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Equations Are Art inside a Mathematician’s Brain. When mathematicians describe equations as beautiful, they are not lying. Brain scans show that their minds respond to beautiful equations in the same way other people respond to great paintings or masterful music. The finding could bring neuroscientists closer to understanding the neural basis of beauty, a concept that is surprisingly hard to define. In the study, researchers led by Semir Zeki of University College London asked 16 mathematicians to rate 60 equations on a scale ranging from "ugly" to "beautiful. " Two weeks later, the mathematicians viewed the same equations and rated them again while lying inside a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. "It doesn't sing," Adams says.

*Correction (03/27/14): An earlier version of this story stated that the study was published in the journal Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. Flipping pancakes with mathematics | Simon Singh | Science. How many flips are needed to order a pile of pancakes? Photograph: RF Food Shots/Alamy Today marks 80th birthday of Jacob E Goodman, a mathematician at the City College of New York. If Professor Goodman's name does not ring any bells, then maybe you know him better by his pseudonym, Harry Dweighter. No? Confused? Wondering why a mathematician needs to disguise his identity? In around 1975, Goodman was at home folding towels for his wife. He recalls how a curious problem crossed his mind: "How many flips would I need in the worst case? Thus the so-called pancake sorting problem was born.

Jacob Goodman, who likes maths with his pancakes This is how the problem was posed: The chef in our place is sloppy, and when he prepares a stack of pancakes they come out all different sizes. To understand the problem, we can try to work out the number of flips required for three pancakes. The first stack is trivial, because it arrives in the correct order, hence zero flips. L'incroyable succès de fausses études scientifiques générées par informatique. JARGON. Totalement dénuées de sens mais présentant l'aspect et le jargon des publications spécialisées, des dizaines "d'études" d'aspect scientifique avaient pourtant été acceptées, entre 2008 et 2013, à des conférences sur les sciences de l'informatique et l'ingénierie. Et les compte-rendus ont ensuite été publiés par l'éditeur allemand Springer pour ses abonnés. Ce dernier a annoncé jeudi 27 février qu'il retirait de ses archives 16 de ces faux grossiers.

"Nous sommes en train de retirer tous les papiers, aussi vite que possible (...) car il s'agit d'un tissu d'absurdités", précise le texte adressé par l'éditeur à l'AFP. Un générateur aléatoire d'études "Nous examinons nos procédures pour trouver les failles qui ont permis à une telle chose de se produire (...) Spécialiste de la "fouille de texte", M. Bref, un papier présentant à première vue tous les critères d'une authentique étude. Plus cité qu'Einstein TURING ET SCHRÖDINGER. "PLUS AUTHENTIQUE". Pour tester le système, M. Richard Rogers designs $50K flatpack homes for the homeless. In 1971 the firm of Piano + Rogers won the competition to build what became Paris's Pompidou Centre, one of the most important buildings of the 20th century, an icon of high-tech and prefabrication.

They split up in 1977, yet seem to have continued on parallel paths. Last year Renzo Piano showed his lovely little high tech mini-house; now Richard Rogers shows that he can do mini-houses too, with his design for a 300 square foot low-cost prefabricated house, the Y-Cube, designed for the British YMCA. © Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners It is designed as short term transitional housing for people moving on from hostels. Archdaily quotes: “The beauty is that the units can be moved off site as quickly as they are installed,” says Andy Redfearn of the YMCA, “as we operate on short-term leases – we expect people to stay [in the Y-Cube] for between three to five years, giving them time to skill up and save for a deposit.”

The Guardian gives more information about the construction technology: The Science of Pomato Plants and Fruit Salad Trees | Brainwaves. A Photoshopped image of an ideal, but improbable, fruit salad tree (Credit: Adapted from various Wikimedia images by Guety, Fir0002/Flagstaffotos, Tobias and MikeyMoose) In an episode of Matt Groening’s animated science fiction sitcom Futurama, Leela offers her friend Fry an unusual housewarming gift: a bonsai tree sprouting tiny bananas, melons and plums. “It’s a miniature fruit salad tree,” she explains. Here’s the thing: fruit salad trees are real. In Australia, James and Kerry West grow and sell four types of fruit salad trees, each of which bears several different kinds of fruit. In an online video, Kerry West explains how her husband James created their first fruit salad trees more than twenty years ago by learning the craft of grafting.

