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IKT i skolan. Engelska (åk 6-9) Engelska (åk 6-9) Storynory - Free Audio Stories for Kids.


Launch of the Report "Skills for Social Progress: The Power of Social and Emotional Skills" - OECD. A Domain of One's Own: Jim Groom at TEDxUSagradoCorazon. The Ultimate Guide to Gamifying Your Classroom. No one wants to been seen as the stuffy teacher stuck in the past who lectures from the front of the classroom and doesn’t seem to care about student engagement. Students today are tech savvy and have wandering minds. They are able to process information coming at them from several channels at a time—walking, talking, and texting. Changing up how you deliver classroom content can keep kids’ attention, draw on their strengths, engage them as lifelong learners, and be amazingly fun.

What is this magical method? Image via Pixabay and StartUpStockPhotos What is Gamification in the Classroom? Gamification is the process by which teachers use video game design principals in learning environments. When gamifying a classroom there are several things you’ll need to consider. History of Gaming in the Classroom Ready for a little throwback? Other educational games that lead the way toward brining video game design into the classroom include, Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? In Short. En sammanfattning av Nottinghams bok Utmanande undervisning som vi läste inom #pedaläslyft.

Vi har läst Utmanande undervisning i klassrummet av Nottingham inom #pedaläslyft. Här nedan kommer en sammanfattning av boken för er som vill. Boken är utgiven av Natur & Kultur 2013 och har åtta kapitel. Första kapitlet berättar vad utmanade undervisning är nämligen mer berättande, dialog och utmaning i undervisningen samtidigt som vi följer läroplanen. Boken ger oss svar på de bärande principer som utvecklar självständigt tänkande i resterande kapitel.

I rubrikerna nedan går jag igenom de principerna lite kortfattat. Återkoppling Här får vi en definition av begreppet – att återkoppling är information som uppgiften som hjälper eleven vidare. Att förstå måletatt inse vart man befinner sig i förhållande till måletatt förstå vad man ska göra för att nå dit. Sammanfattningsvis ger vi för lite återkoppling, vi fokuserar snarare på prestation och betyg, jämför t o m elever med varandra, återkopplingen är för mycket administrativ och vi vet för lite om de inlärningsbehov eleverna har. Dialog. 2015-nmc-horizon-report-k12-EN.pdf. Home - Visible Classroom. CCL_Observation Report_FINAL-for web. Hampel%20making%20meaning%20Online.pdf. Elementary. Observationsschema-v-08.pdf.


Francis by Richard Hickey | Short Film. Written by novelist & screenwriter Dave Eggars, for the ever-popular radio show This American Life, animated film Francis is the tense tale of the unexplained happenings on a lake in the middle of an Ontario nature preserve. Brought to life by Not to Scale director Richard Hickey and a team of 40 animators, this captivating short perfectly blends the worlds of outstanding production values with engaging storytelling. Her mouth went dry. She held onto each side of the boat, and now she could only wait to see if it happened again. One night on a family camping trip to Quetico park, the reckless raven-haired Francis waits until her family have fallen asleep and takes a rowing boat out to the middle of the lake. Hoping to find a quiet spot where the teenager can lay on her back, stare at the sky and write in her journal, her expectations of a peaceful night at one with nature are soon shattered when an unexpected noise comes from the water below.

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