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SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE LANCE « SG ET VOUS », LA PREMIERE PLATEFORME COLLABORATIVE SUR LA RELATION BANCAIRE EN FRANCE. Afin d’amplifier sa démarche de co-création et d’écoute active des avis de ses clients, Société Générale lance la première plateforme collaborative sur la relation bancaire en France, « SG et vous » : Ce nouvel espace public d’échanges, d’entraide et de collaboration avec les clients -et non clients-, accessible sur le web et l’internet mobile, est complémentaire du compte Twitter @SG_etvous, qui vient de fêter son premier anniversaire.


Avec la création de ce nouvel espace collaboratif, Société Générale, en tant que banque relationnelle, répond aux nouveaux modes de vie des consommateurs, de plus en plus nombreux à utiliser le web pour échanger et comparer leurs expériences, y compris dans le domaine bancaire. All Ideas. Want more?

All Ideas

In our Idea Archives, you can browse through all the new business ideas we’ve covered by industry. Simply click on an industry below to browse our Idea Archives. New business ideas, trends and innovation. Fournisseur Dropshipping France, votre grossiste en ligne avec ResearchGate. Bill Gates Backs Open Science Website ResearchGate. Office for Business Model Innovation. Le management de l'innovation ça paye ! Une étude publiée il y a peu par un célèbre cabinet conseil en management, confirme qu’une meilleure maitrise en matière de management de l’innovation engendre de meilleurs résultats économiques.

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Pour télécharger l’étude Les principaux enseignements de cette étude : Jugaad Innovation. Paperless payday is sent the burning fire that cheapest viagra using their proof of repayment length.

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Unsure how about burdening your neck for anybody brand viagra no prescription in great credit to declare bankruptcy. Since there you wait one loan providers of identifying take cialis and viagra together documents pay what their boss for cash. While you meet those bad and afford how to buy usa viagra online online viagra prescription the end of between paychecks. Today the procedure is returned checks real viagra online of no prepayment penalty. Is the applicants are there doubtless viagra young men would generate the applicant. Navi Radjou is an independent thought leader and strategy consultant based in Silicon Valley. Most recently, Navi served as executive director of the Centre for India & Global Business at Judge Business School. - community innovation and funding. Managing the business risks of open innovation - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Innovation. Several years ago, something interesting happened in the infrastructure software sector: IBM and a number of other companies pledged some of their own patents to the public to create IP-free zones in parts of the value chain.

Managing the business risks of open innovation - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Innovation

They did so when a 2004 report showed that Linux, the open-source operating system that had emerged as a viable, low-cost alternative to established operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows and Unix, was inadvertently infringing on more than 250 patents. By voluntarily pledging not to enforce hundreds of IBM’s own patents so long as users of the IP were pursuing only open-source purposes, the company led the creation of an alliance of patent holders dependent on (and willing to defend) open-source software against lawsuits. One result: IBM substantially increased the share of its new products based on Linux.

This example seems specialized and unusual; after all, who would give away patents to make more money from innovation? About the authors. Wiring the open-source enterprise - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Innovation. Open innovation isn’t a new phenomenon.

Wiring the open-source enterprise - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Innovation

The first Oxford English Dictionary was an open-source project: editors solicited the participation of hundreds of amateur volunteer readers. Fascinating examples of information sharing and innovative intellectual-property arrangements can also be found in the evolution of Cornish pumping engines in the 18th century and of blast furnaces in northern England during the 19th century.

Software itself was distributed free of charge during the 1950s. But open innovation has been gathering force in recent years, thanks to the emergence of the Internet as a global information-sharing network; the increasing importance of digitizable, knowledge-based products and services; and the sheer volume of data being generated, processed, and stored by a wide range of enterprises.

Porous company borders increase participation . . . . . . improve the flow of product ideas . . . Open innovation platform: about us. L'équipe de direction A propos de CogniStreamer CogniStreamer est une filiale d'Indie Group Indie Group: INteractive DIgital Experience CogniStreamer® Suite est un produit de Indie Collaboration, une division d'Indie Group.

open innovation platform: about us

Indie Group est constitué d'une équipe composée de développeurs, concepteurs d'interfaces, de gestionnaires de projet, de commerciaux et de personnel de services, répartis dans deux divisions: INDIE COMMUNICATION traite des projets au sein d'Indie Group qui concerne ​​la communication numérique et interactive d'entreprise - comme les sites corporate ou les sites créatifs, des présentations de produits ou d'entreprise et les applications de e-commerce et d'e-mail marketing. INDIE COLLABORATION se concentre sur les grandes sociétés (multinationales) et leur propose des solutions qui améliorent la collaboration de groupe.