Grafting unites the tissues of two or more plants so that they grow and function as a single plant. Click to enlarge (Credit: Ferris Jabr; adapted from photo by J.smith, via Wikimedia Commons) “In Florida, most orange trees have lemon roots. Threatened Trees | Global Trees. Your Memory May Be Edited. Our memories are inaccurate, more than we’d like to believe. And now a study demonstrates one reason: we apparently add current experiences onto memories. Study subjects examined the location of objects on a computer screen against a background of an underwater ocean scene. Researchers then showed the subjects a fresh screen with a different background, this time a photo of farmland. And the subjects had to place an object in the same position it was in on the original screen.

And they always placed the object in the wrong position. The researchers note that recent and easily retrievable information “can overwrite what was there to begin with.” —Christie Nicholson [The above text is a transcript of this podcast.] Dans l'ombre de Copé, l'ascension fulgurante et controversée de Bastien Millot. Partager C'est une amitié de vingt ans qui se retrouve aujourd'hui sous le feu des projecteurs. Dans une enquête de huit pages publiée dans son édition du jeudi 27 février, l'hebdomadaire Le Point accuse le président de l'UMP, Jean-François Copé, d'avoir fait appel à une agence de communication appartenant à deux de ses proches, dont son ancien directeur de cabinet, Bastien Millot, pour l'organisation de meetings de Nicolas Sarkozy en 2012.

Des événements que la société en question, Bygmalion, aurait largement surfacturés, le tout aux frais de l'UMP. La naissance de l'histoire entre Jean-François Copé et Bastien Millot remonte au début des années 1990. Originaire d'un hameau près de Saint-Quentin (Aisne), petit-fils d'agriculteurs, fils d'un père cultivateur et d'une mère employée à La Redoute, Millot est un élève brillant. En 2001, Bastien Millot franchit une nouvelle étape. Pourtant, en 2004, les premiers nuages apparaissent au-dessus de Bastien Millot. Embrace Your Inner Eccentric. The Brain’s Inner Language. Embrace Your Inner Eccentric. John McNally's top 10 true or false science facts | Children's books. My latest book Infinity Drake and the Sons of Scarlatti is the first in a new series of adventure thrillers in which the hero, Finn, gets caught up with his mad scientist uncle in a secret race to destroy an escaped bio-weapon – the Scarlatti Wasp – before it destroys life on earth.

Just another day in the life of an average 12-year-old. But… a pitiless trillionaire terrorist sabotages the project and Finn gets shrunk to 9mm and finds himself way behind enemy lines with a couple of soldiers and bunch of weapons – missing, presumed dead. The thrill-a-minute consequences contain some stunning action and some stunning science. But how much of that science is fiction and how much fact? Check out my top 10 true or false crazy science "facts" and see how if you know the difference between them! You can follow me on Twitter @McJNally. True or false: 1. True. 2. False. In World War Two the Japanese dropped infected fleas over China to spread cholera, killing nearly half a million people. 3. True. All trees need good care to grow well. Many trees planted by farmers never grow to maturity due to lack of proper management. Baobab | Issue 62 | June 2011 The rainy season is also the time for planting trees.

The first step in any tree planting exercise is to know the types of trees to be planted in every part of the farm. A wise farmer should have a variety of trees in their farm. These can include fodder trees, fruits trees and even trees to provide the farm with shade, firewood and timber in the future. Choice of trees Trees such as eucalyptus and pines should be planted away from crops and water sources because they affect crop growth and take up a lot of water. The best trees to plant with crops are Grevillea and leguminous trees that fix nitrogen into the soil.

Farmers can buy seedlings of these tree species from private nurseries near them or from the nearest forest station in their region. Spacing Before you plant the seedlings, decide how far apart one tree should be from the next using the following guidelines: Watering. ‘At Berkeley,’ a Documentary by Frederick Wiseman. Web Film & Video: Helmut Herbst. Un rapprochement entre sciences de l'homme et de la société et neurosciences est-il possible ? Le cas de la personne humaine.

