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Transmedia activism

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Home | Quipu Project. The Quipu Project is collaborating with rural communities affected by Peru's sterilization campaign to develop a communication system that will enable them to speak up and tell their stories to the world using their phones. This interactive documentary aims to collect and share the testimonies of some of the 300,000 women and men who were sterilised in the 1990s - many of whom were forced to do so or did not give their informed consent. Inspired by the Quipu, an Inca communication system made of knotted threads, the project is creating a collective string of oral histories. Contributors can record and listen to themselves and others, through an interactive phone line and local radio stations, while connecting to a wider audience through the web. Watch Pilot ... The Harry Potter Alliance | The Weapon We Have is Love. Awra Amba | BLOG.


Conflicts. Inequality. Ecology. Resist - Good storytelling strengthens social movements.