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Facebook Twitter Fim do release por e-mail: mito ou fato? Detalhes Publicado em Quarta, 05 Junho 2013 23:35 Escrito por Rodrigo Azevedo (*) E você, profissional de assessoria ou de redação, o que pensa a respeito?

Fim do release por e-mail: mito ou fato?

Olá, pessoal. Resolvi me dedicar a escrever aqui no Comunique-se algumas ideias e polêmicas.


Mundo. 5 qualifications The New York Times should require of its next public editor. The New York Times is in the market for a new public editor.

5 qualifications The New York Times should require of its next public editor

Erik Wemple broke the news yesterday that current public editor Arthur Brisbane will end his term this fall after two years. (Brisbane said it was his choice to not seek the option for a third year.) Brisbane is the fourth public editor in the paper’s history, following Clark Hoyt, Byron Calame and Daniel Okrent. If you look at the backgrounds and qualifications of those who’ve held the position, many similarities jump out.

For example: All have held very senior positions at publications.All had roughly two decades of publishing experience prior to being named public editor.All were at least middle age or older at the time of hiring.All are white males. These four points are interconnected. This isn’t to bash experienced white males. Commencement speeches from journalists: ‘We love what we do. We love what we do’ Winners to watch for when Pulitzer Prizes are announced Monday. With its once-plentiful Pulitzer Prize juror leaks now plugged, handicapping the year’s premier journalism awards is harder these days.

Winners to watch for when Pulitzer Prizes are announced Monday

To predict who and what will win Pulitzer stardom now involves scanning what most think of as lesser constellations: contests younger than the 96-year-old Pulitzers with winners already announced. Among those winners, one often finds work with that special glow that the Pulitzer board loves. Secrecy pervades the Pulitzer organization, whose journalist-jurors met the last weekend in February at Columbia University, which administers the prizes.

So there will have been relatively little buzz when Pulitzer administrator Sig Gissler steps into the Graduate School of Journalism’s fabled World Room at 3 p.m. Monday to announce winners and finalists in the 14 journalism categories, along with seven for arts, letters and music. Few could count out these winners of the most lucrative competitions, either: Estágio – Dicas Para Quem Quer Ser Um Bom Profissional em Jornalismo « Guia do Emprego. Divergências adiam votação de regimento da Pós-Graduação. Alunos pedem que novo regimento da pós-graduação seja discutido por mais seis meses; votação ficou para o dia 25 de abril Na última quarta-feira (28), estudantes da USP se reuniram em um ato-protesto na frente do prédio da reitoria contra a aprovação do novo regimento de pós-graduação.

A concentração começou às 9h30, enquanto chegavam ao local membros do Conselho de Pós-Graduação (CoPGr) que participariam da discussão e, possivelmente, votação, do documento. A proposta retirada da Assembléia Geral dos Estudantes de Pós-Graduação do campus Butantã do dia 21 de março é a de que as discussões acerca do regimento sejam prorrogadas por, no mínimo, mais seis meses, transferindo a votação para o final deste semestre ou início do próximo. Em ato-protesto, alunos reiteram que são necessárias mais discussões sobre o novo regimento (foto: Jéssika Morandi) Mesmo com essas mudanças, muitos pontos da nova proposta ainda são polêmicos. Projecto Jornalismo e Sociedade (PJS)


Escrever. Top 50 Journalism Blogs. If you have uploaded photographs to an online news source, or if you have become an ‘iReporter’ or a citizen who reports on various events for a news service, you might have become enamored with journalism.

Top 50 Journalism Blogs

On the other hand, if you are a seasoned journalist, you may have become disillusioned in how this field has changed over the past decade. With the changes wrought by online venues and phones that can report instant messages and photographs, many amateur and professional journalists alike are asking, “What is a journalist, and where is this field headed?” One way to gain perspective on this writing genre is to read what other journalists are saying about this field. Their first-hand accounts of changes within journalism, including topics such as ethics, technology and the format for journalistic writing, can be found in journalists’ blogs.

Jornalismo Científico

Internet. Jornais Universitários. Story ideas and resources for covering your local economy. Viewers and readers say they want more news about the economy. I suspect most journalists have no idea how much data they could mine that speaks directly to those readers/listeners/viewers. Look at this menu from the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics website. The government tracks everything from union membership, mass layoffs, overall unemployment, state employment, hourly earnings to the value of car quality and the value of health care benefits.

Let’s look at a few of the most quoted reports: The Consumer Price Index: The CPI is a month-by-month data tracking of “changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services.” If you do not include energy prices, or, say, drug prices, are you getting a real picture of inflation on the consumer level? The CPI is not just some geeky goodness. The Producer Price Index: The PPI “measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output.