Life N Living
Life n Living is an initiative to help today s generation to understand and create an awareness of the life style that is techno infested and fast paced. We will conduct workshops and interviews of university students to understand their perspective on the changing environment and enable them to form an interactive platform on this website.
Post COVID 19 Anxiety. With the roll out of COVID 19 vaccines, the end of the pandemic appears to be in sight.
That will mean a welcome return to the familiar patterns of life – office, school, socializing and the rest. The thought of leaving the lockdown behind is an appealing one, but there are, for a lot of people, problems in entering the “new normal.” Anxiety and Stress Familiarity breeds comfort and security; going to school or the office everyday may be somewhat boring, but it is not frightening. However, going back to that environment after a very long gap means lessening familiarity. Online Counselling By Vasantha Vaikunth. TIMELESS SONG OF LIFE (BHAGAWAT GITA) Good and evil are two sides of the same coin for man as the intellect or the sukshama buddhi is given to him due to his good karma.
Animals and other species run their lives on basic instincts and their movements are computarized by God. They do not make any karma, as they have no discriminating ability. Man is awake from within as he is capable of applying his knowledge. He goes to school to learn and retain. He is also taught how to go in the path of righteousness, compassion, serving the poor, application of knowledge. We still wonder on dharma and adharma, and find excuses for our own evil actions and justify selfish thoughts like “me” mine, my family, my children, my house etc. Online Counseling Bangalore. Online Counselling In Chennai. Online Counselling and Emotional Wellness Coach. Online Counselling By Vasantha Vaikunth. Relationship Archives. Coping with the Stress of Returning to Work. The government is now easing the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions to restart economic activity.
Unfortunately, this does not mean that the disease has gone – in fact; it is still spreading at an alarming rate. However, the easing of restrictions means that many people who were working from home or were on leave will now be returning to their workplace. While this, for many, will be a positive development, there are going to be many concerns, stress and anxiety that will prevent a smooth transition back to the office.
Psychological Consequences of COVID-19 on the Mental Health. It is strange the way people are willing to talk about their physical ailments and the treatments they are receiving, including physical therapy but are unwilling to speak about the emotional and psychological problems they face and the help they need to get over them.
No human being can exist in isolation – we all exist within familial, social and professional frameworks. The mental and emotional stress we face can often be far more serious and have a greater impact on our wellbeing and quality of life than the physical problems. The COVID-19 pandemic is of course something that no one imagined would happen and hence was never planned for. The psychological problems that arise from being locked down, fears about professional losses or damaged relationships and the isolation, all work to cause high stress levels.
It is similar to humanity being involved in a serious car accident. The Problems COVID-19 has affected people in different ways. Dealing with Return-to-Work Stress. Preparing to return to the office after a long COVID-19 lockdown can be exciting.
You are heading back to a familiar environment with people you know and new challenges to deal with. However, that does not mean that the switch from work from home to the office routine is going to be a smooth one. COVID-19 has changed us all and how we react to people and situations; how others react to us will also not be the same as it was before. An initial feeling of strangeness is natural, but if it continues for a period of time, it could affect your ability to function in the workplace. The Stress of Returning to Work. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in ways we did not think possible.
The lockdown is now being eased and people are hoping to return to the lives they had a few months ago. No one knows what the future holds, but it is clear that the “new normal” will differ from the way we lived in the past. Adapting to the new lifestyle and learning to make the best of it will not be easy and there will be times when people will need help in coping with the changes. One area that will be particularly difficult is the return to work in the formal office atmosphere.
New Habits Die Hard. Online Counseling for Coronovirus Anxiety. As we navigate through these difficult times where millions of people and communities are being affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, Life n Living has extended its commitment and support to every individual that has concerns or worries.
We are here to address your emotional and mental health needs. We will help you foster positive feelings and provide outstanding online counselling at the comfort of your home, using internet-based conferencing software. In a time of upheaval and uncertainty, our counsellors aim to create a safe environment that is free from criticism, judgment, and guilt. We offer compassion, kindness, safety and confidentiality away from the daily onslaught. Life n Living’s therapy sessions have been designed to help you find support, insight, and new strategies to sail through this phase with ease. OCD Can Be Treated Safely. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a condition where patterns of unreasonable thoughts and fears develop that cause a person to be compelled to perform needless repetitive actions.
