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Hands on workbook. Adage. Programmatic advertising is a word jumble of often-confusing terms and uncertain definitions.


Perhaps you've found yourself nodding along in a meeting, too afraid to ask "What's that mean? " The space, which at the most basic level concerns how digital ads flow online, is constantly evolving. What was programmatic yesterday is not the programmatic of today or tomorrow. Here's a look at the terms and practices that are essential to know as a digital marketer on the way to 2020. 5 SEO Strategies for Social Media You Need to Know Before You Hit Publish. 3 metrics mistakes PR pros make in the boardroom.

Senior executives are your toughest audience.

3 metrics mistakes PR pros make in the boardroom

Their time is limited—and so is your career if you don’t cut to the chase when presenting results. It can be daunting. You have a lot of data to share, and this could be your only chance to sell your boss or manager on your value. Here are three mistakes to avoid the next time you’re called to the boardroom: 1. Mistakes are more likely to happen if you automate everything, she adds. A social media dashboard, for example, could pull “subway” results without distinguishing between posts referencing underground railways and those referencing Subway sandwich shops. A social media dashboard might similarly fail to distinguish between “BMS” for Bristol-Myers Squibb or “BMS” for “by myself” or “boy menstrual syndrome.” “A lot of teenagers use ‘BMS’ as an acronym on social media, and they’re definitely not referencing the pharmaceutical company,” Paine says.

Welcome Back. White Paper: 2016 Global Social Journalism Study. Introduction The fifth annual Social Journalism Study, conducted by Cision and Canterbury Christ Church University, tracks the ways social media affects journalists and media professionals in both their work and in their communication with PR professionals with data gathered from the United States, Canada, Finland, Germany, France, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

White Paper: 2016 Global Social Journalism Study

In it, we’ll provide an in-depth look at journalists’ perspectives on social media in these seven countries and how their understanding and usage of it has evolved. We’ve categorized the surveyed journalists into five main groups based on their professional and demographic characteristics, as well as their attitudes towards social media. We’ve also divided the key findings from U.S. and international journalists. Untitled. Journalism is one of the most demanding professions in the world, especially in today’s digital age.


The era of the printed medium is on its way out, but journalism and journalists are still going strong, having adjusted themselves to modern technology. However, while technology has made some things easier, it has also made a journalists’ job a lot more challenging. These days, information travels faster than ever. It only takes a few seconds for an actual event which happened moments ago to become public and seen by millions of people. This means journalists need to be able to react in a split second, and report on the go at times. Fortunately, even though modern technology has created a bit of a problem, it has also created a number of solutions in the shape of apps journalists can use to make their jobs easier and their reporting more accurate and up-to-date. Note-taking apps For those who prefer devices made by Apple, the Notes app comes recommended. The 15-Minute Social Media Audit Everyone Can Do. The Difference Between Content and Content Marketing.

7 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy. Attend our free webinar August 24 and learn how to create highly profitable direct mail campaigns that will grow your business.

7 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Register Now » If you're engaging in any type of content marketing - social media, blogging, eBooks, etc. - you have a content marketing strategy. While it may not be an official, documented strategy, you likely aren't just producing content for content's sake. You likely have content goals (if only vague ones), a loose publishing schedule and a general idea of the types of content you plan to publish. If you're doing any of these, I believe you have a content marketing strategy. Now, let's make that strategy even better. 1. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 53 percent of the most effective B2B content marketers have a documented strategy. If you want to get the best results from your efforts, take the time to write down your strategy. 2. We know that the most effective marketers meet either daily or weekly. Campus Chronicle: Cracking Content Marketing For Higher Education. Is Your Content Creation Achieving Anything?

You may have noticed this already, but there's a lot of content on the web these days.

Is Your Content Creation Achieving Anything?

Posts, tweets, videos, snaps, blogs, updates, photos, and stories. There's so much happening on so many channels that it's difficult at times to parse the lot of it. With so many channels to choose from, you would think that people (and their organizations) would maintain a sharp focus on strategy, outcomes, and goals. However, due to the distributed nature of social media, there's been a tendency for dilution. People are posting, but does it matter? (Quality) Content Matters - There's a lot of static on the social web. Focus Your Efforts - One or two channels where you are crafting amazing content is far better than a swarm of "meh-inducing" pieces.