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No mas puercas costumbres / No more degrading customs. How To Respond To Catcalling. Pinthecreep: Fact: UN Women survey on violence ... The US Will Never Be the 'Land of the Free' Until We Address Street Harassmen... Recently, a Cairo court sentenced an Egyptian man to one year in jail for sexually harassing a woman in a public place.

The US Will Never Be the 'Land of the Free' Until We Address Street Harassmen...

He was charged using a brand new anti-sexual harassment law that is inclusive of public spaces. The law is not enough, of course, as the most recent mob sexual assaults indicate. Egyptian activist group HarassMap cautions that laws are "only effective when they are systematically enforced, both on the official and social levels," but that this new law "represents a renewed opportunity for all of society to take an active role in standing up to this crime. " Street harassment is not a compliment - The Dialog : The Dialog. Karly Rath The Sputnik BRANTFORD (CUP) – “I’d like to ride you like you ride that bike,” a teenage male said to Sarah Rodrigues, 27, as she rode her bicycle down a path one day.

Street harassment is not a compliment - The Dialog : The Dialog

Despite being nervous about being alone, Rodrigues “stopped, turned to them, and said ‘What makes you think you can talk to me that way?’ One of the boys shouted back, ‘It’s a compliment, bitch.’” In 2000, more than 80 per cent of Canadian women reported being harassed by strangers, according to a study by sociologists, Ross MacMillan, Annette Nierobisz and Sandy Welsh. Holly Kreal, 31, is the founder of Stop Street Harassment, a non-profit organization based in United States. Egypt toughens sexual harassment laws, but activists say they fall short. Egypt made sexual harassment a crime and introduced penalties including prison terms and fines on Thursday, as the country attempts to control a rise in attacks on women.

Egypt toughens sexual harassment laws, but activists say they fall short

The decree amended the country's current law, which did not criminalize sexual harassment and only vaguely referred to such offenses as indecent assault. It defines harassment as any sexual or pornographic suggestion or hints through words, signs or acts. Adly Mansour, the outgoing president, approved a decree to make sexual harassment an offense punishable by up to five years' in jail, or fines of between $400 and $7,000. A minimum two-year jail term was introduced for harassers who hold a position of power over their victim, is in uniform or is armed with a weapon. Press release: New sexual harassment decree is an opportunity for everyone to... June 9, 2014 HarassMap: New sexual harassment decree is an opportunity for everyone to stand up to this crime HarassMap is saddened by the reports of at least 9 cases of mob sexual violence during the celebrations in Tahrir over the past week, which follows closely after a new decree was issued addressing sexual harassment.

Press release: New sexual harassment decree is an opportunity for everyone to...

The decree amends Article 306 of the Penal Code to officially name ‘sexual harassment’ as a crime punishable by 6 months to 5 years in prison and/or an LE 3-50,000 fine. The use of the phrase ‘sexual harassment’ rather than euphemisms like ‘indecent verbal or physical assault’ or ‘dishonorable act,’ and defining sexual harassment as including stalking and following, gesturing, and verbal and physical harassment, are steps forward in the fight against the epidemic of sexual harassment in Egypt. Two Thirds of Women Are Sexually Harassed on the Street. Can #YesAllWomen Hel...

Tuesday, 6/3/2014 at 7:00PM by Tanya Edwards Contributing writer.

Two Thirds of Women Are Sexually Harassed on the Street. Can #YesAllWomen Hel...

Lover of Tibi dresses, kitchen dance parties, pink wine and the Howard Stern Show. Firm believer in handwritten thank-you notes. I was eight years old the first time I experienced sexual harassment. A man exposed himself to me and my mom while we were walking in a parking lot in broad daylight. Stop Street Harassment study: How often women, gay men, and people of color are sexually harassed in public. Photo by Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock Whenever I write about the problem of the casual sexual harassment of women in public, someone inevitably attempts to derail the conversation by saying: “It happens to men, too.”

Stop Street Harassment study: How often women, gay men, and people of color are sexually harassed in public.

And it does—but that’s not the whole story. A new nationally-representative survey, released today by the advocacy organization Stop Street Harassment with the help of market research firm GfK, gives voice to the men who are harassed in public, while demonstrating just how gendered the phenomenon really is. The resulting report is based off a survey administered to 2,000 people across the United States, plus interviews with ten focus groups among marginalized people around the country, like Native Americans in South Dakota and gay, bisexual, and trans men in D.C. It found that 65 percent of women and 25 percent of men reported experiencing public harassment in their lifetimes. Here’s a graph from the report that illustrates the severity of the problem by gender: National Street Harassment Report- Stop Street Harassment. We work on national research to back up the stories people share.

