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Mind maps

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La più grande raccolta di strumenti e tecniche per il design. How Color-Coded Notes Make You A More Efficient Thinker. It's a tall order to take physical notes on actual paper with a real pen. Most people I know don't do it, despite the clear benefits . It's more stuff to lug around, while your ever-ready phone offers literally hundreds of apps for speaking, writing, drawing, and syncing notes.

So considering the use of multiple pen colors for your notes can seem a bit like lugging a Victrola around for a morning jog. But there are real, tested benefits to using multiple colors to stretch out your thoughts, take notes on meetings, and do your research on deeper topics. Color improves recall time for graphs and charts , and can be a "a very effective performance factor" , if not overdone. Map Your Mind, or Just Save Your Future Self from Boredom Draw out your loose ideas floating around a topic or project on a whiteboard or large paper canvas, and you will almost certainly not feel it was a waste of time.

But having a few color markers or pens is a small bit of structure you should pick up. Mappe mentali malate. Lavori al mindmaplab: la categorizzazione delle mind map in due grandi gruppi: le mind map sane e le mind map malate Sotto un esempio di mappa mentale malata (i nostri bagni, e tutto il nostro mondo, sono delle mappe mentali perche’ partorite dalla nostra mente, siamo noi che decidiamo dove deve stare l’asciugamano ecc): nella prima immagine i luoghi per importanza, con il punto principale, il lavandino, al numero 1 e via a scalare l’armadietto, lo specchio, ecc.

mappe mentali malate

Nella seconda immagine invece gli oggetti: lo spazzolino, il sapone, il detersivo.Si ha una mappa mentale sana, in questo caso incrociando luoghi ed oggetti,quando gli oggetti piu’ importanti sono posti nei luoghi principali, ed al contrario si ha una mappa mentale malata quando un oggetto importante è posto in periferia (oppure un oggetto secondario è posto al centro) pag 109. Spatial Agency - Connections map. Christiania is an autonomous settlement on the site of a former military barracks in Copenhagen.

Spatial Agency - Connections map

After the military left the site it was fenced off but in 1971 a group of people took over parts of the site to make a children's playground. Soon after Christiania was proclaimed a Freetown with one of the original goals being to 'build up a society from scratch'. It is one of the largest 'slum communes' and was set up in direct response to the lack of affordable housing and social facilities, and as an antidote to stressful city life.

The legal status of Christiania has been the source of much conflict with the Danish government and the fate of the settlement was a party political issue throughout the 1970s. However, Christiania was granted semi-legal status in 1972, following an agreement to pay a collective tax in return for water and electricity. References About Christa S. Adam Conroy, Christiania: The Evolution of a Commune (London: A. Wikipedia, "Freetown Christiania," 2009, Quotes. Find movies, TV shows matching your taste & watch online - Jinni. Gerolamo Dizionario Sinonimi e Contrari con Sillabatore online per sillabare in sillabe e mappa culturale dell'arte cinema letteratura teatro e musica. Synonyms Dictionary at It’s an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and draw connections to associated words.

Synonyms Dictionary at

You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it. Why use Snappy Words visual dictionary? Easy to use dictionary and thesaurus. Learn how words associate in a visually interactive display. Get ideas to help write content for your blog, article, thesis or simply play with words! How do I use it? Type words in the search box and click Go or simply hit Enter. Worldshapin (launched)

Diagrams examples

Map and data tools. Presentation tool. Graphic software. Color tools.