Sound, light and water waves and how scientists worked out the mathematics | Science | The Observer. You're reading these words because light waves are bouncing off the letters on the page and into your eyes. The sounds of the rustling paper or beeps of your computer reach your ear via compression waves travelling through the air. Waves race across the surface of our seas and oceans and earthquakes send waves coursing through the fabric of the Earth.

As different as they all seem, all of these waves have something in common – they are all oscillations that carry energy from one place to another. The physical manifestation of a wave is familiar – a material (water, metal, air etc) deforms back and forth around a fixed point. Think of the ripples on the surface of a pond when you throw in a stone. Sound waves are known as "longitudinal" because the medium in which they travel – air, water or whatever else – vibrates in the same direction as the wave itself. The one-dimensional wave equation (pictured) describes how much any material is displaced, over time, as the wave proceeds. Aujourd'hui, c'est le moment de mesurer votre amour... de manière scientifique. Ce soir, vous allez emmener votre petit ami ou votre petite amie au restaurant, au cinéma, à un dîner en tête à tête, à la lueur des chandelles, petite musique douce de fond, ambiance tamisée, chuchotements et effleurements des mains sur la nappe.

Vous allez lui déclarer votre flamme, ou la raviver. Et elle (ou il) vous croira. Mais dans le fond, vous ne pourrez empêcher une petite voix de murmurer à votre oreille: "que vaut votre amour? " Ou plutôt, combien vaut-il? C'est le moment de regarder la vérité en face. Et je connais une adresse pour cela. 450 Serra Mall, Building 420 Stanford, CA 94305. Si vous faites le voyage, vous arriverez devant un joli bâtiment en briques marron. Ne soyez pas étonné, il s'agit du Centre d'imagerie cognitive et neurobiologique de de Stanford, en Californie, et vous vous laisserez guider jusqu'au centre d'un scanner qui mesure directement l'activité de votre cerveau lorsque vous pensez à la personne aimée. Voir la vidéo Vous avez bien lu. J'ai deux réserves.

Plants and the Human Brain - Why humans think like insects. Similarities between human and insect brains could be the reason why humans are attracted to plant-derived chemicals, such as tea, coffee, tobacco and drugs, according to a new book. Professor David Kennedy, of Northumbria University, Newcastle, believes his new book, Plants and the Human Brain, answers the question as to why human brains are affected by plant chemicals. Despite many studies into how plant-derived chemicals interact with the brain and affect our behaviour, mood, mental and physical functions, there has been little research into why these chemicals have these effects at all. Professor Kennedy, Director of Northumbria University’s Brain Performance and Nutrition Research Centre, believes that similarities between human and insect brains can explain why humans are affected by and, in some cases, attracted to plant-derived chemicals.

“Humans have a long and close relationship with plant-derived chemicals that alter brain function. Plants and the Human Brain, by David O. LAD couvert la théorie du genre chez les ours. On n'en sourit plus tant la charge contre une littérature de jeunesse libre devient inquiétante en France avec les histoires de "théorie du genre" incriminant le roman à quatre mains de Thomas Gornet et Anne Percin, "Le jour du slip/Je porte la culotte" (Rouergue) l'autre semaine et la sortie récente de Jean-François Copé (président de l'UMP) contre l'album "Tous à poil" de Marc Daniau et Claire Franek (Rouergue).

Des tentatives de censure qui rappellent les épisodes précédents avec, dans les rôles principaux, Marie-Claude Monchaux et son ouvrage "Écrits pour nuire" incriminant notamment le roman de l'Américain Robert Cormier "La guerre des chocolats" (L'école des loisirs, 1984, aujourd'hui sélectionné par le Ministère français de l'éducation nationale), Louis Pauwels qui la présentait dans "Le Figaro" du 24 mai 1985, le FN contre la bibliothèque d'Orange à la même époque. Pour refaire l'historique des deux affaires en cours. Pour avancer, la réflexion de Claude Ponti. "Le droit d'auteur est-il une parenthèse dans l'histoire ?" Roger Chartier. Origine : Le droit d'auteur apparaît aujourd'hui comme une évidence.

