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All reports. Cultur-e Blog - Dialoghi sulla rete - Blog collettivo. Do Designers Actually Exploit The Poor While Trying To Do Good? Jan Chipchase Responds. Recently, at the PopTech Conference in Camden, Maine, Jan Chipchase, Frog’s all-star field researcher, was giving a presentation on his travels in search of novel design solutions when a person in the audience lobbed a pointed question: “What is your motivation?

Do Designers Actually Exploit The Poor While Trying To Do Good? Jan Chipchase Responds

Why do you do this?” When Chipchase began to respond, the audience member interrupted and asked again, “No, what is your motivation?” The follow-up hanging in the air was, “How do you sleep at night?” As the back and forth continued, the hostility became more palpable. The audience grew quiet and unsettled. Whether you’re a fan of design research in the field--or more sympathetic to that audience member--you can’t gloss over the issue. [A product in the making? Bruce Nussbaum sparked a similar conversation on Co.Design a year ago, with his provocative essay, "Is Humanitarian Design the New Imperialism? " Design for social-good usually falls squarely in the purview of nonprofits. Consider what’s happening at Design That Matters. Supporting a Creative Economy: Munich und Bayern, February 7-12, 2012 « Center for Cross-Cultural Design. As national and cultural entities thrive in a globalised economy, they face an interesting balancing act between being reaping the benefits of diverse voices and influences while highlighting their assets and identity.

Many advocates of economic development are turning to Design for affirmation. XCD continues to follow the interaction between municipalities and engaged citizens using design. Our latest article covers the Munich Creative Business Week (MCBW) scheduled for February 7-12, 2012 and is based on an interview with Bayern Design, the principal event organiser. If you’re cruising through The Continent looking for Design Inspiration or have some frequent flyer miles you need to cash in, this might be worth checking out… Who’s hosting? MCBW is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Economy, Infrastructure, Traffic and Technology. Manufacturing: The third industrial revolution. THE first industrial revolution began in Britain in the late 18th century, with the mechanisation of the textile industry.

Manufacturing: The third industrial revolution

Tasks previously done laboriously by hand in hundreds of weavers' cottages were brought together in a single cotton mill, and the factory was born. The second industrial revolution came in the early 20th century, when Henry Ford mastered the moving assembly line and ushered in the age of mass production. The first two industrial revolutions made people richer and more urban. Now a third revolution is under way. Manufacturing is going digital. A number of remarkable technologies are converging: clever software, novel materials, more dexterous robots, new processes (notably three-dimensional printing) and a whole range of web-based services.

Towards a third dimension The old way of making things involved taking lots of parts and screwing or welding them together. The applications of 3D printing are especially mind-boggling. How Oil Prices Affect the Economy: Calling for a Third Industrial Revolution. "Ecco come funziona la finanza del millisecondo. Intervista ad Andrea Nova, giovane analista finanziario in un hedge fund di Wall Street.

"Ecco come funziona la finanza del millisecondo

Dove i più ricercati sono ingegneri, fisici e matematici capaci di tradurre in equazioni i sussulti dei mercati di GiIULIA BELARDELLI"PRENDIAMO un secondo e immaginiamo di dividerlo in un milione di parti. In ognuno di questi microsecondi, se potessimo entrarci dentro, ci troveremmo un aggiornamento del prezzo, un ticchettio dell'orologio che scandisce il battito con cui, sul mercato azionario, avvengono le transazioni. Stesso discorso per i beni di consumo, solo che qui la frequenza è nell'ordine dei millisecondi". È così che Andrea Nova, giovane analista finanziario per un hedge fund di Wall Street, descrive l'High Frequency Trading, il fenomeno che negli ultimi anni sta ridisegnando il volto dell'alta finanza a colpi di algoritmi.

Proviamo prima a inquadrare il fenomeno. Cosa c'è di diverso in questa finanza del milli o microsecondo rispetto a quella che possiamo "vedere" a occhio nudo? " Pop Economy.