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Wikileaks Cables. Wikileaks CRCL Working Paper Feb_8.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Assange : "Internet est la plus grande des machines ? espionner" Tracking the Egypt Crisis via Google, News Curation Tools | The Rundown News Blog. After a widespread shutdown of Internet and mobile phone service in Egypt as street protests intensified last week, there were reports Wednesday that Web access was restored in the country. Google’s Transparency Index has been tracking web traffic to its services in Egypt. Note the drop on Jan. 27 and the uptick on Feb. 1 — although Google cautions that these data are still being interpreted.

Google has also compiled a crisis response page with resources for people trying to get out of Egypt — or at least get their messages out via voice messages posted to Twitter or raw footage on CitizenTube. (Update 6:20 p.m.: Alive in Egypt is a site that is translating some of those voice messages.) The crisis page has a map, compiling geographic reports of clashes, protests and other noteworthy places: As the Egypt story continues to unfold, the NewsHour has been compiling other sources and new ways to track the developments. Médias - Égypte: Wikileaks à la rescousse d’Obama! C’est un intéressant retournement de situation. L’administration américaine, furieuse depuis l’automne contre la fuite d’un quart de million de câbles diplomatiques, reçoit enfin les fleurs, après avoir encaissé le pot. Obama: "J'ai dit: libère les blogueurs. " Moubarak: "Quoi ? " En effet le New York Times note que l’administration Obama dit la vérité lorsqu’elle affirme avoir plusieurs fois insisté pour davantage de démocratie dans des rencontres privées avec Hosni Moubarak et ses ministres.

Les transmissions diplomatiques de la première année de l’administration Obama indiquent que la diplomatie américaine a notamment plaidé en haut lieu pour la libération de blogueurs égyptiens, le retour d’un auteur critique banni, l’arrêt de la torture contre des détenus du Hezbollah et l’accueil d’ONGs américaines pro-démocratie sur le territoire égyptien.

Demandes exprimées la plupart du temps en vain, mais exprimées tout de même. Wikileaks, la suite… Réponse: « Pas du tout. WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, Pt. 1 - 60 Minutes. Secrecy is the problem, not leakers - Opinion. Ukrainian activists cover their mouths with US flags during a rally in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in front of the Swedish embassy to Ukraine in Kiev on December 22 2010. WikiLeaks is now at the centre of a global battle between media and those in power but what's new about what Julian Assange is doing? WikiLeaks is much more than just another journalistic scandal, it is a challenge to the way that power and news media operate in the Internet Age. In some ways WikiLeaks is a traditional investigative news operation. It gets its information from a source and the journalists decide what they will publish.

It needs a platform, an audience and revenue just like any other newsroom. It can also be sued, censored or attacked. It also disseminates data on such a vast scale and directly to the public so it is posting a different threat to those in authority used to being able to influence if not control the media. It is also a challenge to mainstream media. This Is The Wikileak That Sparked The Tunisian Crisis. Why Twitter Was the Only Company to Challenge the Secret WikiLeaks Subpoena. Alexander Macgillivray" />Secret subpoenas* information requests of the kind the Department of Justice sent Twitter are apparently not unusual.

In fact, other tech companies may also have received similar WikiLeaks-related requests. But what is unusual in this story is that Twitter resisted. Which raises an interesting question: Assuming that Twitter was not the only company to have been served a secret subpoena order, why was it the only company that fought back? The answer might lie in the figure leading Twitter’s legal efforts, Alexander Macgillivray (right), an incredibly mild mannered (really) but sharp-as-a-tack cyber law expert. Twitter’s general counsel comes out of Harvard’s prestigious Berkman Center for Internet and Society, the cyber law powerhouse that has churned out some of the leading Internet legal thinkers. The center was founded a little over a decade ago by none other than Charles Nesson, the famous defender of Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg.

Wikileaks Calls for Sarah Palin's Arrest. The official Twitter account for Wikileaks has posted a press release this evening drawing a comparison between the controversial rhetoric from public figures that some believe contributed to the attempted assassination on Saturday of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the even more explicit calls from public officials for violence against Wikileaks spokesperson Julien Assange and others. The organization called for public figures making such calls to violence to be arrested and charged with crimes.

