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Brasil é 4º pior em ranking de felicidade da OCDE. São Paulo – O Brasil foi o quarto pior colocado e ficou na 33ª posição, de um total de 36, no ranking que mede bem-estar, progresso e felicidade da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE).

Brasil é 4º pior em ranking de felicidade da OCDE

A Austrália conquistou o pódio pelo terceiro ano seguido. O Brasil ficou a frente de Chile, Turquia e México. No ano passado, o país havia conquistado o 34º lugar, mas passou o Chile e subiu na lista formada pelos 34 membros da OCDE, em sua maioria desenvolvidos, e dois parceiros: Brasil e Rússia. Foram considerados 11 indicadores, incluindo os mais diretos, como educação, saúde, emprego, renda e meio ambiente (poluição e qualidade da água), aos mais subjetivos, como satisfação de vida, comunidade (ajudar amigos e estranhos em caso de necessidade) e engajamento cívico (confiança no poder público). Livro tenta provar que existe a possibilidade de conciliar muito trabalho com pouco stress. O seu estilo de vida já foi projetado. Estou de volta ao mundo do trabalho.

O seu estilo de vida já foi projetado

Mercado - Trabalhar 12 h não prejudica só a vida pessoal e a saúde, mas também as empresas - 18/03/2013. O sábio chinês Lao-tse escreveu há 2.500 anos: "Aquele que se apega ao trabalho não cria nada que perdure.

Mercado - Trabalhar 12 h não prejudica só a vida pessoal e a saúde, mas também as empresas - 18/03/2013

Empregos e bolsas para jornalistas. My Top 5 Biggest Freelancing Mistakes. Work Smarter with Evernote in 2013 - Alexandra Samuel. By Alexandra Samuel | 1:40 PM December 18, 2012 Look back on 2012 and what do you remember?

Work Smarter with Evernote in 2013 - Alexandra Samuel

Probably the biggest, and most recent events. Sure, you remember the details of your meetings last week…and the major accomplishments in your third quarter report…and hey, wasn’t that a great restaurant you went to during your August vacation. But what was the name of that restaurant? And what was that book you read while you were on vacation — the one that had inspired you with a new idea for work, if only you could remember it? 2012 can be the last year you forget if you make 2013 the year you commit to using a digital notebook like Evernote. What would it mean to work smarter with Evernote in 2013? January: Focus on your top goals for the year by setting up an Evernote notebook for each of your major projects or areas of responsibility. March: If you’re still having trouble letting go of that paper notebook, don’t give up on the benefits of having everything searchable and in one place.

9 dicas para se desenvolver e ter motivação. Por uma cultura de participação — Networking de qualidade. Start Something: How to Successfully Fund Your Passion Project on Kickstarter. This is a guest post from Brett Henley of I Am Convicted.

Start Something: How to Successfully Fund Your Passion Project on Kickstarter

Brett has a very important message that I hope you’ll pay close attention to. It’s a story about the reality of the American prison system, and what we can do to begin changing it. It’s hardly a popular topic. But it’s a message that desperately needs to be heard. Brett has launched a Kickstarter project to fund the book he’s currently writing. Work Style. 50 Tricks to Get Things Done Faster, Better, and More Easily - S. How to Overcome Distractions. Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Eric Klein of Imagine a professional basketball player stepping up to the free throw line.

How to Overcome Distractions

He bounces the ball a few times before looking to the basket. Above the rim, through the plexi-glass backboard, he can see row upon row of people shouting and waving. And they’re not shouting encouragement. They’re trying to distract him from making the shot. He can’t make them stop. » 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin, famously “Put no trust in the benefits to accrue from early rising, as set forth by the infatuated Franklin …” – Mark Twain By Leo Babauta Recently, reader Rob asked me about my habit of waking at 4:30 a.m. each day, and asked me to write about the health benefits of rising early, which I thought was an excellent question.

» 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It

Unfortunately, there are none, that I know of. However, there are a ton of other great benefits. Now, let me first say that if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that’s great. Greet the day. How to Become an Early Riser Don’t make drastic changes. Stop Writing Project Proposals. Advertisement Many companies try to create a great experience for customers.

Stop Writing Project Proposals

But few are willing to make the changes required to deliver on that promise. In fact most don’t even realize just how bad their experience can be. This is why we made a new book called “User Experience Revolution,” a practical battle plan for placing the user at the heart of your company. Get the book now! After several grueling days I had finally finished the proposal.