National Street Harassment Report- Stop Street Harassment

HuffPost Live. 17 #YesAllWomen Tweets Everyone Must See. For The First Time Ever, I'm Speechless. Cerca - #YesAllWomen. The end of hisses, whistles and stares: we need to walk the streets without f... When I think about the first time I saw a penis, it's like something out of a nightmare, or a really terrible Law & Order SVU episode.

The end of hisses, whistles and stares: we need to walk the streets without f...

Blech. Too private a moment to share? I agree. But unfortunately the moment itself wasn't private – thanks to a grown man who exposed himself to me on a Queens subway platform when I was just 12 years old. I had just started taking the subway to school by myself, and had just barely missed the train, so the station was empty save for me and a man on the far end of the platform. Luckily, another train pulled into the station before he reached me, and he quickly stopped what he had been doing and boarded. It would hardly be the first time I was flashed on a New York City subway – over the years, like a lot of young women, I endured ass-grabs, disgusting come-ons and a range of hisses, whistles and stares. The focus on public harassment feels particularly timely in the midst of #YesAllWomen – the hashtag that took women's grievances with sexism viral.

Campaigns against Companies- Stop Street Harassment. Street harassment is a serious problem that limits people’s access to public spaces, yet society as a whole treats it like a joke, compliment, or no big deal.

Campaigns against Companies- Stop Street Harassment

This is in part because that’s that’s how it’s portrayed by various companies. This is an on-going list of companies who have trivialized street harassment in ads or products. You may want to consider this list before you go shopping! The list concludes with our successes, the “reformed offenders,” companies who dropped offensive ads or products because of campaigns led by people who believe that street harassment – and all things that normalize it – must stop.

Contact us if you have a company to add to the list. Halago, piropo, acoso callejero. El acoso callejero, visibilizado por la tecnología móvil. Piropo callejero: ¿halago o acoso machista? La Competència - Bèlgica penalitzarà els comentaris sexistes que... Singular campaña en EE.UU. contra los piropos… esa otra forma de acoso. Singular campaña en EE.UU. contra los piropos… esa otra forma de acoso.

Singular campaña en EE.UU. contra los piropos… esa otra forma de acoso

Cazando al 'depredador' sexual callejero. Un exhibicionista se masturba en el metro de Nueva York sin apartar la vista de una joven, una veinteañera que vuelve a casa tras una entrevista de trabajo en el Soho. La “espectadora”, Thao Nguyen, decide tomar cartas en el asunto y fotografía al pervertido con su móvil para acudir a la policía y denunciarle. El piropo: violencia de género en las calles de Chile. Un hombre viene caminando de frente. Te mira de arriba abajo. Viene directo hacia ti. Te vas apartando de su trayectoria, pero él no hace lo mismo. Cada vez está más cerca. Sigue mirándote. Stop Street Harassment. Statistics- Stop Street Harassment. Women should not accept street harassment as 'just a compliment' The dehumanised discussion of your body by a group of passers-by is different from a compliment.

Photograph: Pascal Saez/Alamy Walking down a quiet street at around 7pm a few nights ago I noticed, without thinking anything of it, that there were two men coming towards me in the opposite direction. It being dark but for the street lamps, it wasn't until they came quite a lot closer that I started to notice the tell-tale signs. Why is it important to report cases of harassment and... When is a compliment considered sexual harassment?...

Street harassment is everywhere, yet no one talks about it. The term “street harassment” might elicit a blank look from both men and women. Most men think of catcalling as something that doesn’t happen anymore or here. "Women want to be left alone on the street, but... - Stop Street Harassment. A Woman's Guide To Avoiding Sexual Harassment  Last Sunday the hashtag #YesAllWomen seemed to make Twitter explode. Women from all over the world were protesting sexual harassment -- the strange presumption that men have "the right" to women's bodies. The protest was sparked by the killing spree perpetrated by 22-year-old Elliot Rodger, who murdered six innocent people before taking his own life last Friday. He was sexually frustrated; he hadn't gotten the attention, affection and sex from women he felt he was so entitled to -- according to writing he left behind.

The hashtag immediately sparked a contra-protest; men from all over the globe felt they were the ones being assaulted because there was no nuance within the discussion.