Assange is attributed the following quote in the release: "No organisation anywhere in the world is a more devoted advocate of free speech than Wikileaks but when senior politicians and attention seeking media commentators call for specific individuals or groups of people to be killed they should be charged with incitement -- to murder. Those who call for an act of murder deserve as significant share of the guilt as those raising a gun to pull the trigger. " From the release: Wikileaks, The Pirate Party, And The Future Of The Internet. How to save Julian Assange's movement from itself. American diplomacy seems to have survived Wikileaks’s “attack on the international community,” as Hillary Clinton so dramatically characterized it, unscathed. Save for a few diplomatic reshuffles, Foggy Bottom doesn’t seem to be deeply affected by what happened. Certainly, the U.S. government at large has not been paralyzed by the leaks—contrary to what Julian Assange had envisioned in one of his cryptic-cum-visionary essays, penned in 2006.

In a fit of technological romanticism, Assange may have underestimated the indispensability of American power to the international system, the amount of cynicism that already permeates much of Washington’s political establishment, and the glaring lack of interest in foreign policy particulars outside the Beltway. Indeed, it’s not in the realms of diplomacy or even government secrecy where Wikileaks could have its biggest impact.

How WikiLeaks Became the Story of the Year in 2010. Dear Government of Sweden ... December 16th, 2010 9:17 PM By Michael Moore Dear Swedish Government: Hi there -- or as you all say, Hallå! You know, all of us here in the U.S. love your country. There's just one thing that bothers me -- why has Amnesty International, in a special report (described in detail here by Naomi Wolf), declared that Sweden refuses to deal with the very real tragedy of rape? ** Sweden has the HIGHEST per capita number of reported rapes in Europe. ** This number of rapes has quadrupled in the last 20 years. ** The conviction rates? Axelsson says: "On April 23rd of this year, Carina Hägg and Nalin Pekgul (respectively MP and chairwoman of Social Democratic Women in Sweden) wrote in the Göteborgs [newspaper] that 'up to 90% of all reported rapes [in Sweden] never get to court.'" Let me say that again: nine out of ten times, when women report they have been raped, you never even bother to start legal proceedings.

Message to rapists? What anti-rape crusaders you've become, Swedish government! I agree. Arianna Huffington: The Media Gets It Wrong on WikiLeaks: It's About Broken Trust, Not Broken Condoms. I attend a lot of conferences on media and technology -- indeed, they might actually be the biggest growth sector of the media -- but the one I attended this past weekend was one of the most fascinating I've been to in quite a while. Entitled "A Symposium on WikiLeaks and Internet Freedom," the one-day event was sponsored by the Personal Democracy Forum and was moderated by the group's Micah Sifry and Andrew Rasiej. The WikiLeaks story is an ever-shifting one -- witness the latest twists of the Air Force blocking its personnel from accessing more than 25 news sites that have posted material released by WikiLeaks, and the shocking treatment of Bradley Manning, the U.S.

Army private accused of being the source of the leaks. One of the problems with the WikiLeaks story is that there has been way too much conflating going on, as Katrin Verclas pointed out at the symposium. I see four main aspects to the story. The WikiLeaks cables present quite a different picture. Cut to a few years later. Julian Assange Interview: WikiLeaks Founder On 'Today' Show. The Today show interviewed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Friday after his release from prison on bail Thursday afternoon. During the interview, he described his recent court appearances as "not the beginning of the end, rather it is merely the end of the beginning. " Assange confirmed that he has heard there will be espionage charges filed against him in the U.S., and denied knowing Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army intelligence analyst accused of providing WikiLeaks with information. The U.S. is allegedly putting together a case against Assange on conspiracy charges.

The beleaguered founder also spoke about the rape charges filed against him in Sweden, for which he was recently imprisoned in England. He called the allegations a "very successful smear campaign," but said that the public was beginning to question the story. Assange is currently fighting extradition to Sweden, arguing that he has seen no evidence in the case. Watch the entire exchange: Zerwas2ky's Channel. Hörbuch. Aus der Beschreibung zum Hörbuch: Englische Zeitungen sahen in ihm den "neuen Einstein". "Steht den Deutschen ein neues Weltbild bevor? " fragte der Stern 1957 in einem Artikel über den fast blinden und tauben sowie Handlosen Physiker Burkhard Heim. Es sieht so aus, als könnte die Frage heute mit "ja" beantwortet werden. Heim vollendet Einsteins Ansätze zu einer einheitlichen Feldtheorie. In Heims Theorie lassen sich alle Elementarteilchen als dynamische, quantisierte geometrische Strukturen angeben.

Ein Urknall findet im kosmologischen Modell Heims nicht statt. Durch die Einführung einer aspektbezogenen Logik gelingt in Heims 6-dimensionalem Weltbild die einheitliche Beschreibung physikalischer, biologischer und psychischer Prozesse und somit die Lösung des Leib-Seele Problems. Das Hörbuch will auf die Bedeutung, die das neue moderne Weltbild für jeden Einzelnen von uns hat, aufmerksam machen. Mit zahlreichen Interviews und Vorträgen von Burkhard Heim. Sprecher: Detlef Kügow. Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange. December 14th, 2010 6:23 AM By Michael Moore Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London, the lawyers for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange presented to the judge a document from me stating that I have put up $20,000 of my own money to help bail Mr.

