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Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern. In the Java community there's been a rush of lightweight containers that help to assemble components from different projects into a cohesive application.

Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern

Underlying these containers is a common pattern to how they perform the wiring, a concept they refer under the very generic name of "Inversion of Control". In this article I dig into how this pattern works, under the more specific name of "Dependency Injection", and contrast it with the Service Locator alternative. The choice between them is less important than the principle of separating configuration from use. One of the entertaining things about the enterprise Java world is the huge amount of activity in building alternatives to the mainstream J2EE technologies, much of it happening in open source. A lot of this is a reaction to the heavyweight complexity in the mainstream J2EE world, but much of it is also exploring alternatives and coming up with creative ideas. Components and Services A Naive Example class MovieLister... Automated code reviews with Checkstyle, Part 2.

Checkstyle makes it easy to automate code reviews once the code has been committed, but wouldn't it be better if programming errors never made it that far? In this second half of "Automated code reviews with Checkstyle," authors ShriKant Vashishtha and Abhishek Gupta show you how to be proactive about code quality. Find out how to use Checkstyle's custom rules to enforce code standards and catch mistakes -- long before code is committed to your code base. Level: Intermediate In the first half of this article, you learned how easy it is to create and use custom Checkstyle rules for automated code reviews. The solution we presented in that article was only partial, however: it offers custom rules but no mechanism for keeping faulty code out of your code base. The first example is based on a custom Eclipse plugin, which displays a warning when it spots a problematic line of code. We'll start with building the custom Eclipse plugin to handle custom checks.

Listing 1. Listing 2. Listing 3. Automated code reviews with Checkstyle, Part 1. Code reviews are essential to code quality, but no team wants to review tens of thousands of lines of code, or should have to. In this two-part article, ShriKant Vashishtha and Abhishek Gupta show you how to overcome the challenges associated with code reviews by automating them. Find out why Checkstyle is one of the most popular tools used for code review automation, then learn how to quickly enhance its built-in rules with custom ones just for your project. Level: Intermediate If you've worked on a large-scale project you know first-hand the value of an automated code review. Really big projects require the input of hundreds of programmers, often geographically dispersed and with great differences in skill level. In many cases, a QA team is assigned to review this code manually, based on coding standards used as guidelines for development. Smart teams don't do code reviews manually: instead they rely on source code analyzers like Checkstyle, PMD, and JTest.

Vanilla #Java. Computing. Security. Web. Web Development. SOURCE SAMPLES CSS PHP JAVA JQUERY AJAX. Javascript. jQuery. Standards, Validation, Optimization, Testing & QA. Java. Functional programming. Code quality. Agile Testing. Unittesting. Test Driven Development. Mocks não são Stubs. Última atualização significante: 02 de Janeiro de 2007 O termo 'Mock Objects' tornou-se popular para descrever um caso especial de objetos que imitam objetos reais para teste.

Mocks não são Stubs

A maioria das linguagens de ambiente agora tem frameworks que facilitam a criação de mock objects. O que muitas vezes não é realizado, entretanto, é o que mock objects são, mas uma forma de objeto de teste em um caso especial, uma forma que permite um estilo diferente de teste. Neste artigo eu explicarei como os mock objects funcionam, como eles fazem testes baseado na verificação de comportamento e como a comunidade em torno dele usam para desenvolver um estilo diferente de teste. Para ler o artigo original escrito por Martin Fowler clique aqui. A primeira vez que me deparei com o termo 'mock object' foi há alguns anos na comunidade XP. Mas apesar disso, no geral eu tenho visto poucas boas descrições sobre mock objects. A diferença é, na verdade, duas diferenças separadas. Voltar ao topo Testes Regulares TDD Dirigido.


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