The fear creates the obsession and the repeated actions are the compulsion as the patient is unable to control them. The obsession and compulsion together form OCD. How smart is the smart phone? Is it taking control over you?
What is going on with it for teenagers and youngsters? Are they ready to explore and face adventures without guidance? Making and connecting with friends only on the screen with strange people is dangerous. Cyber-crimes, threats, and bullying are rampant in every society and the relationship is based on outside real existence. Why do the youngsters feel demotivated? Young people today need emotional support, guidance and a sense of life perception.
Live a happier life with these secrets. Relationship building around you. Signs you are in a toxic relationship. When you’ve been in a relationship for too long, it can get extremely difficult to see right from wrong. You may lose sight of who you really were before you met that person. You may even start to forget to make yourself a priority. Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. Most Typical Symptom of Bipolar Disorder Cycles of elevated (manic) and depressed mood. Elevated mood High energyReduced need for sleepLoss of touch with realityDepressed mood Low energyLow motivationLoss of interest in daily activities Behavioural symptoms during depressive period Feeling sadFeeling irritableHopelessnessLoss of interestGuiltWorthlessnessLack of sleepPlanning or attempting suicide Behavioural symptoms during manic period Feeling very happyFeeling full of energyFeeling self importantImpulsivenessTaking unnecessary risksFeeling aggressive Symptoms of bipolar disorder in teens Not very straightforwardMaybe present along with ADHD, anxiety and substance abuseTriggered by traumatic episodes like death, divorceAlso triggered by changes during pubertyAdolescents with bipolar are at a high risk of suicide.
Life and Living. Youth of today is the driving force of tomorrow. They have the responsibility and the ability to shape and preserve this globe. Human Hypocrisy. Human hypocrisy has become habitual that reflects in every action. No one needs to think of manipulations; it comes out naturally. It is a feature that is stored as data in the mind computer. Humans are happy to store agendas that are selfish and destructive. The hypocrisy that springs from such actions cannot be hidden. The sweet, meaningless talks that flatter the ego make man take the wrong road for survival. Symptoms of Depression. “The mind begins to feel aggrieved, stricken, and the muddied thought processes register the distress of an organ in convulsion. . ..
It is a storm indeed, but a storm of murk,” –William Styron, on suffering from Depression. Depression is a shadowy illness that has been haunting the human psyche for decades. It is an indication that you have reached your breaking point – completely ‘stressed out’ and exhausted. Maybe life has thrown too much at you, or your patience has completely depleted. You can no longer handle the stresses of everyday living and you feel you are falling apart. Who designs your destiny? Is marriage a business contract. Aging Parents Today. Age is a calculation formed by human beings, animals and plants do not know or worry about it. Smart tips for single parents of teenagers. Single Parenting comes with its own set of challenges, moreover to deal with teenagers as a single parent needs altogether a different skill. During teenage a child goes through a “Physical & Physiological” changes, that is changes in body and mind respectively. 7 Keys to a Healthy Relationship. As far as a healthy relationship is concerned, there is so much that we can learn from both research and our own experiences of life.
Nutrition in modern world. Nonacceptance leads to misery. People try to change things that seem out of control. Do personal fights affect your day to day functioning? Non acceptance of situations in life leads to disappointments, frustrations and sorrows. Everyone wants to have their way and they impose it on others; hence the discomfort in relationships. Vinod Pandey had series of arguments with his 16 years old son who was coming home late every night.
Violence at home affects children. The nuclear family system is loading the entire burden on the parents. How important is a teacher? Are we judging the youth of today? The screaming lane of judgments by parents and elders in the society is placing the image of youth as irresponsible, erratic, impulsive, valueless, cyber crazy, prone to attention deficit disorder, no motivation, depressed, anchorless. Do we allow our babies to grow up? CBT for children and adolescents. On Looking Beautiful. Living skills for the young. Generation at cross road. Dreams and Reality.