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Life Self Coaching

Our mission is to provide fresh perspectives and creative experiential journey, in executive and personal development focusing on our key core strength areas of Global Communications, Executive Coaching, and Mentoring.

CEO Executive Coaching Services by the top Executive Coach Dr. Avra Lyraki. Steps To Achieve Career Fulfillment. Why businesses need to hire an Executive Coach. For improving interpersonal skills, Communication Coaching is becoming increasingly popular within the umbrella of executive coaching.

Why businesses need to hire an Executive Coach

Personal communication coaching relates to intervention in several ways: ●It is based implicitly on the principles of mediation. ●It can enhance the quality of the arbitration experience for both the coach and the students. ●Anyone can be helped to prevent the escalation of the conflict by generally enhancing communication. ●In this respect, it is a powerful means of amplifying work relationships for managers and others including customer relations and personnel departments.

Think Positive. How can I think positive?

Think Positive

Most people I’ve met during all these years I’m practicing coaching, consistently ask me this question: “I’m trying to think positive but most of the times my negativity overcomes all those positive thoughts”. Most people I talk with have come to the conclusion that either positive thinking does not work or that they don’t try hard enough. The fact is that positive thinking is an effective tool, but it must be used properly and in the right timeframe. Life Self Coaching is proven technique in order to manage everyday achievement in almost every stage of our life. And that is not an exaggeration.. Some basic ideas on how we can manage our self are suggested below: 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. Skills That Make A Good Leader.

Best Mentor and Executive Coaching. In setting high global standards for professional coaching, ICF’s credentialing system requires each applicant to partner with a Mentor Coach.

Best Mentor and Executive Coaching

Mentor Coaching focuses on applicants’ coaching skills, rather than coaching them on practice building, life balance or other topics. One of my greatest professional passions is partnering with professional coaches to enhance and expand their skills and expertise. Based on my experience as an ICF Credentialing Assessor, PCC Coach, International Lead Coach Instructor and Mentor Coach I will help you: Gain clarity on the ICF Core Competency skills, behaviors and the ICF Code of Conduct.Staying abreast of current ICF Credentialing requirements and procedures.

Human Social Networking-necessity or choice? Nowadays, someone who is looking for an advice, a job or an experienced doctor, consults his/her friends and acquaintances.

Human Social Networking-necessity or choice?

An important role, in practicing human social networking, plays the reputation we built as individuals and as members of different groups, but also in our entire professional and social circle, from where we can look for significant help or just simple information. People who know us we know them, widely constitute our social network. So when we refer to human social networking, we literally mean: “Knowing the right person in the right place”. Human social networking has been criticized and sometimes the term has been misinterpreted as something “bad” or not political correct as an activity. That is exactly why I must mention here that the term social networking in bibliography has no opportunistic meaning at all. Social networking does not have a beginning or an ending. Ways to Choose the Best Executive Coach and Mentor. It is often reasonable for the organisation to identify many suitable executive coaches and mentor who fit the desired requirements of the organisation.

Ways to Choose the Best Executive Coach and Mentor

This helps the organisation to recruit a series of practitioners who fulfil the organisation’s basic requirements. Not only this, but they also search for the ones who may also have different specialties or approaches to coaching. It thus grants the possibility of offering individuals a choice about who they work with the understanding that all the coaches have been assessed to ensure they fulfil the organisation’s criteria. How Coaching And Leadership Development is Beneficial?

Ways of Improving our Emotional Self-Awareness. It is important to be aware that our emotional self-awareness is the key to handling emotions, in order for them to work for us and not against us.

Ways of Improving our Emotional Self-Awareness

It is also the key for understanding other people’s emotions and for the improvement of our relationships. Following there are some suggestions in order to improve our emotional self-awareness: – We are aware of our different emotions. – We make a list of the most intense and frequent emotions we feel. – We learn to step back and look at ourselves observing our emotions when they happen. Being able to look at ourselves in the mirror and acknowledge our emotional status and say to our self: “Now you’re feeling hurt, angry, intolerable…” – We learn to distinguish similar types of emotions, such as liking or loving someone, or being jealous of someone… – We try to feel our emotions when they’re happening: Listening to our body signs that accompany our emotions.

What You Need To Know About Executive Coaching. Leadership development alludes to exercises that improve the aptitudes, capacities and certainty of pioneers.

What You Need To Know About Executive Coaching

Projects differ enormously in multifaceted nature, cost and style of instructing. Coaching and leadership development are two types of advancement regularly used to control and create leaders. Leadership development is a typical procedure in progression arranging, which plans to create high-capability pioneers to assume control over senior positions when they become empty. Superior workers are ordinarily recognized for these authority improvement programs, which might be longer-term and more extensive than projects concentrating on more tightly ultimate objectives.

When Is Coaching Best Applied? The Best Executive Visibility Coaching From Dr. Avra Lyraki. “If you want your company to be known as a leader, the leader of your company has to be known”.

The Best Executive Visibility Coaching From Dr. Avra Lyraki

Current Status: C-Suite Executives face a broad lack of trust. At the same time, there is a lack of awareness of who C-Suite Executives are. TEST YOUR OBJECTIVITY. Even though reality is relative, taking into consideration the film “What the bleep do we know”, our “objective” view is not so objective after all, since “we see” the world according to who we are and not how reality actually is.


However being – as much as possible – closer to the actual events, it helps and also protects us from many unpleasant situations. Some suggestions on how to improve our sense of objectivity are the following: CEO Executive Coaching-Help Increase Profitability And Accelerate Growth. SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE OUR SELF-CONTROL. Self-control helps us, in order to control our emotions rather than let them control us, something than can sometimes be catastrophic.


Need of Executive Leadership Coaching. Executive leadership coaching will enable you to acknowledge proficient achievement and accomplishment, as you characterize it. The professionals deal with CEOs, officials, business visionaries and different experts to enable them to understand their expert and individual potential. A portion of the reasons that the customers pick coaching include: Reasons Why You Need Executive Coach. BE THE BEST OF YOURSELF. Eventually, our road to success depends on various factors. Here are some ideas that can help us look with an open mind at some things or situations that can help us succeed! Examine the possibility that there are some areas that you do not know and could lead you to new options. You may discover that you have unexplored talents from which you can generate satisfaction.Do whatever you want; enjoy what you are doing as well as the fact that you are able to do it.Look for activities that encourage you to realize your possibilities.Motivate yourself by setting clear, meaningful and time constraint goals.Dedicate time on expanding your potential and try to be the Best of Yourself in everything you do.Learn to postpone an immediate satisfaction in order to achieve a long-term result.Do not postpone important actions that relate to your goals.

Get fresh perspective to achieve your goals.