Assange out of jail. Furthermore, I am publicly offering the assistance of my website, my servers, my domain names and anything else I can do to keep WikiLeaks alive and thriving as it continues its work to expose the crimes that were concocted in secret and carried out in our name and with our tax dollars. We were taken to war in Iraq on a lie. Hundreds of thousands are now dead. So why is WikiLeaks, after performing such an important public service, under such vicious attack? **Sen. **The New Yorker's George Packer calls Assange "super-secretive, thin-skinned, [and] megalomaniacal. " **Republican Mary Matalin says "he's a psychopath, a sociopath ... **Rep. And indeed they are! Instead, secrets killed them. P.S. P.P.S. Wikileaks and the Long Haul. Like a lot of people, I am conflicted about Wikileaks.

Citizens of a functioning democracy must be able to know what the state is saying and doing in our name, to engage in what Pierre Rosanvallon calls “counter-democracy”*, the democracy of citizens distrusting rather than legitimizing the actions of the state. Wikileaks plainly improves those abilities. On the other hand, human systems can’t stand pure transparency. For negotiation to work, people’s stated positions have to change, but change is seen, almost universally, as weakness. People trying to come to consensus must be able to privately voice opinions they would publicly abjure, and may later abandon.

And so we have a tension between two requirements for democratic statecraft, one that can’t be resolved, but can be brought to an acceptable equilibrium. As Tom Slee puts it, “Your answer to ‘what data should the government make public?’ If the long haul were all there was, Wikileaks would be an obviously bad thing. Why the Library of Congress Is Blocking Wikileaks « Library of Congress Blog. State Department To Columbia University Students: 'DO NOT Post' WikiLeaks On Facebook, Twitter. UPDATE: On Monday, John H. Coatsworth, the SIPA Dean, reversed the university's earlier position, affirming that students "have a right to discuss and debate any information in the public arena...without fear of adverse consequences.

" Wired obtained the email: Freedom of information and expression is a core value of our institution. Thus, SIPA's position is that students have a right to discuss and debate any information in the public arena that they deem relevant to their studies or to their roles as global citizens, and to do so without fear of adverse consequences Talking about WikiLeaks on Facebook or Twitter could endanger your job prospects, a State Department official warned students at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs this week.

An email from SIPA's Office of Career Services went out Tuesday afternoon with a caution from the official, an alumnus of the school. Philip J. This is not true. Stephen D. Wikileaks and 21st Century Statecraft ? P U L S E. Have 250,000 leaks sunk the State Department’s ‘Internet Freedom’ policy? By Roy Revie As the fallout of Cablegate continues to consume column inches, gigabytes, and cabinet meetings across the world, the realisation that this is about more than one man, one organization, and one massive leak seems to be slowly sinking in. While some argue that stories and comment focusing on the process of the leak and the fallout for the organisation only distract from the stories contained within the cables themselves, it is clear that this element is as vital (in the short term at least) as the contents of the cables.

We find ourselves in the middle of an unprecedented public debate on Internet freedom and the role of the state online. In this debate much has been written about the motives and background of Wikileaks (some bad, some excellent) while other parties involved have avoided the same scrutiny. One example Clinton gave of the utility of internet freedom is enlightening: Like this: Everyone at Le Web is Wrong: Wikileaks Should be Condemned not Celebrated. Le Web.

I’m still unclear on the unique selling point of Europe’s “leading technology conference”, and yet here I am, for the third year in a row, hanging out in a snow-bound venue four hundred miles from the centre of Paris, watching a succession of American entrepreneurs being interviewed – in English – by journalists who have flown in specially from California. I’ll say this, though: the food is good this year – really good. Now, having satisfied my annual obligation to be snarky about Le Web, I’m free to talk about what passes for the big story of the conference, and indeed the biggest story of the world right now. Wikileaks. Specifically, the continuing DOS attacks against companies who are perceived as enemies of Wikileaks. Judging by the hostile reaction to Paypal’s Osama Bedier yesterday, the audience here in Paris is of a single mind on the subject. And then there’s me. I hate Julian Assange. Also, I hate his hair. Wikileaks: la première Infowar a commencé.

Make stories - Assange Accuser Worked with US-Funded, CIA-Tied Anti-Castro Group. Wikileaks : lire les mémos diplomatiques. Wikileaks / [state logs]