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Testing with Spring 4.x. Bio Sam Brannen is Core Spring Framework Committer and Enterprise Java Consultant at Swiftmind Pivotal and No Fluff Just Stuff bring you SpringOne 2GX 2014, a one-of-a-kind conference for application developers, solution architects, web operations and IT teams who develop business applications, create multi-device aware web applications, design cloud architectures, and manage high performance infrastructure.

Testing with Spring 4.x

The sessions are specifically tailored for developers using the hugely popular open source Spring IO projects, Groovy & Grails, Cloud Foundry, Hadoop and Tomcat technologies. Whether you're building and running mission-critical business applications, designing the next killer cloud or big data application, SpringOne 2GX will keep you up to date with the latest enterprise open source technology.

One2GX 2014 Replay: Spring 4 Web Applications. One2GX 2014 Replay: Deep dive into Spring WebSockets. Spring Boot Security Application - Bartosz Kielczewski. Spring Security had some opinions of being complicated to use.

Spring Boot Security Application - Bartosz Kielczewski

Well, of course it's quite complicated when you look at it, as its scope covers a lot of use-cases. Thing is that, truly in a Spring spirit, you don't have to use every feature there is at once for the use-case you are having. In fact, when you start cherry-picking and back it with Spring Boot, it doesn't appear so complicated anymore. Let's start with the use case, I was thinking on something relatively common, something that appears in almost every project with some basic access restrictions. So, the requirements of such an app could be: The app will have users, each with role Admin or User They log in by their emails and passwords Non-admin users can view their info, but cannot peek at other users Admin users can list and view all the users, and create new ones as well Customized form for login "Remember me" authentication for lazies Possibility to logout Home page will be available for everyone, authenticated or not. @Conditional de Spring 4 au coeur de l’auto-configuration de Spring Boot.

Spring Boot fournit plusieurs services facilitant la mise en oeuvre et l’exécution d’applications Spring.

@Conditional de Spring 4 au coeur de l’auto-configuration de Spring Boot

Parmi ces principales caractéristiques, on peut mettre en avant : Les possibilités d’auto-configuration sont particulièrement puissantes : Le module autoconfigure est capable d’ajouter “auto-magiquement” les beans d’infrastructure nécessaires à votre application : une datasource, un transaction manager, une entity manager factory JPA, tous le trains de beans nécessaires à Spring MVC, un tomcat ou jetty embarqué, etc… (la liste est longue) Le tout configuré avec des valeurs par défauts adéquates.

Si ces défauts ne vous conviennent pas : une bonne partie des valeurs sont paramétrables via des propriétés et sinon, il vous suffit de définir vous même le bean en question : Spring Boot le détectera et gardera votre définition. Spring Boot utilise et combine plusieurs stratégies pour décider s’il doit ou non définir un bean : Et voici l’implémentation de Condition associée : Spring Boot and Spring Data REST - exposing repositories over REST ~ Exposing Spring Data repositories over REST is pretty easy with Spring Boot and Spring Data REST.

Spring Boot and Spring Data REST - exposing repositories over REST ~

With minimal code one can create REST representations of JPA entities that follow the HATEOAS principle. I decided to re-use Spring PetClinic’s JPA entities (business layer) as the foundation for this article. Application foundation The PetClinic’s model is relatively simple, but it consist of some unidirectional and bi-directional associations, as well as basic inheritance: In addition, the Spring’s PetClinic provides SQL scripts for HSQLDB which makes that generating schema and populating it with sample data in my new application was super easy. Introduction to Spring Data JPA. Table of Contents 1.

Introduction to Spring Data JPA

Overview This article will focus on introducing Spring Data JPA into a Spring 4 project and fully configuring the persistence layer. For a step by step introduction about setting up the Spring context using Java based configuration and the basic Maven pom for the project, see this article. Properties with Spring. Table of Contents 1.

Properties with Spring

Overview This tutorial will show how to set up and use Properties in Spring – via XML and <property-placeholder> or Java configuration and @PropertySource. All and sundry: Spring MVC endpoint documentation with Spring Boot. Core Spring 3.0 Certification Mock Exam. Framework 4.0 M1: WebSocket Support. As you may have seen, the first milestone of Spring Framework 4.0 was already announced and with it we've released early WebSocket support.

Framework 4.0 M1: WebSocket Support

Why WebSocket matters? It enables efficient, two-way communication over the web that is essential in applications where messages need to be exchanged between client (typically browser) and server at high frequency and with low latency. Introducing Spring MVC test framework. Spring MVC comes with a very useful test framework, which allows doing in-depth testing without even starting a web container.

Introducing Spring MVC test framework

If you struggle maintaining any application based on Spring MVC, this post will show you the basics of the Spring MVC test framework. What am I testing? REST in Spring 3: RestTemplate. In an earlier post, I blogged about the REST capabilities we added to Spring @MVC version 3.0.

REST in Spring 3: RestTemplate

Later, Alef wrote about using the introduced functionality to add an Atom view to the Pet Clinic application. In this post, I would like to introduce the client-side capabilities we added in Milestone 2. RestTemplate The RestTemplate is the central Spring class for client-side HTTP access. Conceptually, it is very similar to the JdbcTemplate, JmsTemplate, and the various other templates found in the Spring Framework and other portfolio projects. RestTemplate Methods The main entry points of the template are named after the six main HTTP methods: The names of these methods clearly indicate which HTTP method they invoke, while the second part of the name indicates what is returned. URI Templates Each of these methods takes a URI as first argument. String result = restTemplate.getForObject(" String.class, "42", "21"); will also perform a GET on HttpMessageConverters Searching for photos. REST. Spring Security Reference. Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework.

It is the de-facto standard for securing Spring-based applications. Spring Security provides a comprehensive security solution for Java EE-based enterprise software applications. As you will discover as you venture through this reference guide, we have tried to provide you a useful and highly configurable security system. Spring MVC Tutorial. Spring MVC, a Java Model-View-Contraller (MVC) web framework, which builds on top of the Spring Inversion of control(IoC) framework.

Spring MVC Tutorial

Rewrite and Spring 4 (12/Jun/2015) I’m rewriting the outdated articles and upgrade it to Spring 4, give me some time :) 1. Spring MVC Hello World Some hello world examples to quick start Spring MVC framework. New & Updated… Spring Security Tutorial. Spring Security, is a flexible and powerful authentication and access control framework to secure Spring-based Java web application. Spring version to use in this tutorials : Spring 3.2.8.RELEASESpring Security 3.2.3.RELEASE 1. Spring Security Examples Examples to show you how to secure your web application with Spring Security. Spring Object/XML mapping example. The Spring’s Object/XML Mapping, is converting Object to XML or vice verse. This process is also known as XML Marshalling – Convert Object to XML.XML UnMarshalling – Convert XML to Object.

In this tutorial, we show you how to use Spring’s oxm to do the conversion, Object <--- Spring oxm ---> XML. 1. Project Dependency Dependencies in this example. Note Spring’s oxm itself doesn’t handle the XML marshalling or UnMarshalling, it depends developer to inject their prefer XML binding framework. Spring Security HTTP basic authentication example. When HTTP basic authentication is configured, web browser will display a login dialog for user authentication. How to create a Web Application Project with Maven. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Maven to create a Java web application (with Spring MVC) project, and make it support Eclipse IDE. Tools used : Maven 3.0.5Eclipse 4.2JDK 6Spring 3.2.0.RELEASEDTomcat 7 1. Web Application Project from Maven Template In a terminal (*uix or Mac) or command prompt (Windows), navigate to the folder you want to store the project.

Spring 3 MVC and JSON example.