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Anthropologie Skirt. I mentioned in my blog entry on creating a cascading ruffle that Rachel was coveting a certain Anthropologie skirt, but at $158, her pocketbook, not so much.

Anthropologie Skirt

(And, boy do I hear that!) The front: The back: Another front view: With optional accessory: OK, I think to myself, maybe if DD1 would like this skirt, I could draft it for her and then share the technique with other interested folk. So, I abandoned that idea. So, here is my small scale version of the skirt. Online Resources: Pattenrmaking Tools and Supplies by Don McCunn. Indicated below are some online resources for patternmaking tools and supplies.

Online Resources: Pattenrmaking Tools and Supplies by Don McCunn

The patternmaking paper I recommend is called "Dotted Marking Paper. " It comes in different widths as you will see from the links below. Anarkali Salwar Kameez - Online Shop to buy Anarkali Churidar Suit. PLEASE NOTE: Frequently Asked Question About Anarkali Salwar Kameez 1. Can The Sleeves Be Attatched To The Anarkali Churidar Suit? Yes, All the Salwar Kameez Comes with an Option of WITH Sleeves & WITHOUT Sleeves, as per your Choice. Once you have placed the order we will email you OR you can email us about your choice of sleeves. 2. Made to order means Custom made or Tailor Stitched as per your Body Measurements.

How to Restyle a T-Shirt into a Ruffly Cardigan. February 18th, 2011 Email 258 users recommend Recycle an old T-shirt into a ruffly, fun piece to wear.

How to Restyle a T-Shirt into a Ruffly Cardigan

Cal Patch A plain old tee, ready to be transformed! Shorten your tee to waist length; the rest will be your ruffles. Photo: Cal Patch Vintage bed jackets are beautiful but harder and harder to find in thrift stores these days. All you need is a T-shirt that approximately fits (a little big is OK), some scissors, thread, chalk or marking pen, and your sewing machine. H&M Inspired Dress ∙ How To by PinkWeeds on Cut Out. Pattern-Making. Max California: Tutorial. Hello visitors!

Max California: Tutorial

This tutorial is the most popular page on my blog! Thank you for coming, I hope it helps you make your own bra, or at least give you confidence that you really can make anything! While you're here, you should check out all my other tutorials by clicking on the Tutorial page, or look at other stuff I have DIYed by checking out the DIY Directory Page.

Please leave a comment! Yesterday I got sick of waiting to go to Spotlight to buy a good bra pattern, I decided to DIY! I am going to buy a bra pattern, and give that a test run too, the most widely reviewed one that seems to be good is Kwik Sew 3300, so hopefully I can pick that up tonight as well as some bra-making supplies. You're probably wondering why on earth I am making my own damn bras? Please note:: there will be no shots of me actually wearing these bras! 1940-1949. Modern Pattern Design, by Harriet Pepin The complete guide to the creation of patterns as a means of designing smart wearing apparel.


Learn how to draft patterns from body measurements. (253 pages) Go to Table of Contents (short) - Lists lesson titles Go to Table of Contents (long) - Lists lesson titles and topics Typos for this work Early 1940's (undated) Ladies' Garment Cutting and Making, by F. Drafting a Peplum Jacket - Pattern-Making. Illustration shows jacket with yoke and inverted pleat in back. 1) mark position for seam in front above breast point trace back; then draw new center back lines. make neck dart in back. reduce at waistline. 2) swing upper part of front to within 1/2″ of straight dotted line; then trace. divide front into two parts below breast point; then reduce at waistline. draft yoke in back and reduce at waistline. 3) add 1” to center front, and lengthen 1/2″ at center front. make a straight collar 2” wide and the length of the neckline. 4) for peplum, separate at waistline; then join sections e and f for front peplum, and sections g and h for back peplum. reduce back of jacket at waistline by joining sections c and d in one. for inverted pleat, add about 2” at center back.

Drafting a Peplum Jacket - Pattern-Making

Cut Up Your Patterns and Add Seams. You can redesign a garment by adding seams to its original pattern. by Mary RayFrom Threads #129, pp. 62-67 When I've spent time fitting a pattern and love the results, I'm not going to waste time looking for a new pattern.

Cut Up Your Patterns and Add Seams

Instead, I add seams to the original and redesign the way it looks. Anyone can rework favorite patterns by adding seams. The possibilities are endless, and you don’t need a degree in pattern drafting for success. Adding seams offers a benefit beyond style that I’ll just mention here. When you have problems achieving a good fit, adding seams often provides a viable solution. Redesign your pattern Use new seams to add style linesEnhance seams for any pattern, including dresses, pants, skirts, blouses, and swimsuits. Mary Ray is a contributing editor.