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D/s and Subs

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BDSM Protocols 101 - Master Dale's Lifestyle Community Bulletin Board. Journey Into Submission. The following essays, lists and writings are merely guidelines. They are posted here with the intent to aide you as you discover the varied lifestyle of BDSM. Each article is from the point of view and experiences of the author and is used here with permission from the author. For ease of locating specific submission related topics we have separated the articles into the following sub-categories: Advice For New Submissives Behavior Definitions/Terminology Male Submissives Viewpoints Masochism Personal Experiences Punishment and Discipline Release Rights/Expectations Service Slaves/Slavery (including Gorean Kajirae) Submission Sub-Space Submission Realities Swtich Tasks New categories will be added as this section continues to grow.

Articles marked with an asterick (*) are ones that appear under more than one category. As always, when it comes to BDSM, read everything you wish to and take from it what applies or appeals to you, then discard the rest. Warm Regards, Raven Shadowborne Release. Dominant. A submissives journey - BDSM Toys and Pervertables. Experience BDSM Slave Training In The Privacy Of Your Own Home. Slave Positions. For purposes of expedience, not exclusion, this page is written from a Master / female slave perspective. The slave positions outlined here are common to many different protocols and would be applicable to both male or female slaves alike. Author John Norman did a good job in describing most of these positions in his Gor series of books, and those who practice Gorean protocols will be quick to recognize most of them.

However this is not a page about Gorean positions specifically. It is because of the large number of Gorean enthusiasts that have shared information on the Internet about slave positions that the Gorean names for these positions have become well known, and as such, are in common usage outside of less open protocols. Of course, if you don't want to use Gorean terms, you're obviously free to use different names for the various positions as you please.

In most cases, I've given you alternative names to use. BDSM Protocols 101 - Master Dale's Lifestyle Community Bulletin Board. Protocols. First let Me say that in My perception of what umbrella the BDSM community covers there are several things to include when talking about Protocol or Codes of Conduct. BDSM, to Me, represents the entire SM/leather/fetish communities. Leather protocol and codes of conduct can be very different than what you are actually looking for. Leather protocols, in My opinion, refer mostly to the way the old motorcycle club, gay leathermen, Old Guard, GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered) folk and others handle protocol's. Fetish Protocol refers to a just as varied group, which includes spanko's, rubber enthusiasts, foot fetishists, etc... SM protocol is what most people mean when they ask for BDSM or Leather protocols and codes of conduct.

That is not to say that if you are interested in one of those other things that I am against it. Rather, what I'm trying to say is that if you are interested in "Leather Protocol" or "Leather Codes of Conduct", you won't find it here. What's first? Almost. Submissive Loving. Exploring surrender. Tangents [Archive] - getDare Forums. Slave Training information,  BDSM lifestyle , submission. This is intended to be relationship based on trust between consenting adult. Anything else is abuse and not what this website is about. Torture to obtain submission has no place in the lifestyle and is a violation of law. BDSM play is intended to fall within the scope of the new DSM-5 guidelines by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The APA ruffly defines what sadomasochism play is not considered mentally dysfunctional. slave training guide & bdsm lifestyle resource focuses on a master using body, mind and soul training to mold his slave.

It should be said, up front, that this slave training guide covers actual slave training, not submissive training. This bdsm lifestyle resource & slave training guide is written in the form of a Male (Master) and female (slave). This slave training guide is intended to offer suggestions on the training of a slave for long-term service to her Master. A slave becomes a slave ONLY through the efforts of her Master. Dom Depot. The BDSM Garden - Resources for Dominant, submissive, and slave. SubsForDommes. Disclaimer This is a handbook for people to learn more about a type of relationship known as Dominance and Submission. I do not pull punches or try to soften the language used. If you are easily offended, do not continue reading this Guide. I are writing this from the experiences of others and my own experiences. This is by no means an endorsement of this lifestyle.

Introduction Dominance and Submission (D/s) is an alternative relationship in which a Master or Dom controls the actions, emotions, and will of the slave, or submissive, often referred to as "sub". Chapter 1 - Basic Definitions Dominance and Submission are not to be confused with Sadomasochism. Chapter 2 - The Players Although it may seem through outward appearances that all the power in the relationship flows from the Dom or Master to the sub or slave, this is somewhat misleading. To prevent any misunderstanding between players, they should understand the difference between a Dom and a Master, and a submissive and a slave. Activity list - PeterMastersWiki.