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Bien débuter son développement pour ArcGIS : Partie 2 - Professionnaliser son code. De par leurs formations initiales souvent de haut niveau, les géomaticiens sont généralement au fait des techniques de gestion de projet. Néanmoins, ils ne possèdent que rarement des bases solides en informatique et plus précisément en génie logiciel. Hors, le métier a beaucoup évolué : on assiste chez ESRI à une complexification et à une multiplication des langages et plates-formes capables d’intéragir avec ArcGIS tandis que plus généralement les logiciels open-source se démocratisent, les volumes de données et les attentes de fonctionnalités augmentent.

De ce fait, le géomaticien se voit dans l’obligation d’élargir son champ de compétences dans la direction de celui du développeur, ne serait-ce que pour automatiser ses traitements. Contexte Dans cette première partie, je vais tenter d’expliciter les raisons qui amènent à constater un déficit de connaissances du génie logiciel de la part des géomaticiens. Le Géomaticien, de + en + informaticien ESRI et le développement à façon. Bea Stollnitz. In our previous blog post, we mentioned some of the challenges developers face in creating keyboard-friendly applications, and we presented our FocusWatcher class for debugging these issues in Windows Store apps. The keyboard is just one way an app may receive input; Windows Store apps can also get input from mouse, stylus, and of course, touch. Modern tablets and touch screens often support multiple simultaneous touch inputs, in fact.

All these different inputs can make it tough for developers to figure out what’s going on, especially when combining… A Guided Tour of WPF – Part 3 (Data binding) Table of contents Part 1 (XAML): Learn about XAML and how it is used in WPF applications. Part 2 (Layout): Learn about layout panels and how they are used to construct user interfaces. Part 3 (Data binding): Learn how WPF data binding works and how it can be used. Part 4 (Data templates and triggers): Learn how data templates and triggers work and how they can be used. Part 5 (Styles): Learn about how UIs can be styled in WPF. Introduction This is the third article in an introductory series about the Windows Presentation Foundation. For a comprehensive review of WPF data binding be sure to refer to the links listed in the External links section at the bottom of the page. Background Data binding in the user interface layer is nothing new.

The architects of some earlier UI platforms have done a good job integrating data binding with the rest of their framework. Dependency properties Dependency properties are like normal .NET properties on steroids. DataContext The Binding class Data binding. Wpf - relative image source path. Binding to XML. One of the amazing aspects of the WPF data binding system is that it can bind to pretty much anything.

As you might expect, it has top-notch support for binding directly to XML (well, directly to an XmlDocument). In this blog post we will see how to bind a ListBox, elements in a DataTemplate, and an Image to some XML data. The entire demo is implemented in XAML; there is no code necessary to accomplish this task. The screenshot below shows what the UI will look like by the time we are done: As seen in the image above, this UI has two major pieces: a ListBox containing information about people, and a photo area which shows a person’s picture and their name.

This demo binds some silly XML data to the UI, but it is just an example of how to bind to XML. Here is the directory structure of the demo project: Now let’s look at how to take that XML and turn it into the UI seen above. Now that all elements in the UI can bind to the XML data, let’s see how the ListBox is configured: Like this: Control Templates « Dr. WPF. As we continue our series on ItemsControl, it probably makes sense to take a small detour and look at WPF controls in general. In this post, we will examine how WPF controls get their visual representation through styles and templates. Then we will look at how these techniques specifically apply to several ItemsControl classes. This article is fairly long and covers a lot of really important information, including the following: It is definitely worth taking your time to understand these concepts. Feel free to break the article up into more manageable pieces if you are time-constrained. I would also encourage you to keep kaxaml up and running as you learn about styles and templates.

The Lookless Control Model When developers first start learning WPF, they are often very surprised to learn that a WPF control does not include a hardcoded visual representation. Why, you may be asking, is such a model better than the traditional approach of defining the visuals as part of the control? Try it: Create a WPF user control. If you want to design a reusable component that can be added to the artboard just like a system control, you can create a user control in Microsoft Expression Blend. User controls can contain other controls, resources, and animation timelines, just like a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. The only difference is that the root element is a UserControl instead of a Window or a Page The following procedures show you how to create a user control that contains some animation, and instantiate it in another document.

(For an example of creating a custom control in code that can be based on an existing system control, see Try it: Create a custom WPF control.) You can find more examples of user controls in the samples that come with Expression Blend. In the Help menu, click Welcome Screen, select the Samples tab, and then click the name of a sample, such as SmoothBlends. Back to top. Using custom controls in WPF applications « dotUpdate() December 6, 2007 at 10:43 am | Posted in Visual Studio 2008, WPF | 14 Comments One thing that has frustrated me in both Silverlight and WPF applications is the use of custom controls–not their creation but how to add them to my project.

With all of the namespaces, assemblies, references that have to be used just right, my success rate has been about 50-50. Every time I think I know the technique, I get floored by some mysterious error. And God help you if you try to change the namespace of something! Google to the rescue? So this post is my attempt to help anyone else who might have this problem by documenting the rules (that seem to work for me) for adding a custom (or user) control to your project.

Scenario 1: Add new User Control This should be the easiest to do. 1. Scenario 2: Add existing User Control to your solution Suppose you have an application with a local UserControl that you would like to use and possibly modify in a new application. 1. 1. Like this: Like Loading... How to Create a WPF User Control & Use It in a WPF Application ( C# ) Introduction This article shows you how we can create a User Control in WPF and how we can use it in our WPF applications. In this article, I'll show you how we can create a custom ToolTip in WPF with VS2008 SP1 & C#. Background There are similar articles like this, for example, see this article that was written by Sacha Barber. Using the Code There we go. Now, we can create or edit the XAML code for creating a custom user control. Also, I've added these methods and properties for controlling the elements: After that, press Shift + F6 for building the DLL file. Then, we have to add our User Control DLL file in the references.

We are going to use the custom User Control within a XAML window. At last, we must have a Window tag in our XAML code like this: Hide Copy Code OK, now we can use the User Control in the XAML code with XAML code like this: At last, I've created this XAML code: And these are the methods for showing or hiding our custom ToolTip: That's all. History. Comment créer votre propre contrôle avec WPF. Avec Windows Presentation Foundation, il existe 2 moyens, offerts aux développeurs, pour développer leurs propres contrôles.

Tout d'abord, ils peuvent créer un contrôle utilisateur ("UserControl"). L'autre possibilité est d'hériter d'un contrôle déjà existant. Chacune de ces techniques possède ses avantages et ses inconvénients que nous allons détailler dans la suite de cet article. L'objectif est de vous permettre de faire le bon choix lorsque vous serez amené à vous poser la question de comment faire pour développer votre contrôle. Windows Presentation Foundation permet de créer ce que l'on appelle des contrôles utilisateur ("User Controls"). Le but des contrôles utilisateur est de vous permettre de développer un contrôle qui est composé d'autres contrôles.

Avec WPF, il s'agit d'une technique tout à fait envisageable/utilisable dans vos projets. Là, Visual Studio vous demande le nom de votre contrôle : public partial class DemoUC : UserControl public class CheckedComboBox : ComboBox.