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jQuery Cheat Sheet. Asm.js. Asm.js in Firefox Nightly. Asm.js: The JavaScript Compile Target. Like many developers I’ve been excited by the promise of Asm.js.

Asm.js: The JavaScript Compile Target

Libro gratuito de jQuery en español - Fundamentos de jQuery. provides an awesome service called scrobbling.

Using provided software, every time you listen to music from a variety of different sources, data about your listening is logged or 'scrobbled' to the cloud. usess their REST api to leverage that data. Currently, the primary functionality is to take the most listened to albums by a user over an arbitrary ammount of time, and show artwork in a grid as below. can be configured to show details about the users' listening of that album on hover, or on click. Heavy inspiration drawn from rdio tiles, written by a co-worker. You can check out a demo on his home page. Fork me on github! Usage Drop lfm.css and in your project, call the line below and you are good to go. Seven JavaScript Quirks I Wish I’d Known About. If you are new to JavaScript or it has only been a minor part of your development effort until recently, you may be feeling frustrated.

Seven JavaScript Quirks I Wish I’d Known About

All languages have their quirks – but the paradigm shift from strongly typed server-side languages to JavaScript can feel especially confusing at times. I’ve been there! A few years ago, when I was thrust into full time JavaScript development, there were many things I wish I’d known going into it. In this article, I’ll share a few of these quirks in hopes that I might spare you some of the headaches I endured. Using Media Queries in JavaScript. By Krasimir Tsonev If you practice responsive design then you use a lot of media queries.

Using Media Queries in JavaScript

How to correctly detect credit card type. Avoid common mistakes when implementing card type detection.

How to correctly detect credit card type

Most card type detection tutorials and libraries use regular expressions without references, often omitting or incorrectly detecting card types. This guide explains the card type detection process, cites sources, and analyzes the detection algorithm and user interface of Creditcard.js, a more usable credit card form. The first six digits of the credit card number encode the card type/issuer. Sometimes the relationship between card numbers and card type can be simplified into a rule like “Visa credit card numbers start with 4.” For most card types, the mapping to card numbers is less straightforward, often spanning multiple disjoint number ranges that can be difficult to represent programmatically.

When implemented correctly, automatically detecting card type improves payment form usability. The following table contains the mapping from card types to card number prefixes. Credit Card Regular Expression Hell. JS Comparison Table. Creating Service Objects And Value Objects In A Dependency Injection (DI) Framework. For the last couple of months, I've been thinking a lot about my level of programming and my architectural understanding.

Creating Service Objects And Value Objects In A Dependency Injection (DI) Framework

Currently, I feel like I know enough to get most things "done. " But, with the increasing complexity of my applications, especially those that require robust, modular client-side JavaScript, I'm filled with anxiety that I won't be able to create code that is easily maintainable and augmentable. Raphaël—JavaScript Library. AngularJS Tutorial — Build an App Using Directives and Data Binding. AngularJS is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the most forward-thinking JavaScript frameworks around, with good reason.

AngularJS Tutorial — Build an App Using Directives and Data Binding

Backed and developed by Google, Angular takes an approach to your front end that may seem a little odd at first, but you’ll soon wonder why you did things any other way. Angular gives developers the ability to write front end code without resorting to directly manipulating the DOM. This tutorial will get you started with the framework by building an app using directives and data binding to define dynamic views and controllers. 7 plugins jQuery que te harán el trabajo más simple. Sin duda alguna, jQuery cambió por completo la forma en que usamos -y aprovechamos- JavaScript, llevando a otro nivel la forma en que los usuarios interactuan con sitios y aplicaciones web.

Keypic planea dejar obsoleto el sistema de CAPTCHAs. Keypic es una startup que pretende erradicar el uso de CAPTCHAs para detectar si un usuario es humano o no con un nuevo sistema de reconocimiento de patrones humanos.

Keypic planea dejar obsoleto el sistema de CAPTCHAs

Todos hemos usado los CAPTCHAs en algún momento. Es un sistema que se instauró y desarrolló para detectar si un usuario es un bot, spammer o ser humano dentro de un sitio web. Mientras que el CAPTCHA tiene muchos años siendo la principal manera de hacer esta identificación, también se ha convertido en una barrera para los seres humanos en la web; ya que las palabras del sistema se han vuelto incomprensibles hasta para los más hábiles. NodeCrunch. At the beginning of September 2013, we had the pleasure of hearing Bill Scott from PayPal talk about the revolution that is happening there through the use of Node.js and LeanUX practices.


