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Télécharger Fraps sur 01net University of Nottingham’s Maternity Ward in Second Life — Metaverse Health. "The Stolen Child", Lainy Voom's Machinima Adaptation of Yeats Poem. The Stolen Child from Lainy Voom on Vimeo The latest machinima project from my friend Lainy Voom are short adoptions of classic poems; here's the first, a rapturous, melancholy-tinged treatment of Yeats' "The Stolen Child". As sun-dappled and ethereal as it is, Lainy tells me it was shot entirely in Second Life, with all elements realized in-camera, without post-processing effects. (Excepting the opening fade-in into the Yeats' volume.) As with all Lainy's works, there's more to tell, but watch the video first, than read on for more revelations about how she created it.

"I was actually trying to make a completely different movie," Lainy tells me, "[A] Pre-Raphaelite-inspired 'Lady of Shallot' by Tennyson. " After that project creatively floundered, the footage she'd created went unused for awhile. "When I came across 'Stolen Child' something just clicked with some of the visuals, the Gelatto sky settings and the water. " Machinima is the Only Real World Application of Second Life To Gain a Mass Market (& For Now, the Only One that Will)