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March for Women: The Power of self-care! As mothers, sisters, wives, daughters and in almost every role, women have poured their heart and gave it their best to nourish the relationships.

March for Women: The Power of self-care!

They have fought tooth and nail for their rights since forever but that has never changed how nurturing, caring and resilient women are. However, when it comes to taking care of themselves, our mothers, sisters and daughters are a bit careless. Self-care has become a luxury and women need to invest in self-care for the sake of their health and the society’s well-being altogether. Because, if there are no women, there is no society. However, self-care is also a vague topic that has different meanings to different people. And without the proper tools and resources, that is not possible.

We are here to discuss self-care for women, what it means and how can one achieve it! What exactly is self-care? It doesn’t mean that a person won’t need any help with their healthcare. If you divide self-care in three parts, it would be as follows: Conclusion: New year, new resolution: quit alcohol and smoking. “Quit alcohol and smoking” As these habits are not good for your health and it causes many health problems.

New year, new resolution: quit alcohol and smoking

You might have your own struggles, right? But there needs to be a point when you have to consider letting go of these “unhealthy” habits. Why not make it a new year resolution? Wait, don’t get overwhelmed. You already know that these habits can adversely affect your life. Now, here’s a list of things from online pharmacy UK that can help you take baby steps towards quitting smoking or alcoholism.

Can just a resolution make things work? Every year millions of people make new resolutions. Start with building a support system If you have friends, family members, or any relative who can heartily support you throughout the journey without any judgements, ask them for help. Also, note that the person is not your therapist. Celebrate small victories As we discussed, you are not expected to take a leap but start with baby steps. Follow the 21-day rule See the bigger picture Conclusion.

All You Need To Know About How to deal with Hairfall During Pandemic. COVID-19 is one of the closest events to an apocalypse that humankind has ever seen, and it has taken a toll on the physical as well as mental health of people.

All You Need To Know About How to deal with Hairfall During Pandemic

The endless efforts required to keep yourself healthy and sane during this time has worsened the scenario to a whole new level. A newly-found consequence of the coronavirus pandemic is “Telogen effluvium”, the hair-fall during the pandemic. It is a form of temporary hair loss caused by emotional or physical stress, illness, and fever or weight loss. This is very different from the hair-loss that occurs due to alopecia and it occurs all over the scalp. There are many other reasons behind hair-fall.

Not to mention, it is normal to shed a few strands of hair every day. How does hair loss affect us? What is a Twindemic and Why it is important to get a flu shot amidst the Pandemic? COVID'19 has already threatened the world and attacked millions of lives in the past six months.

What is a Twindemic and Why it is important to get a flu shot amidst the Pandemic?

Epidemiologists also predict the second wave of this virus. Meanwhile, the season of influenza virus has arrived with another serious problem of seasonal flu. The danger spreading as a result of the combination of both the virus is termed as 'twindemic.’ The situation might seem dreadful, but there are several ways to protect you from the same. One of them is getting a flu shot and ordering vitabiotics from Online Pharmacy UK for better prevention at the earliest.

What is a flu shot? A flu shot is nothing but an inactivated vaccine that provides prevention against influenza virus. How does a flu vaccine function to prevent you from influenza? Once the vaccine/ shot is injected, your body starts producing antibodies against the influenza virus within a time span of two weeks. A complete guide on how to take flu shots Things to know about the flu shot Vulnerable population. Online Pharmacy UK, Prescriptions & Online Chemists UK - Life Pharmacy.