Bill arrived in PayPal in 2011 to a risk-averse, “not invented here” culture where long shelf life was the norm. Things were so slow, in fact, that in 2011 even a simple content copy change could take as much as 6 weeks to change on the PayPal site. Don’t miss out on the latest Node JS News and Events. Sign up for our Newsletter. Sign up. Google lanza Octane 2.0, la nueva versión de su suite de pruebas de rendimiento de JavaScript. Timruffles/values. 25 Useful JavaScript Libraries And Tools for Creating Interactive Maps. GaTracker, plugin jQuery para Google Analytics. Galleriffic, plugin jQuery para crear galerías con los ojos cerrados.

Galleriffic, plugin jQuery para crear galerías con los ojos cerrados.

Galleriffic, plugin jQuery para crear galerías con los ojos cerrados

Using HTML5 Geolocation API. In many cases, obtaining user location would be extremely useful to establish better user experience, for example: E-commerce sites can immediately provide shipping cost estimation and inform product availability from local retailersNews sites can provide localized headlines and weather report.Daily deal sites (like Disdus) can provide offers and discounts available from user’s local stores or restaurants.Movie sites can listed the ‘Now Playing’ movies in nearby theatres, etc In the past, to retrieve user location, we might need to provide a list of locations for users to opt-in, or rely on the device IP address to make a rough estimation of their location.

Polyfill para input type time – TimePikr. ThemergencyThemergency. FooTable is a jQuery plugin that aims to make HTML tables on smaller devices look awesome - No matter how many columns of data you may have in them. FancyBox - Fancy jQuery Lightbox Alternative. Tapmodo/Jcrop. Jcrop Image Cropping Demos. API feature demonstration. Use the interface above to active features using the API. This allows you to manipulate different settings and see how the cropping widget behaves in response. Welcome to TypeScript.

TouchSwipe: a jQuery plugin for touch and gesture-based interaction. Aplicaciones web con múltiples idiomas en Javascript. iLightBox · Revolutionary Lightbox Plugin. Menú desplegable con jQuery en 5 minutos. Flot: Attractive JavaScript plotting for jQuery. The free tooltip. Hammer.js — A javascript library for multi touch gestures. Parallax Tools and Techniques.

The parallax effect has been around for a while and since we noticed that our readers really like the technique, we decided to gather a few tools and tutorials to help you implement parallax scrolling in your own projects. This effect creates an illusion of depth and movement in the screen, and if well applied, can result in an engaging experience for the user. Like any other effect, the key is moderation. Simple smart sticky navigation bar with jQuery. It’s been a while since I posted tutorial article. In this post, I will show you how to create a smart sticky navigation bar easily with just few lines of Javascript codes, powered by the mighty jQuery.

Smart sticky navigation bar is a bar that sits at its original place above the fold, but when you start scrolling down the long page, it will sticks at the top of the browser window and follows, similar to IGN’s corporate website’s navigation bar. Continue reading out the demo and the codes after the break. Demo Check out the demo! Tutorial For this tutorial, we are going to use HTML, CSS and jQuery. Tooltipster - The jQuery Tooltip Plugin.

Styling your tooltips with a custom look ⇑ 20 JavaScript Frameworks Worth Checking Out. Accounting.js - format money / currency in JavaScript. 7 plugins jQuery que te harán el trabajo más simple. 66+ Open Source JavaScript Game Engine for Serious Developers. Javascript is not only welcomed by the web developer or designers, but also more and more mobile device(Such iPad, iPhone, Android etc) oriented developers, we can easily build many amazing games with HTML(5) + Javascript + CSS. Below is a list of JavaScript Game Engine for serious developers, include general, 3D, Animation, Canvas, Math, Color, Sound, WebGL etc. Raphaël—JavaScript Library. QUnit, testeando nuestras aplicaciones Javascript. QUnit es una completa suite para testear nuestras aplicaciones Javascript desarrollada por el jQuery Team.

Consola de Firebug al detalle. Using jQuery To Manipulate and Filter Data. Moment.js - A lightweight javascript date library.