Alguna de las características individuales que pueden predisponer a sufrir un trastorno de alimentación son: * En el año 2000 se registró un nivel de patologías del 9 % en el total de adolescentes mujeres encuestadas, en tanto en el último informe el índice llega al 12 %. * Las patologías tienen mayor incidencia en la adolescencia aunque la edad de comienzo es cada vez más temprana.

Dejá tu comentario. IMPRESSIVE IDEAS. Guess Who's Behind New 'Findings' That It's Healthy to Be Overweight? January 17, 2013 | Did you hear the news? Now it’s healthy to be fat! It turns out that your smug skinny friend who eats broccoli and runs marathons should have been eating fast food and watching TV this whole time. Right? Well, maybe not. This means that an overweight 5’4” woman weighing between 145 and 169 pounds (Body Mass Index of 25 to 29) has less chance of dying than a woman of the same height who weighs less.

The study made waves when a recent New York Times op-ed proclaimed that “baselessly categorizing at least 130 million Americans — and hundreds of millions in the rest of the world — as people in need of ‘treatment’ for their ‘condition’ serves the economic interests of, among others, the multibillion-dollar weight-loss industry and large pharmaceutical companies.” So what’s the story? As usual, it’s instructive to look back in history – in this case to the mid-1990s when the current standards we use to define “overweight” and “obese” were set. Eternal Curves. Men “know” something significant about women’s bodies that women don’t. And it all has to do with nature’s mandate to produce children with the greatest array of survival skills. Sculptors immortalize them. Poets regularly regale them. Even ordinary men pay tribute. American males, it has been calculated, spend some $3 billion a year to gaze at women with hourglass figures, those whose small waists blossom into sinuously curvy hips.

Men rate women as most attractive when they have a waist size that is 60 to 70 percent of their hip size, the late psychologist Devendra Singh found in a series of pioneering studies begun 20 years ago. That this kind of hourglass figure is not only typical of the women men pay to look at, such as Playboy Playmates and adult film stars, but is also a preference found in many different social groups and cultural settings, suggests it has been shaped over millennia by evolutionary forces, like our tastes for sugar and fat. What Men “Know” Without Knowing. Adolfo D. Lozano - Acné, enfermedad de la civilización. Puedo apostar contigo que si vas al dermatólogo con un problema de acné, aparte de determinados productos cosméticos, tu médico hará algunas indicaciones sobre la dieta. Y que dichas recomendaciones se centrarán esencialmente en evitar las grasas. En resumidas cuentas, es la misma historia –perdón, dogma– de siempre, con la tan machacada y repetida dieta baja en grasas, ya se trate de un enfermo cardiovascular, un deportista o un paciente con acné.

Pero, de nuevo en este caso, los médicos que así opinan se siguen equivocando de medio a medio, también en el hecho de que además creen poco relevante una supuesta conexión acné-dieta. El origen del desprecio de muchos dermatólogos hacia la influencia de la dieta en el problema del acné data especialmente de 1969, cuando el Dr. James Fulton publicó un difundido estudio en el Journal of American Medical Association. Aquel estudio concluía que la dieta no afectaba al acné. Adolfo D. Running - Shoe Fit Guide | Zappos. Started my DermaRoller on Nose Pores tonight.. I know exactly what you are going through. I'm a 29 year old female, and I have LARGE pores ALL over my nose - Not just in one spot, but all over! I avoid wearing makeup because it makes my pores more noticeable. I think about my pores 24/7, I'm always looking in the mirror every min.

When I go to bed the first thing I think about is how my pores are gonna look in the next day. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing i do is look in the mirror to see if my pores have gotten any smaller. I hate when people talk to me really close, lately I've been avoiding people by doing most of my clothing shopping online. Whenever I have to go to the grocery store I don't go until late at night around midnight or so. Wow. Im almost hesitant to believe someone wrote that rather then myself! The days my nose is somwhat better, I'll use that day like crazy! So no wal marts. The dermaroller didnt work well for me.

Ive gone to a Laser skin place also for a consultation. I just can't win. FITMONTCLAIR Blog by Advanced Fitness Concepts. “SKINNY FAT” is NOT a myth – The DANGERS of hidden body fat! « FITMONTCLAIR Blog by Advanced Fitness Concepts. Posted by fitmontclair in Fat Loss, Fitness, Health & Exercise, Montclair, Women's Health.

Tags: BMI, Equinox, loose skin, Mayo Clinic, Skinny fat, wall street journal trackback Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share a VERY important article that was forwarded to me by a client. I suggest you all read it in its entirety and then forward it anyone you think can benefit from the information. As always, take a deep breath and remove all the breakables before proceeding on for what follows is quite SHOCKING! The article deals with the health risks of “Normal Weight Obesity” or what I and many health professionals call the “Skinny Fat” syndrome. I have hi-lited the most important facts in “BOLD” type to aid in reading the information. From the Wall Street Journal: The Scales Can Lie: Hidden Fat New Study Argues Even Thin People Can Face Health Risks From Fat; It’s ‘Normal Weight Obesity’ By RON WINSLOW Can you be normal weight and fat at the same time?

But Dr. Professional Caliper Approx. $300 Dr.