Mais comment s'est-il imposé ? La première véritable législation en France est la législation révolutionnaire de 1791, reprise en 1 793. C'est un compromis qui traduit la préhistoire de la propriété littéraire. Et, de l'autre, les efforts de longue durée d'écrivains comme Diderot, ou de dramaturges comme Beaumarchais, pour faire reconnaître le principe de la propriété première, originelle des auteurs sur leurs oeuvres. La législation révolutionnaire reconnaît la propriété des auteurs et de leurs ayants droit, mais elle limite la durée de celle-ci de façon qu'une fois tombée dans le domaine public l'oeuvre puisse être publiée par qui le veut. La possibilité de vivre de sa plume marque-t-elle une rupture ?

Une grande rupture puisque, pendant longtemps, la cession d'une oeuvre à un libraire éditeur n'était pas rétribuée par de l'argent. Non. Sound, light and water waves and how scientists worked out the mathematics | Science | The Observer. You're reading these words because light waves are bouncing off the letters on the page and into your eyes. The sounds of the rustling paper or beeps of your computer reach your ear via compression waves travelling through the air.

Waves race across the surface of our seas and oceans and earthquakes send waves coursing through the fabric of the Earth. As different as they all seem, all of these waves have something in common – they are all oscillations that carry energy from one place to another. The physical manifestation of a wave is familiar – a material (water, metal, air etc) deforms back and forth around a fixed point.

Think of the ripples on the surface of a pond when you throw in a stone. Sound waves are known as "longitudinal" because the medium in which they travel – air, water or whatever else – vibrates in the same direction as the wave itself. The one-dimensional wave equation (pictured) describes how much any material is displaced, over time, as the wave proceeds. Lettre de Descartes à Chanut : « On a distingué deux sortes d'amours : l'une qu'on nomme amour de bienveillance, en laquelle ce désir ne paraît pas tant, et l'autre qu'on nomme amour de concupiscence, laquelle n'est qu'un désir fort violent, fondé sur un.

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Origine de la vie : nouvelle version de l’expérience de Miller-Urey. Does 1+2+3… Really Equal -1/12? | Roots of Unity. Pas de veille efficace sans stratégie claire. MIND Reviews: The Aesthetic Brain. Chagny | Démystifier le vocabulaire du vin. Les biais de la mise en données de l’histoire: lecture d’un article de Ian Milligan. Martin Routh, born 1755, caught on camera at Magdalen College. The 10 most subversive women artists in history | Art and design. Les biais de la mise en données de l’histoire: lecture d’un article de Ian Milligan. The World of Big Data, Part 1. Google Data Chief Says ‘Flawed’ EU Privacy Law Is Dead. Le rat des livres et le rat d’écran. De l’accumulation des connaissances à l’intelligence des connaissances. The library of the future. Le rôle stratégique des bibliothèques dans l’appropriation du numérique.

De l’accumulation des connaissances à l’intelligence des connaissances. De l’accumulation des connaissances à l’intelligence des connaissances. L’organisation des bibliothèques nationales à l’épreuve du numérique. Le livre numérique. Les indicateurs de qualité pour les bibliothèques nationales. Les indicateurs de qualité pour les bibliothèques nationales. De l’intérêt des bibliothèques nationales pour l’Open Access. L’organisation des bibliothèques nationales à l’épreuve du numérique. L’organisation des bibliothèques nationales à l’épreuve du numérique. Scientists tell us their favourite jokes: 'An electron and a positron walked into a bar…' | Science | The Observer. Industrie culturelle et corruption, par Jérémie Zimmermann | Le blog de Margaux Duquesne. Année 2013, un an de lois et règlements touchant au numérique. Internet libre, ou Minitel 2.0 ? Pour une autre innovation. Notre Mai-68 numérique est devenu un grille-pain fasciste.

Notre Mai-68 numérique est devenu un grille-pain fasciste.