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Wrath of the Lich King - Zones. Ulduar - Zone. Trial of the Crusader - Zone. Icecrown Citadel - Zone. The Ruby Sanctum - Zone. The Obsidian Sanctum - Zone. Vault of Archavon - Zone. The Eye of Eternity - Zone. Naxxramas - Zone. LinksLinks Naxxramas is a giant necropolis floating over Wintergarde Keep, in Dragonblight. It has the questionable honor to serve as the seat of one of the Lich King's most powerful officers, the dreaded lich Kel'Thuzad. The instance has been redesigned for 10 and 25-man raids. It consists of four different wings which, when cleared, grant access to the Frostwyrm Lair (a fifth and final wing). The first four wings are, in order of ascending difficulty: Arachnid, Plague, Military, Construct. Tip: Click map to zoom The Lower Necropolis History An ancient Nerubian ziggurat, Naxxramas was torn free from the ground by agents of the Lich King to serve as Kel'Thuzad's base of operations as he spreads the plague throughout Lordaeron.

Gaining Entry Access to Naxxramas no longer requires special attunement via the Argent Dawn. Music We're sorry, but your web browser cannot play the required audio format: audio/mpeg Guides Related. Onyxia's Lair - Zone.