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Trick Photography and Special Effects by Evan Sharboneau. Believe it or not, you don't have to own super expensive equipment or be some kind of camera wiz to take high quality camera shots like these… … but all those hotdog pro photographers out there will NEVER reveal their secrets to you… … so I'm about to do it for you. Don't take my word for that though - here's what just one person had to say: If you've ever wanted to: Take breathtaking special effects shots with just your regular camera…Finally know how to create "light painting" images that are simply out of this world…Improve your "regular" photography skills and take better photos immediately… Then you need to keep reading because everything's going to be revealed on this page… … and here's the best part: Because of the practical shortcut secrets you're about to find out, you'll quickly be able to skip the "amateur photographer" stage that usually takes years to get past… and you'll be a much better photographer from the very next time you take a shot.

From: Evan Sharboneau Dear Photographer, Doctor Who Galaxy Jello. I’m keeping it geeky today, because when your favorite TV show is premiering, you have to get back to your roots and share your love of all things Who. As I told you on Tuesday, the new season of Doctor Who premieres tomorrow (Saturday…September 1st…2012). Honestly, people, if you don’t already know this, have your calendar cleared, and your viewing party planned, I just don’t even know how we can even be friends. But I digress. The truth is, I forgive you if you haven’t given The Doctor a chance yet. There’s no time like the present, though, so I came up with a super quick and easy dessert for you to enjoy while being pulled into the Vortex of Doctor Who Fandom (which is currently being sponsored, for free, on both Netflix Watch Instantly and Amazon Prime Instant Videos, so seriously, what are you waiting for?).

Obviously, I knew I’d be making a Doctor Who food for the new season’s premiere, but I pondered for quite a long time what it would be. Probably The Doctor. 1. 2. 3. 4. Enjoy! Groovy Themed Bedding Page 8. How To Turn A Beer Can Into The Only Camping Stove You’ll Ever Need. You can whip one of these up in a matter of minutes. They’re so easy to make and they work really well. First find yourself some scissors and a beverage can and then start the above video. This is an inexpensive way to be prepared in the event of a power outage as these stoves give off a lot of heat and have the ability to cook large meals. They also make great holiday gifts for friends and family. For more great repurposing ideas, check out Repurposing 24/7 Image: Vimeo camp stoveDIYRepurposing Related Posts « After Reading This, You’ll Never Look at a Banana in the Same Way Again The Remedy For Everything But Death »

(1) Lex Purplex. Grey and white is what I like by ~ladymeow on deviantART. Purple Pixie by ~ladymeow on deviantART. Rainbow Kra griffin by *hontor on deviantART. How to Make Emergency Candles. Emergency candles should always be in your cupboard for when there is a power outage. Power outages are unpleasant and can come at bad times – like during winter storms. Knowing you have a stash of go-to emergency candles is very helpful. Emergency candles can provide you with plenty of light, and because they’re purposefully unscented, they’ll not disturb closed off areas or rooms with strong aromas. Emergency candles are great for gift giving or just to have on hand for yourself. Be sure to make these when you have time – you’ll be glad you did! This is a beginner level candle making tutorial. Step 1 Prepare work surface. Step 2 Prepare the jars by using the wick stickers, attach the wick onto the bottom center of the inside of the jelly jar.

Step 3 Melt the soy wax in a double broiler or Presto Pot utilizing a thermometer to ensure accurate temperature. Step 4 Place pour pot on digital scale and tare. Step 5 Fill pre-wicked jar to the fill line, approximately 6.2 oz. How to Make Slime (Ninja Turtle Ooze) Become a Soap Bubble Magician. Love You / Hate You Ring Set. How to Make a Self-Freezing Coca-Cola Slushy (Or Any Kind of Instant Soda Slurpee) I knew that water could be turned into instant ice and bended at will, but was amazed to see that soda could be supercooled as well. Warning: Leaving soda in the freezer too long can result in failure of the container, and a big mess. Glass bottles are not recommended, as the ice expands when freezing and can shatter the glass explosively.

Use of video content is at own risk. The anomaly of "self freezing soda" has been observed by many people, usually by accident. Some people put a soda in the freezer to chill it, but then forget about it. When they've remembered and gone to get it, it's liquid until they open it, leaving them puzzled. There is a vending machine in Hong Kong that sells supercooled Coke bottles, and the instructions to trigger nucleation is the same as in this video.

From what I've seen, the results in this experiment form an even thicker slush than the vending machine in Hong Kong. Once you've iced your soda, try pouring it into a glass to see how slushy it really is. Woodland Elf Costume ∙ Creation by Lisa D. Getting ready for the Labyrinth of Jareth masquerade...and finally finished costume! Anyone ever watch that old Disney cartoon with the grasshopper and the ants? I was inspired by that childhood memory to make this as my LOJ costume (well....David Bowie inspired the pants...mmmmm Jareth...)...anyway Lined burlap "coat" with coat tails, hood, long sleeves, and a minimal front. Took FOREVER to make. Used a Simplicity pattern for the sleeved shrug, created the hood from my other cloat, and pulled the cuffs and coat tails out of my head. Purse was based off of a Burda pattern. Belt was based off of an online pattern (the link has escaped me). I ripped apart an old pair of stretchy pants and used the leg as a pattern for the ones I made.

Tube top is in drastic need of improvement....but it is ONLY for one night... Little hipster "bag o'Earth" was my own creation; filled with moss, acorns, and coffee beans as a fun way to tie everything in. What a hilariously fun and exhausting project!!! Woolfy Hood ∙ How To by boo on Cut Out. Adding animal-eared hoods to shirts – & tips for a tiger dress. Halloween approaches, and with it the daunting annual search for a costume that is comfortable and covers more of the body’s surface area than a teatowel.

At least, I am a fan of costumes that are comfortable and non-skanky. And here’s a little revelation: it is possible to have an awesome, effective and interesting costume that is flattering AND covers your ass. Imagine. I’ve decided to be a tiger this year. To make the dress, I used a large orange t-shirt and the basic t-shirt dressmaking techniques outlined in last week’s post. The main tutorial for today is how to make a simple hood and attach it to an existing t-shirt or sweatshirt or high-collared dress. Following the tutorial for the hood, I will also include a tutorial with the specifics of putting ears on said hood. One of the reasons I find the whole make-your-0wn-hooded-shirt thing particularly useful is that actual hoodies are flipping expensive.

What you’ll need: for the hood: for the ears, add: Putting it all together: Sew a Where the Wild Things Are hat + pattern! Fun fur animal hat with ears (with tutorial) Furry Animal Hood! I wanted to make a furry hood with animal ears to wear at Burning Man. I found lots of pictures for inspiration, but no patterns or tutorials for what I wanted. There were lots of hat patterns, but they are all made up of 4 or 5 pieces to sew together, and I think fur looks much better if there are fewer seams. Or they are intended for polar fleece, which has stretch and fur doesn’t!

So I decided to make my own pattern, where there is only one seam along the fur, and it doesn’t even go all the way down! And in the Burning Man spirit of gifting, I figured I'd share my pattern and the instructions, and post a little tute. Credit where credit is due - I was inspired by this instructable: and this etsy shop: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Done! Thanks for looking!