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The Asteroid Mining Company – Opportunities. Best Android tablets. Freelance writing from Ask the Nature Editor forum on Nature Network. Welcome, Christian.

Freelance writing from Ask the Nature Editor forum on Nature Network

There are basically two kinds of “freelance” writing one can do for a Nature jouranal (to which I’ll limit myself, as the subject of this forum). One is to write “News and Views”, Essays, Book reviews and so on – short articles about a scientific paper, book or some idea-focused piece. For our journals, these articles are commissioned from researchers, probably on the basis of their track record of previous publications. The other is freelance journalism – news pieces. Of the Nature journals, Nature, Nature Medicine and Nature Biotechnology have news sections, and editors who commission journalists to write pieces. In both types of writing, it is not likely you’d get a chance for a Nature journal until you have a body of work published.

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Known Space: The Future Worlds of Larry Niven

Love Jr, a long-standing subscriber, and frequent contributor, to the Larry Niven mail list. At the 1998 Worldcon in Baltimore I attended several of the panels on the use of science fiction in education (and the importance of luring a steady influx of young readers into SF) and was inspired to do something. I had several ideas, but the first to come to fruition was to speak at the Johns Hopkins University Society of Physics Students about "Physics in Science Fiction". Each week at this group's meetings they have a guest speaker talk about some aspect of physics; since I live nearby and use my physics education in my daily work, I'd spoken there twice before. My goal was to pick a few concepts and structures from science fiction that were interesting yet simple enough to analyze with freshmen physics.

And Good afternoon. 21 Pictures that Sum Up the Whole History of Science Fiction. "2.

21 Pictures that Sum Up the Whole History of Science Fiction

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