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Autisme. Lliçons de vida.

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Ethan's Story - Breaking the autism glass ceiling. Autism as a facet of experience, not a limit. Temple Grandin, a professor of animal science at Colorado State, brought her experience with autism, with which she was diagnosed at age 2, and insights from years of activism to a talk at the Graduate School of Education (GSE) Wednesday.

Autism as a facet of experience, not a limit

One of those insights: Diagnostic labels have their limits. “In special education, there’s too much emphasis placed on the deficit and not enough on the strength,” said the Boston-born Grandin at Askwith Hall. Temple Grandin (Trailer) This Mother Tore Off Labels And Nurtured Her Son’s Hidden Genius. By Stephanie Broadhurst/The Mother List Here’s an incredible story about a mother who totally disregarded what experts said about her son and threw off the label that was slapped on him as a toddler.

This Mother Tore Off Labels And Nurtured Her Son’s Hidden Genius

Instead, she followed her own instincts – with astounding results. Kristine Barnett’s son Jacob was diagnosed with autism when he was 2, and doctors said he would never speak. She tried special education programs and therapies aimed at addressing his limitations. When teachers told her there was no hope, she rebelled and took her own path. “A lot of people thought that I had lost my mind,” she recalls. Instead of focusing on Jacob’s limitations, Kristine nurtured his interests. Relying on the insights she developed at her in-home daycare, Kristine resolved to follow Jacob’s “spark” — his passionate interests. Autism Unveiled: I am Jake. Autism Unveiled Week 6 I am sixteen years old.

Autism Unveiled: I am Jake

I’m a researcher at Perimeter Institute in Waterloo. I completed the PSI program last year, a Master’s level program in theoretical Physics. I’m very happy to be Autistic. Autism is my way of thinking, my way of viewing the world. I don’t consider myself to be a genius. In order to succeed you must think in your own unique perspective way. There are some things I’m not good at. Jacob Barnett, Ontario, Canada Jacob recently won the Premio Assoluto award for Science from the Vatican. Jacob and his mom can be seen on this show talking about Jacob’s journey. Jacob is part of the Autism Unveiled Project – 6 weeks of posts by Autistic people commencing on April 2, 2015, World Autism Awareness Day. Iris - A Portrait of an Artist. Iris Grace Painting. What Parents of Autistic Children Will Never Tell You. I look at my little boy and often think about what the future holds for him, every day I worry.

What Parents of Autistic Children Will Never Tell You

I worry what will happen to him once I am gone, I worry about who will look after him and if he will be safe and cared for. I do not know if he will be able to care for himself or it he will need additional help, I worry about this too. I worry for Stephen and the burden he may feel in caring for his brother. Then I worry about the family as I know they worry about me. I worry a lot. But when chatting to us parents and asking how we are we simply nod and say, ' thank you, how are you? ' We face a constant battle to get the services put in place that our child need. We then have a battle to keep them in place.

We constantly try to make our marriages work; it is a fact that parents of autistic children are under a great deal more stress, less time spent together, one parent caring for the autistic child in essence means less family time together and this all puts a strain on the relationship. Querido "Papá" del asiento 16C. Querido "Papá": No sé cuál es tu nombre, pero Kate te llamó "papá" durante todo el vuelo la semana pasada y tú, amablemente, no la corregiste.

Querido "Papá" del asiento 16C

De hecho, ni siquiera te sentiste extrañado, pues probablemente te diste cuenta de que no es que la niña te estuviera confundiendo con su propio "papá", sino que consideraba que tú le proporcionabas una sensación de "seguridad". Si ella te llama "papá", es porque todo va bien. Senté a Kate, mi hija de tres años, que tiene autismo, en el asiendo del medio, sabiendo perfectamente que un desconocido estaría sentado a su lado durante todo el viaje.

Tenía que tomar una decisión rápida, pero como conozco su obsesión con subir y bajar las persianas de las ventanillas, pensé que estaría más distraída si se sentaba en el medio. Tú podrías haberte removido incómodo en tu asiento. Mi Hermanito de la Luna. Ahora sé qué es un amigo, dice Erik :El sonido de la hierba al crecer. Erik tiene un amigo.

Ahora sé qué es un amigo, dice Erik :El sonido de la hierba al crecer

Dicho así podría hasta resultar trivial. Pero sabéis que no es el caso. Erik ha descubierto el valor de la amistad. Els 'superpoders' dels nens autistes, a un curtmetratge de Gallardo. L'autisme no és una malaltia sinó una forma diferent de desenvolupament, i els pares que tenen fills autistes els han de donar un temps a mida i un espai on se sentin feliços i tranquils.

Els 'superpoders' dels nens autistes, a un curtmetratge de Gallardo

Aquest és el missatge principal del curtmetratge que ha elaborat Miguel Gallardo , conegut il·lustrador i col·laborador de l'ARA. El curt es titula 'Academia de especialistas' i repassa, a través d'una escola d''especialistes', habilitats per imitar, memoritzar i ordenar –o "superpoders", com els anomena al vídeo– que tenen alguns nens autistes, però amb un to positiu. Per exemple, trobar totes les pelusses d'una habitació, aprendre qualsevol cançó després de només sentir-la una vegada o recordar el calendari a la perfecció. El-meu-fill-jo-i-213-euros-al-mes_206255. Altas Capacidades: ALTAS CAPACIDADES Y AUTISMO, UNA MIRADA POSITIVA.