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Dead Sociologists Index. Marx & Engels’ Collected Works. . The following is a petition that recently appeared over at, imploring the book publisher Lawrence & Wishart [L&W] to withdraw its demand that the Marxist Internet Archive [MIA] take down its transcriptions of Marx & Engels ‘Collected Works [MECW]. Like most of the petitions begun on that website, it will almost surely prove ineffectual. Nevertheless, it’s now reposted here for largely symbolic reasons. I will say in passing, however, that I on’t begrudge L&W the decision to invoke copyright on the MECW, at least not any more than I begrudge any book company to do so.

MECW is L&W’s rightful property — that is, property according to bourgeois right. So they are fully justified — from a legal standpoint, anyway — to insist that it be respected. However, all things told, it’s pretty pointless to try and enforce this and will doubtless inspire a backlash. Petition to allow Marx & Engels’ Collected Works to remain in the public domain .

PDFs of Marx & Engels’ Collected Works . Marxists Internet Archive. Who Rules America? By G. William Domhoff Welcome to, a site about how power is distributed and wielded in the United States. It both builds upon and greatly supplements the book Who Rules America? , now in its 7th edition. The book's new subtitle, "The Triumph of the Corporate Rich," reflects the success of the wealthy few in defeating all of their rivals (e.g., organized labor, liberals, environmentalists) over the course of the past 35 years. The story of how the corporate rich won all the big battles is complicated, but most of the answers are in the new Who Rules America? And/or this Web site; there's also a YouTube video of Bill giving an invited lecture on the topic. There's a special section (including photos and first-hand accounts) about a unique elite social club that's been holding its annual California summer retreat for well over a century: The Bohemian Club & The Bohemian Grove.

Questions and Answers Q: So, who does rule America? A: No, not quite. Q: Then how do they rule? The Anarchist Library. Intersectionality. Science. Systems Theories.