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Trygve Olson should be fired as Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Advisor. Our truly beloved leader, Dr.

Trygve Olson should be fired as Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Advisor

Ron Paul encourages his congressional staff to read each morning. The main writer, Justin Raimondo wrote this, this morning: "Can Ron Paul be Tamed? No, but his campaign can" Read it here: In the article it is disclosed that Trygve Olson, the "regime change" specialist is an advisor to Ron Paul 2012 PCC. It is pointed out that Olson and Rand Paul have a relationship of mutual learning.

As you should know, as good as Rand is, especially in articulation and speech-making (perhaps better than Ron here), he is no Ron Paul when it comes to consistently Constitutional and liberty-oriented foreign policy as demonstrated here with his vote for the santions on Iran-imposing legislation (an act of war according to Ron), where Rand voted for the Kirk-Menendez amendment on December 1, 2011. Without trying to pit Ron against Rand in anyway, they clearly have black and white different views regarding sanctions on Iran. Much feedback please. {*style:<b> </b>*} Verifiable Voting Instructions Write-in Instructions for Ron Paul / Minor Party Candidates This method is preferred, so you can make a copy of your ballot before mailing the ORIGINAL to your County Board of Elections/Supervisor of Elections.

The COPY of your ballot will then be mailed with your affidavit to this project (see #7 below): {*style:<b> </b>*} There is a risk that paper ballots may not be made available at your polling place, even though they are constitutionally required. (one for your records; one for your County Board of Elections/Supervisor of Elections; and one to mail or fax or email to the project; see step #7 below) (after you have made the 3 copies) (“Write-In Voter Affidavit for Ron Paul or Minor Party Candidates”) only AFTER you are in front of the notary. (your ballot & affidavit) to by one of these methods: UPLOAD documents directly to our website here .

My Vote Still Belongs To Ron Paul. “Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

My Vote Still Belongs To Ron Paul

Thomas Jefferson I will write in Ron Paul on my ballot this year. Why? That’s a question I have been asked many, many times. “Why would you waste your vote? I am aware of this. I definitely will not vote Democrat. Will Gary Johnson win? “Your vote won’t count for anything, even if your state counts the ballots. It’s fairly simple. He is the only person who has the virtue and the decency to hold that office, and he wouldn’t have had to cheat to do it. He is a true leader, and would work for peace and prosperity. Ron Paul is the only person that ran who is not in favor of intervention in foreign affairs. He would work to cut off government funding of Planned Parenthood, who are a corporation and thus should fund their own business, not use taxpayer money. I could give you many more reasons…a list that would take a very long time to read!

W. Time for Ron Paul to Help the Republican Party. By Richard A.

Time for Ron Paul to Help the Republican Party

Viguerie | 9/10/12 In 1996, when libertarian icon Ron Paul was running for re-election to Congress as a Republican, a challenger filed against him in the General Election. This challenger wasn’t an establishment Republican or a liberal Democrat, he was a Natural Law Party candidate whose national platform included much of Ron Paul’s agenda. In the key swing state of Virginia, former Republican Congressman Virgil Goode has qualified to be on the ballot as the Constitution Party’s candidate and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson has qualified in states across the country as the Libertarian Party candidate, despite running in the Republican primary elections and demanding to be included in the televised Republican primary debates.

The peculiar tendency for libertarians and constitutionalists to turn on anyone who works to change the Republican Party from within has reared its ugly head again this year in the aftermath of the Republican National Convention.