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40 Crucial Lessons From The Most Famous Graphic Designers in History. While graphic design can sometimes feel like a brand new industry, it’s actually quite the opposite.

40 Crucial Lessons From The Most Famous Graphic Designers in History

Graphic design is an industry that has been growing and changing for centuries at the hand of countless designers. So, to celebrate this rich and exciting history, we’ve compiled a list of 40 famous designers that have done their part in shaping graphic design in some way. From those who specialize in typography or magazine design, through to album covers and political posters, each of these people have made their mark on the industry and shaped it in some way through hard work and some great designs. With that, let’s have a look at 40 people who changed graphic design for good. Banque d'Image Libre de Droit, Photos, Vecteurs et Vidéo - Shutterstock. Dans l'atelier de Rebecca Dautremer. Illustrator CS6's new Pattern tool. Free Stock Vector Art & Illustrations, EPS, AI, SVG, CDR, PSD - Part 2. Free patterns and ornaments. Tuto Photoshop. A Premier GIMP Users Magazine.

Illustrator. Wireframe Animal Skulls Using Illustrator's Blend Tool. I love Adobe Illustrator for its power to produce awesome artwork with just basic tools and techniques.

Wireframe Animal Skulls Using Illustrator's Blend Tool

In today’s tutorial we’re going to use nothing but Illustrator’s Blend tool to create a wireframe that’s so detailed you would think it was made in a complex 3D programs. By just drawing a few basic paths with your mouse, Illustrator can generate a series of intricate lines that resembles an animal skull.