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Stitch and Sew Backpack. Zippered Clutch Tutorial. Over this winter break I decided I wanted to show whoever is reading this how to do a little project that I think is a simple way to start sewing. This tutorial has definitely been done before, but I hope my version will help make this project seem easier to someone! This is the first tutorial I have written so please let me know if there is anything that is unclear and I will try my best to help clarify! First what you need: 4 pieces of fabric 5'' X 6.25''(12.5cm X 16cm) - 2 of the outside fabric, and 2 of the lining fabric1 piece of fabric (for the strap) 13'' X 2.5'' (35cm X 6cm) 1 Zipper (the one shown is a 7inch zipper, but I cut 1.5'' off the end, don't worry, ill show you below!)

Thread (this will show on the outside of the clutch, so pick a colour you like) Because I had a zipper that was too long, I had to shorten it a bit. Once your zipper is the right size, you will want to sew a little piece of fabric on to each end of the zipper. Look at how great it is so far! NC State University. Permaculture–Regenerative Design Institute–Northern California–Permaculture Certification, Leadership & Nature Awareness. Fibershed | local fibers, local dyes, local labor. Institute. Wine dyed denim gets the blues | Fashion & Retail News.

Design Studies - A framework for sustainable whole systems design. A whole systems approach, considering the interrelatedness of both problems and solutions, can help create more sustainable designs. Still, designers often apply exclusively reductionist approaches to generate designs. One way to address this issue is to reduce ambiguity in the whole systems approach. This paper describes research to define and unify elements of whole systems design. Elements were identified through a methodical review of sources describing theories, perspectives, and practices from multiple design disciplines. These elements were coded and then organized using concept mapping. Highlights ► A unifying framework for sustainable design is needed for practice and education. ► A systematic approach can help develop this framework with input from many disciplines. ► The framework developed has 20 elements categorized as processes, principles, and methods. sustainable design; systems design; design model; design methods; design theory.

Permaculture Ethics and Design Principles with David Holmgren. About Permaculture » Holmgren Design. The Origin of Permaculture Permaculture is a word originally coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid 1970′s to describe an “integrated, evolving system of perennial or self-perpetuating plant and animal species useful to man” Mollison, B. and Holmgren, D.

Permaculture One published by Corgi 1978 and since published in 7 languages (now out of print) What is permaculture? A more current definition of permaculture, which reflects the expansion of focus implicit in Permaculture One, is ‘Consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs. The Design System More precisely permaculture is a “design system based on ecological principles” (see below) which provides the organising framework for implementing the above vision. The Movement Permaculture Ethics & Design Principles. Permaculture. Permaculture is a branch of ecological design, ecological engineering, and environmental design that develops sustainable architecture and self-maintained agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystems.[1][2] The term permaculture (as a systematic method) was first coined by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in 1978.

The word permaculture originally referred to "permanent agriculture" [3] but was expanded to stand also for "permanent culture," as it was seen that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka's natural farming philosophy. "Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system. " - Bill Mollison [4] History[edit] Core tenets[edit] The core tenets of permaculture are:[9][10][11] Theory[edit] Our Story - Proud Mary. Our Story Proud Mary is a GLOBAL EXPLORATION OF TEXTILES. It all started in 2008 when owner, Harper Poe returned from volunteering with Habitat for Humanity in South America. After falling deeply in love with the indigenous peoples and brightly colored textiles she decided to combine her passions into a sustainable design business.

Proud Mary works with global artisans in the developing world to create their line of 'ethnic-modern' home and personal accessories. By combining a modern design aesthetic with traditional methods of production Proud Mary bridges the gap between fair trade and on trend/fast fashion. Our Motto: PRIDE NOT PITY. *photo by Olivia Rae James. Sale - 3 Cords - 3 cords is a social enterprise in haiti. Tours in Guatemala | Tour Guatemala | Atitlan Guatemala| Biking - Hiking - Horseback Riding - Kayak - All about Adventure tours Guatemala - Santa Cruz la Laguna, Guatemala, Central America.