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Google 图片搜索 的结果. Healthy Diet & Living : Having a Healthy Active Lifestyle - Coca‑Cola GB. There is increasing concern about obesity worldwide.

Healthy Diet & Living : Having a Healthy Active Lifestyle - Coca‑Cola GB

There are many factors involved, but the fundamental cause in most cases is an imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. At Coca‑Cola, our goal is to help people understand the importance of energy balance - balancing calories in, with calories out - by combining a sensible balanced diet with regular physical activity. Use our Work It Out Calculator to balance the calories in your favourite Coca‑Cola drink with those used up by popular exercises, pastimes and household tasks.

Get activeGetting active doesn't have to mean strenuous exercise (although that's great if you can manage it). Everything we do, even gardening and cleaning the house, burns at least a few calories, which can add up to significant amounts of calories burned if achieved on a regular basis. Look at your optionsAll our drinks can be included as part of a healthy, active lifestyle that includes a sensible, balanced diet and regular physical activity. Coca Cola's Amy Laski explains why Coke is great!

What a heart warming story.

Coca Cola's Amy Laski explains why Coke is great!

In a response to Dan Gardner's excellent column that called out Olympic sponsorships like Coca Cola and McDonald's as an anathema to the spirit of healthy living, Coca Cola's Canadian Communication Manager Amy Laski wrote a letter to the editor that detailed why Coke is great and why Coca Cola couldn't possibly be a player in obesity. Her first argument? Coca Cola has been sponsoring the Olympics since 1928 but obesity rates really only started their spectacular rise in the very early 70s.

Clearly if Coke's sponsorship of the Olympics had an impact on obesity, we should have seen obesity rates rise in the 30s and onwards. Now that's a brilliant argument isn't it? Next Amy tells us that between 1999 and 2008 people consumed fewer soft drinks while at the same time physical activity dropped and so it couldn't be soft drinks and it must be inactivity that's led to rising obesity rates, right? What happens if you drink a can of Coke daily for a year? Greenpeace, Nestlé in battle over Kit Kat viral. The 60-second clip ends with a play on Kit Kat's famous slogan: "Have a break?

Greenpeace, Nestlé in battle over Kit Kat viral

Give orangutans a break. " Clip ends with play on Kit Kat's famous slogan: "Have a break? Give orangutan's a break"Greenpeace: Nestlé buys palm oil produced from destroyed rainforest homes of orangutansNestlé said it asked YouTube to remove clip for copyright reasonsThe food giant denied buying palm oil from an unsustainable producer in Indonesia (CNN) -- A video clip which shows an office worker opening a Kit Kat chocolate bar and finding an orangutan's finger has been re-posted on video-sharing Web site YouTube, a day after it was removed at the request of food giant Nestlé.

The viral campaign, which parodies a Kit Kat television commercial, was intended by Greenpeace to highlight how Nestlé buys palm oil -- a key ingredient in many of its products -- produced from the destroyed rainforest homes of the last orangutans in Indonesia. Watch the Greenpeace video Gallery: Indonesia's burning season. The Body Shop的5大核心理念. Against Animal Testing 反对动物实验 当 The Body Shop由企业家安妮塔˙罗迪克创立之初,我们始终反对动 物测试化妆品。

The Body Shop的5大核心理念

我们不但自己不做动物测试,并以其它科技方法代替, 更对原料供货商严格审核控管,绝不采购经过动物测试的成份。 从最早的护理皮肤? 品系列到后来开发的护发和化妆用品, The BodyShop产品开发始终坚持的原则就是崇尚自然。 即坚持用纯天然的原料来制造各种化妆品和护肤产品, 一直到今天,TheBody Shop把这一宗旨视为公司发展和建立品牌的纲领。 什么是动物测试? 例如将东西滴到兔子的眼睛里,看看会不会失明,或将黄金鼠背上的毛 剃掉,抹上化学成份,或强迫喂老鼠过多的食物,以测试毒性作用。 THE BODY SHOP 怎么做到 “不用动物测试”? 我们使用天然的成份,及具有一定安全性的历史经验,来制造商品,必要时利用微生物分析法─计算机仿真培养皿,并请志工全程严格观察测试反应。 THE BODY SHOP 如何呼吁? 创办人安妮塔更是积极透过活动宣导,终于在美体小铺及其企业伙伴的 努力呼吁下,期间获得不少化妆品工业、及消费者支持。 Support Community trade 社区公平贸易 “我们和这些社区进行交易,并不只是为了要为The Body Shop创造新 产品或市场。 The Body Shop的社区公平交易是从20世纪80年代后期从安妮塔在世界 旅行期间,与遇见的社区定下公平互惠的贸易关系开始。 什么是社区公平交易? 社区公平交易是一项长期的采购计划,用来长期支持一些需要帮助的 一些贫穷、缺乏资源的部落、组织、甚至无业游民组成的团体,以公 平的价格购买当地的原料或手工杂货。 目前有多少个社区贸易供应者,而且他们在那里被找到? 我们在全世界共有23个国家供应者与36个社区,从澳洲到尚比亚。 如何确定供货商是否获益 ˙在社会或经济上处于弱势 ˙能全心投入并可由交易中获益 ˙在上生产上能实际作业 ˙能够建立有益主要制作生产者的交易关系 ˙对其社会和经济上有益,且制造其产品或过程中能生生不息 The Body Shop全球共有1800多家分店,因此采购能力惊人,而且我 们希望我们的交易能够为当地社区创造改变,而且是双重改变─不 只是在经济上,更要取之于社会,用之社会。

Activate Self Esteem 唤醒自觉意识.