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Useful Websites

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// knitPro web app. Knitting Instruction - Create Charts. Knit Chart Maker. - Knitting Widget for posting how much you knit, crochet, or spin. Lace knitting resources. Newstitchaday. What’s that? » Swing-Knitting. Knitmap - Find Your Local Yarn Store. Frost Flowers. Latest Post It must be Thursday… I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

Frost Flowers

-Arthur Dent in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy I watched Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy again. Although I’m sure there are Douglas Adams purists out there who object to the 2005 movie interpretation of the book, this is a favourite movie of ... Read More Our Story Tricksy Knitter is the brainchild of Megan Goodacre and Charles Jaimet. As a programmer (Charles) and designer (Megan), they had made a lot of websites, but one day thought it was about time they work on a personal project, just for fun. One rollercoaster ride and several thousand yards of yarn later, here we are, in Ottawa, with a growing library of knitting patterns, a huge how-to-knit section, a couple of books, an exclusive line of knitting accessories, and an online chartmaker. The Home of Mathematical Knitting. The Home of Mathematical Knitting (sarah-marie's mathematical knitting pages and mathematical fiber arts pages) Conference Sessions and Books Carolyn Yackel and sarah-marie belcastro co-organized three mathematics conference sessions, each of which included a sequence of talks and a mathematical fiber arts exhibit.

The Home of Mathematical Knitting

We have co-edited two books on mathematics and fiber arts written for crafters, mathematicians, and mathematics educators. exhibits of sarah-marie's work: publicly available media mentions of sarah-marie's work: Roots of Unity: Knotted Needles Make Knitted Knots by Evelyn Lamb, Scientific American blogs. Talks on mathematical knitting You know, just in case you want to invite someone to speak on mathematics and knitting...and if you've been to or given a talk not listed here, please let me know so I can add it.

Mary Harris, Spring 2011, Some Mathematics Within? A class on math and fiber arts: Jill Zarestky's seminar at TAMU. Selected links: Mathematical Knitting.

Useful Articles

Guide to free online knitting resources » whip up. There have been a few staple online mags and resources on the scene for a while, but with new mags popping up here and there I thought I would try to do a bit of of a roundup and see how many I could find. If you know of any more please comment. image: ‘lakeside’ lacy knee high socks from knotions magazine – quarterly knitting magazine with patterns and articles - online knitting community – patterns, forums, wiki, and more twist collective – new online mag with some really nice patterns [only a few free patterns] and articles knotions - new online mag with some really cute patterns the inside loop UK based mag – small range of nice patterns teen knitter magazine – downloadable PDF – written by teens for teens.

Print magazines or yarn stores with a free online pattern section. Other fibre craft online mags spindlicity – for spinners weavezine – for weavers crochet uncut – new crochet mag crochet me joy of handspinning – for spinners. Main Page. TECHknitting.